Simon de Montfort and King Henry III Flashcards
Who was Simon de Montfort?
A baron.
What kind of family did de Montfort come from?
An aristocratic family, one of the first to come to England from Normandy.
What did Simon try do in 1229?
Reclaim family land he had lost to the king by approaching him.
What was the first job Henry gave to de Montfort?
A steward - dealt with king’s finances and estates.
Who did Simon marry?
Henry’s sister, Eleanor.
What did marrying the King’s sister give to de Montfort?
Wealth and opportunities.
From when did de Montfort have the role as Earl of Liecester?
From 1239 until his death.
How did de Montfort die?
Fighting against the King in the Battle of Evesham.
Henry’s links with where created financial problems in England?
Which Pope had Henry increased payments to, and why?
Pope Innocent IV, to help him fight wars in Europe.
What 2 things happened as a result of Henry failing to pay the promised money to the Pope 4 years later?
-Another Pope, Alexander IV, threatened to ex-communicate Henry
-The Pope suggested that Henry’s brother, Richard, become Holy Roman Emperor.
What was Henry’s brother called?
What important job did the Holy Roman Emperor have?
To bring part of Europe under the control of the Pope.
What happened as a result of Henry finally paying for the Sicilian war?
An increase in taxes for the barons.
Who did Henry give top jobs in English churches to? What did this mean?
Italian clergy were given these jobs to stop English men being promoted. This made the barons increasingly angry by Henry’s subservience to the Pope.
What country did Henry have close ties with which alarmed the barons?
Who was Henry’s advisor?
Peter de Roches, a French man.
Henry raised taxes to fund campaigns to do what?
Win back the land his father had lost in France.
When did Henry take his army to Brittany and Gascony to try win back the land in France?
What happened in Brittany and Gascony?
Henry lost the campaign and returned to England.
When was de Montfort sent to France to try campaign again after Henry had previously failed in Brittany and Gascony.
Was de Montfort successful in his campaign in France?
Yes - he crushed the rebellions and established order.
When was the first time de Montfort became furious with the king?
After reports of it, he king inquired de Montfort if he had used force against the French in the occupied towns, however, he was innocent.
Who did Henry insist take charge of the campaign instead of de Montfort? How did de Montfort feel?
-Henry’s son, Edward.
-This intensified de Montfort’s anger towards the king.
What did Simon consider after Henry insisted a change of who was in charge of the campaigns?
He considered fighting with the French, against the King.
What was the relationship like between the king and the barons by 1254?
It had deteriorated.
When was there a Great Council meeting?
When did the king agree to the Provisions of Oxford?
1258 at the Great Council meeting.
What was the main thing the Provisions of Oxford stated?
From now on a council of 15 barons would be in charge of the Great Council. They would be elected by 24 men, 12 appointed by the king and 12 appointed by the barons.
What are 3 other things the Provisions of Oxford stated?
-Foreign members of the royal household would be banished
-Castles would be held by Englishmen
-Each county would have a sheriff and taxes would be decided locally.
The Provisions of Oxford also stated that the barons could make decisions without what?
The king’s presence or approval.
Why did some older barons not like the Provisions of Oxford?
They felt the reforms were interfering with their local interests.
Name one baron who didn’t like the provisions of oxford:
Richard de Clare, the Earl of Gloucester.
Why did the younger barons also dislike the Provisions of Oxford?
They had not been elected to the council and had therefore lost their influence.
What else did the barons not like about the Provisions?
Those lower in society were given a greater say. The barons longed for the feudal system where knights and burgesses had much less influence.
When were the Provisions of Oxford extended?
October 1259.
What else was created when the Provisions of Oxford were extended?
The creation of the Provisions of Westminster.
What did the Provisions of Westminster do?
They reformed local government.
Who were the Provisions of Westminster popular among?
Less powerful and wealthy members of society.
Who resented the Provisions of Westminster?
Many barons, as they forced them to accept reforms demanded by their tenants.
What did Henry do to try and regain power after the Provisions of Oxford?
He wrote to the Pope and asked to cancel the provisions.
When did Henry receive a message back from the Pope following his question about them being cancelled? What did the Pope’s reply say?
-Henry received confirmation that he would be released from the provisions.
What did de Montfort do after Henry was back in power in 1261?
He left for France in disguise.
What is the Second Baron’s War also known as?
The Battle of Lewes.
When was the Battle of Lewes?
What caused the Battle of Lewes?
After 3 years of Henry’s revived rule, the barons had enough of negotiating and used military strength instead. They sent for de Montfort who returned and started this civil war.
Who was victorious at the Battle of Lewes?
De Montfort and his men.
What happened to Henry after he was defeated at the Battle of Lewes?
Him and his son, the young Prince Edward, were captured and imprisoned.
Who was in charge of England straight after the Battle of Lewes?
Simon de Montfort.
What is a republic?
Country with a system of government where an elected President has supreme power, rather than a monarch.
How did de Montfort change the Great Council after coming to power?
He appointed a council of 9 which consisted of his own friends and allies.
What two agreements did de Montfort reconfirm after coming to power?
The Magna Carta and the Provisions of Oxford.
When did de Montfort start worrying that he was losing power? So what did he do?
-He called a meeting of the Great Council.
Who did de Montfort invite to the Great Council meeting in 1265 unlike previous meetings?
Knights and Burgesses from every county.
Why did Simon invite these new people to the Great Council meeting in 1265?
To increase his support, which he was lacking from the powerful barons.
Who did the burgesses represent at the Great Council meeting in 1265?
What did this mean?
The growing merchant class who were making money in the towns all over England
It meant that ordinary people had their voices heard in the Great Council for the first time, in what became known as the Commons.
When was the Battle of Evesham?
4 August 1265.
What word beginning with A did the barons think de Montfort was beginning to rule as?
An autocrat.
Who did the barons begin supporting soon after de Montfort came to power?
What happened to de Montfort’s body after he was killed at the Battle of Evesham?
His body was cut into pieces, even his genitals were cut off, and the pieces were sent around the country as a warning.
What year did Henry rule until?
Did Henry ever call another Great Council meeting?
Who became king after Henry?
His son, Edward.
When did Edward call what would be known as the Model Parliament?
What did the Model Parliament most resemble?
Our parliament today.
Why did Edward create the Model Parliament?
He was calling many parliaments to raise the funds to fight the Scots and the Welsh, as he knew he couldn’t simply demand the money from the barons.