Sensory Mechanism (8.10) Part 2 Flashcards
The eyes are a collection of _______receptors.
Type of light detecting structure seen in Cnidarians and Bi-valves
Type of light detecting structure seen in Platyhelminthes.
Eye Cup
Eyes with a ______ as seen in most other animals.
Found in invertebrates, such as insects.
compound eyes
A compound eyes is many _______ working together. (Produces multiple pictures of the same object.)
This type of eye is great for detecting movement.
compound eye
Found in mollusks and vertebrates. (These are good for detecting definition.)
Single Eye
This is referred to as the eye white.
This layer contains the blood vessels and black pigment for reducing sun light glare.
This layer is involved with mucous production to keep the eye cells moist.
inflammation of the conjunctiva
this layer is the clear part of the sclera. (It also acts as a fixed lens.) (Prevents debris from entering.)
This is the “colored” choroid (It controls the amount of light entering the eye through the pupil.)
The cornea is operated by _______ muscle automatically for you. (Autonomic nervous system.)
This layer of the eye is the site of the photoreceptors.(It appears yellow upon dissection.)
This receptor cells are for seeing black, white, and shades of grey. They are the most abundant in all animals having these structures. They possess Rhodopsin Pigment.
These receptor cells are used for seeing color. They are outnumbered 20:1 by the rods. They are found in vertebrates: but not all.
red, blue, green
Photopsin Pigments
This structure focuses light. (It is made of a transparent, stretchable protein called crystalline.)
This is the “focusing” of the eye for near vs. distant vision… This requires it to stretch.
This term refers to a misshaped lens.
(A.K.A. nearsighted) (You can’t see far away objects clearly.)
(A.K.A. farsighted) (You can’t see close up objects clearly.)
Term refers to lens degeneration associated with old age.
This term refers to a “cloudy lens”.
Condition of having too much vitreous humor; results in too much pressure in the eye.
These are the muscles that stretch the lens.
Ciliary Body
This is the fluid in the front of the eye. (It is mostly water… “aqueous”; humor means “fluid”.)
Aqueous Humor
This is the fluid in the back of the eye (It is jelly-like… “vitreous”) (It gives the eye its shape.)
Vitreous Humor
There is one for each eye. (It takes the action potential to the brain.)
Optic Nerve
Collects rights and lefts in to one side of brain. (Located in the base of the brain.)
Optic Chiasm
These groups of neurons make the right or left “side” picture.
Lateral Geniculate Nuclei
The site of integration of “halves” into 1 picture.
Primary Visual Cortex of the Occipital lobe of cerebrum