Parietal Bone Flashcards
1. Identify the external features of the parietal bone 2. Identify the internal features of the parietal bone 3. Identify the craniometric landmarks of the parietal bone 4. Identify the bones that articulate with the parietal bone 5. Identify the sutures of the parietal bone
Parietal bone is part of the
Parietal bone articulates with
parietal, frontal, sphenoid, temporal and the occipital
Parietal bones articulate with _ bones
Superior attachment line of the temporalis muscle
Temporal crest
Place where the parietal bone projects downward and is sandwiched between the occipital and temporal bones
Parietal notch
The suture between the temporal and parietal bones
Squamosal suture
The squamosal suture continues into this suture where the parietal bone articulate with the sphenoid
spheno-parietal suture
The _____ suture touches the temporal bone at a small four-bone intersection called the
coronal, pterion
Where frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bones articulate
Rounded eminences at the outer-most superior most portions of each parietal bone
Parietal bosses
Suture of the parietal bones, create extra islands of bones
Wormian bones or extrasutural bones
Are these structure located internal or external to the skull?
Middle meningeal sulcus
Sigmoid sulcus
Sagittal sulcus
Where the middle meningeal artery leaves and impression against the endocranium
Middle meningeal sulcus
Middle meningeal artery enters through the
foramen spinosum of the sphenoid bone
The middle meningeal artery is a branch of the
external carotid artery
S-shaped depression on the bottom of the parietal bone
Sigmoid sulcus
The sigmoid sulcus is part of the _____ which drains the brain of venous blood.
Dural venous sinus system
The dural venous sinus system runs from the confluence of sinuses at the occipital cruciform eminence, drains around the inside of the temporal bone and exits via the
External jugular vein
Runs along the length of the interior of the sagittal suture, which is the joint between the two parietal bones
Sagittal sulcus
Sagittal sulcus is also part of the
Dural venous sinus system
On the internal surface of the parietal and frontal bones one can visualize the
Pacchionian/ Arachnoid pits
Areas where CSF pools within arachnoid granulations, and leaves an impression on the skull
Pacchionian/ Arachnoid pits
Pacchionian/ Arachnoid pits (grow/decrease) with age
Intersection of the coronal and sagittal sutures
Lateral-most point on the parietal bone
Parietal bone articulates with frontal bone
coronal suture
Parietal bone articulates with opposite parietal
sagittal suture
Parietal bone articulates with occipital bone
Lambdoid suture
Parietal bone articulates with temporal bone
Squamosal suture
Parietal bone articulates with a short segment of sphenoid bone
Sphenoparietal suture
Parietal bone articulates with mastoid part of the temporal bone
Parietomastoid suture
Which structure is found directly internal to where the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bones articulate
Middle meningeal artery