SECNAV M-5216.5 (2015), Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual; Chapter 2 Flashcards
To a large degree, the image and effectiveness of the Department of the Navy (DON) is portrayed by the tone, quality, and responsiveness of what?
With the use of computers and advanced word processing software, what type of changes to the correspondence are no longer acceptable?
Pen and ink
Conversations are often better than correspondence for working out details. In order to confirm agreed upon conversations of issues of importance or policy, what must be completed?
Memorandum For The Record (“memo”)
What should be referenced when writing to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Forces?
Standardization Agreement (STANAG) Number 2066, Layout for Military Correspondence
Which type of addressee will always forward official correspondence with an endorsement?
Which type of paper using standard letter format should be used by Navy personnel when writing to a higher authority on a personal matter affecting the command?
Plain bond
Which form should be used by Marine Corps personnel when writing to a higher authority?
Use NAVMC 10274, Administrative Action (AA) Form
Which type of machines provide a fast and reliable means for sending official correspondence?
Which types of envelopes eliminate the cost of addressing envelopes and the risk of putting letters in the wrong envelopes?
Window envelopes
What line is not included in the window-envelope letter format, so every copy that goes outside your activity must be on letterhead to show its origin?
“From” line
Which type of letters should be used when possible for routine matters that require no personal touch (sympathy, apology, or appreciation)?
Form letters
Which type of letters are pre-drafted standard letters which contain paragraphs that may be picked from to best fit the situation for which you are writing?
Guide letters
Which form should correspondence be submitted for signature?
Who must sign documents that establish policy?
Commanding Officer (also Commanders & OICs)
All delegations of signature authority will be made in writing and signed by who?
person delegating the authority
Which term will be used by any individual who signs correspondence under delegated authority which will be typed below their name when signing documents under this delegated authority?
By direction
Which term typed below their name shall be used by any officer who temporarily succeeds to command?
Provide an example of a signatory being formally, but temporarily, appointed to replace an official who signs correspondence by title rather than “By direction”.
Which term can be used to sign correspondence when it is in final form and the official that normally would have signed the correspondence is unable to do so?
What method of delegation of signature authority should be used only when a delay would fail to meet a crucial deadline?
Signing “For” an absent Official
What do signature authority use to replicate his or her signature where personal signing of a piece of correspondence is impractical or the correspondence is of a routine nature?
Electronic signature
Personnel authorized to use a signature stamp of someone else’s signature shall do what nest to each signature they stamp to authenticate the stamp?
Pen their initials
Which type of correspondence requires some type of action, response, or has a long term reference value?
Controlled correspondence
Within how many working days should correspondence normally be answered within?
10 days
Within how many workdays of receipt must correspondence from Congress be answered within?
5 days
Which instruction should be referenced for more information on the handling of Naval legislative affairs?
SECNAVINST 5730.5J, Mission, Function, and Responsibilities of the Office of Legislative Affairs and Procedures for Handling Legislative Affairs and Congressional Relations
Within how many working days should Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and Privacy Act requests be answered within?
20 days
Which term should be written or stamped in the top margin on the copy of the original correspondence that has not received a response within a reasonable amount of time?
Which date were all memorandums, letters, spreadsheets, hard copy or electronic lists and surveys that collected, used, or maintained the Social Security Number (SSN) eliminated unless they had justification for continued use of the SSN and could be verified?
October 1st, 2015
What is the Navy requirement for identifying the Navy personnel on the subject line?
Abbreviated rank for officers and rate and warfare designator for enlist personnel with no space in between rank/rate and warfare designator (e.g., HM1(FMF))
Provide an example of how to identify an officer and enlisted Navy personnel on the subject line?
LT Leonard R. Costantini, USN, EDIPI/2100 (designator)
HM1(FMF) Orlie E. Crisostomo, USN, EDIPI
Provide an example of how to identify an officer and enlisted Marine Corps personnel on the subject line?
Colonel Rodney C. Jones EDIPI/MOS USMC
Sergeant Caine Z. Collins EDIPI/MOS USMC
How many digits is the Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier (EDIPI)?
What is the standard paper size for all official letterhead stationery?
What may never be included on the From line when using command letterhead stationery?
Individual name
When using letterhead stationery, the “From:” line will always contain what?
the title of the activity head and command name
How many inches is the diameter of the DoD seal used on Department of the Navy (DON) letterhead stationery?
What must the address lines of letterhead for Navy activities conform to?
Standard Navy Distribution List (SNDL)
What must the address lines of letterhead for Marine Corps activities comply with?
MCO 5215.1K, Marine Corps Directives Management Program
What can be used to prevent a letter from becoming too detailed?
Where must enclosures be marked?
First page
Where must enclosure markings be placed on the page?
Lower right corner
How will you mark an enclosure that is second on the list?
Enclosure (2)
How many digits are used to express military time?
How many different types of date formats may be used in Navy correspondence?
What date format is used as part of the sender’s symbol, or in the absence of the sender’s symbol, as the date for the letter?
Abbreviated Format (15Feb 09)
What date format is used in the text of correspondence?
Standard Format (5 May 2015)
What date format is used as both the date of the of the correspondence and in the text?
Civilian Format (January 14, 2014)
What are one of the most misused aspects of correspondence?
Abbreviations and acronyms
When using abbreviations and acronyms, the writer must take who into consideration?
Which manual should be referenced for examples on punctuating, capitalizing, and spelling
Government Printing Office (GPO) Style Manual
What is used as a supplement to the Government Printing Office (GPO) Style Manual or your dictionary for help with dividing words if the correspondence is produced manually?
Word Division Book
Correspondence margins are how many inches?
1 inch
Correspondence page numbers are centered how many inches from the bottom of the page?
1/2 inch
Correspondence header margins are how many inches from the top of the page?
1 inches
What is the preferred font style for official correspondence?
Times New Roman
What is the preferred font size for official correspondence?
Which type of font may be used for informal correspondence?
Courier New
Which color should be used by the activity head for correspondence editing?
Which color should be used by the Executive Officer for correspondence editing?
Which color should be used by Heads of Administration for correspondence editing?
Which color should be used by Heads of all other departments for correspondence editing?