Section 13.119 Reconnaissance in Pentesting Flashcards
Objective 5.5 Explain types and purposes of audits and assessments
Initial phase where an attacker gathers information about the target system. This information helps plan the attack and increase its success rate
Importance of Reconnaissance
Crucial step in penetration testing which identifies potential vulnerabilities in the target system
■ Helps plan the attack to reduce the risk of detection and failure
Types of Reconnaissance
Active Reconnaissance
Engaging with the target system directly, such as scanning for open ports using tools like Nmap
Types of Reconnaissance
Passive Reconnaissance
Gathering information without direct engagement, like using open-source
intelligence or WHOIS to collect data
Reconnaissance and Environment Types
Known Environment
Penetration testers have detailed information about the target infrastructure
● Focuses on known assets
● Evaluates vulnerabilities and weaknesses
● Aims to understand exploitability and potential damages
● Resembles an insider threat scenario
Reconnaissance and Environment Types
Partially Known Environment
Testers have limited information, simulating a scenario where an attacker
has partial inside knowledge
● Focus on discovering and navigating the broader environment
Reconnaissance and Environment Types
Unknown Environment
Minimal to no information about the target system
● Simulates a real-world external attacker aiming to find entry points and
● Extensive reconnaissance is essential