Section 26.249 When to Automate and Orchestrate Flashcards
Objective 4.7 Explain the importance of automation and orchestration related to secure operations
Automation and Orchestration
Effective automation and orchestration are for repeatable and stable tasks and workflows
■ Identify consistent processes in your organisation for automation and orchestration
Decision factors for implementing automation and orchestration
Automation and orchestration are suitable for complex, repetitive tasks
● Determine process complexity to decide whether to automate or
● Routine backups are suitable for automation, while complex incident response requires orchestration
Initial investment is a key factor
● Conduct a cost-benefit analysis considering development,
implementation, and maintenance costs
● Include hardware, software, personnel, and support costs in the analysis
● Cost savings often outweigh the initial investment in the long run
Single Points of Failure
Implement backup systems or manual processes to mitigate single points of failure
● Redundancy and failover mechanisms, both technical and manual, can ensure uninterrupted operations
Technical Debt
Technical debt is the cost and complexity of suboptimal software
● Regular reviews and updates are necessary to avoid technical debt
● Technical debt can impede efficiency and security
Ongoing supportability
Automation and orchestration systems need ongoing maintenance and adaptation
● Teams must possess the necessary skills to maintain and adapt these systems
● Training and skill development are essential
● Most automation depends on the connection of systems via APIs and webhooks