Frontal Bone Flashcards
1. Identify the external features of the frontal bone 2. Identify the internal features of the frontal bone including the frontal sinus and the frontonasal duct 3. Identify the craniometric landmark of the frontal bone including glabella, nasion and bregma 4. Identify the foramina of the frontal bone 5. Identify how many bones articulate with the frontal bone 6. Identify the sutures of the frontal bone
Integral bone to both the viscerocranium and the neurocranium even though it is formally classified as part of the neurocranium
Frontal Bone
Name the 12 bones the frontal bone articulates with
Sphenoid Ethmoid Parietals Nasals Maxillae Lacrimals Zygomatics
Supraorbital border of the orbit contains the ______ foramen/notch. It is variably a foramen or notch in individuals
Supraorbital Foramen/Notch
Transmits the supraorbital nerve and vessels
Supraorbital Foramen/Notch
The frontal foramen allows for what nerve to exit the skull.
Supratrochlear nerve
Frontal foramen is right at the top of the supraorbital arch
This plate of the frontal bone makes up most of the roof of the orbit
Orbital plate of frontal bone
This fossa is a small depression in the temporal aspect of the frontal bone within which the lacrimal gland lies
Lacrimal fossa
This small depression in the nasal aspect of the frontal bone where the trochlea of the superior oblique muscle attached to the frontal bone
Trochlea Fovea
Continues along sagittal midline to anchor the dura mater
Frontal crest
Allows emissary vein to exit into the nose or reverse its drainage
Foramen cecum
Forms the roof of the orbit and supports the frontal lobes of the brain
Orbital plate
Air cavity within the frontal bone that is lined with a mucus membrane and will drain into the nasal cavity via the frontonasal duct
Frontal sinus
Anterior-most point on the frontal bone
Intersection of the coronal and sagittal sutures
Point at the intersection of the frontal bone and inter-nasal suture
Fibrous joint that divides the 2 halves of the frontal bone in infants
Frontal/Metopic suture
It takes _ to _ months for the frontal/metopic suture to form
Drainage from the frontonasal duct is coming from which of the following
Frontal sinus