Select Cranial Sutures Flashcards
1. Identify the different sutures of the cranial bones 2. Identify which bones are connected by a specific suture
When looking at the superior aspect of the skull, which 3 sutures are visible
Unites frontal and parietal bones
Unites the 2 parietal bones
Unites parietal and occipital bones
Unites parietal and temporal bones
Squamosal suture
Unites sphenoid and parietal bones
Sphenoparietal Suture
Unites sphenoid and frontal bones
Sphenofrontal suture
Unites Nasal and frontal bones
Nasofrontal Suture
Unites nasal and maxillary bones
Nasomaxillary Suture
Unites zygomatic and maxillary bones
Zygomaticomaxillary Suture
Unites zygomatic and temporal bones
Zygomaticotemporal Suture
Unites sphenoid and temporal bones
sphenotemporal suture
Suture between two sides of the maxilla
incisive or inter-maxillary suture
Unites frontal bones and ethmoid bone
Frontoethmoid suture
Unites the sphenoid and ethmoid bone
Sphenoethmoid suture
Unites ethmoid and occipital bone
Basicranial suture