shoulder exercise extra info - EXAM 1 Flashcards
Open book
- watch for
- modify
- Duration
-WF= “knee flexed up to 90 degrees
shouldn’t feel pain in low back “
- M= “when rotating place hand on ribs “
- D=10 rep x 10 sec
- watch for
- modify
- harder?
- Duration
-WF= "generating energy through the shoulder ( can cause injury) "
-M= “have them start with
little circles “
- H= “ larger circles ‘
- D=10 rep x 10 sec
cane shoulder flexion
- watch for
- Duration
“make sure bad arm is not
doing the work only the good arm “
-D=10 rep x 10 sec
“cane shoulder external rotations”
- watch for
- modify
- harder?
- Duration
-WF= arm should be pushed back*
-M= * make sure you put
towel under arm “
- H= abduct the arm
- D=10 rep x 10 sec
“shoulder flexion pulley “
- watch for
- Duration
good arm pulling back
-D=10 rep x 10 sec
“shoulder abduction pulleys “
- watch for
- Duration
good arm pulling back
-D=10 rep x 10 sec
sleeper stretch
- watch for
- modify
- Duration
-WF= “symptoms of anterior impingement
-M= “doing the cross body stretch
adduct the arm more to help with pain “
-D=10 rep x 10 sec
cross body horizontal adduction
- watch for
- Duration
- WF= “symptoms of anterior impingement “
- D=10 rep x 10 sec
shoulder sweep
- watch for
- Duration
- WF= lock lumbar
- D=10 rep x 10 sec
** this is advance and shouldn’t
be done unless there is
normal thoracic mobility “
“External rotations
(push dorsuml on wall)”
- watch for
- Duration
- WF= elbow at 90 degrees
- D= 10 rep x 10 sec
**make sure you have
towel under the arm pitt”
“internal rotations
(push palm on wall)”
- watch for
- Duration
- WF= elbow at 90 degrees
- D=10 rep x 10 sec
**make sure you have
towel under the arm pitt”
shoulder packing
- watch for
- harder?
-WF= make sure shoulder is retracted and
depressed and have them grip hand
-H= “to make harder you keep trying
to pull up on them more “
supine arm bar ( kettlebell)
- watch for
- modify
- harder?
- Duration
- WF= “wrist need to be lock nerual
- knuckles toward the sky”
- M= use a small weight
-H= “move head rotate trunk
lay on side and hold up there are
many different way to make this
harder “
-D=”1 min x3 Day “
"lower trunk rotation scapular stabilization " - watch for -harder? - Duration
-WF= “shoulder blades coming off
ground “
-H= “hooklying feet on ground
hooklying feet off ground
knees straight “
-D=10 rep x 10 ses
Reach Roll and Lift
- modify
- Duration
“have them sit in chair and
lean over a table “
-D=5 rep x 2 day
Prone elbow serratus press
- watch for
- Duration
“** have them drop chest and
then push is up”
-D=10 rep X 2 day
Prone on elbows reach
- watch for
- Duration
- need to be plank position
- D=10 rep X 2 day
Quadruped bird dog
- watch for
- Duration
make sure back is neutral
-D=10 rep X 2 day
inch worm
- Duration
-D=10 rep X 2 day
shoulder taps
- watch for
- Duration
want them to go slow
-D=10 rep X 2 day
push up with plus
- modify
- Duration
they can also use a table to do this
-D=10 rep X 2 day
serratus punch
- watch for
- Duration
-D=10 rep X 2 day
full can elevation
- watch for
- Duration
“** in plane of scap ( 30-45 degrees)
- need to externally rotatae humer to avoid
impingement “
-D=10 rep X 2 day
“sidelying external rotations”
- watch for
- Duration
place towel roll under arm
-D=10 rep X 2 day
- watch for
- Duration
“** arms need to stay by sides
** ask about where pain is
there should be no low back pain”
-D=10 rep X 2 day
“horizontal abduction w/ external rotations ( T)”
- watch for
- Duration
” * go to neutral
- THUMB up “
- D=10 rep X 2 day
Prone lower trap raise (Y)
- watch for
- Duration
they are only going to neutral and that their thumb is up
-D=10 rep X 2 day
prone shoulder extension
- watch for
- Duration
- THUMB down
- D=10 rep X 2 day
theraband External rotation
- watch for
- Duration
- ** place towel under the arm
- D=10 rep X 2 day
theraband internal rotation
- watch for
- Duration
- ** place towel under the arm
- D=10 rep X 2 day