Section 2.13 Security control categories Flashcards
Objectives 1.1 Compare and contrast various types of security controls Objectives 1.2 - Summarise fundamental security concepts
4 broad categories
Security Control categories
- Technical controls
- Managerial/Administrative controls
- Operational controls
- Physical controls
Security is about the layers of protection that combine to form a robust security posture
Technical Controls
Technologies, hardware and software mechanisms that are implemented to manage and reduce risks
e.g installing anti-virus software which automatially detects malicious files when downloaded
e.g Firewalls. Encryption processes, Intrusion Detection system
Managerial/Administrative controls
Strategic planning and governance side of security
e.g If an organisation wants to adopt cloud storage solution the managerial team will conduct a risk assessment before decision.
e.g Security policies, training programs, incident response strategies
Operational controls
Protect data on a day to day basis. These are mainly governed by internal processes and human actions
e.g if your organisation wants you to change your password every 90 days - this is considered operational control
e.g Back up procedures. Account reviews, user training programs
Physical controls
Tangible, real world measures taken to protect assests
e.g Security cameras to prevent unauthorised physical access
e.g Shredding sensitive documents, security guards, locking the doors