BUMEDINST 4010.3 - Precious Metals Recovery Program (PMRP) Flashcards
What outlines the Recovery and Utilization of Precious Metals Program for DoD?
DoD Directive 4160.22
What was designed to save DoD money by recycling precious metals and using those funds to offset the cost of supplies for DoD activities?
Precious Metals program
The Precious Metals Recovery Program (PMRP) also save money by reducing the amount of what?
Disposed hazardous waste
Who has overall management responsibility for Precious Metals Recovery Program (PMRP)?
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
Who is responsible for procurement, major maintenance, and repair of recovery equipment?
Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
Who coordinates the Precious Metals Recovery Program (PMRP) for the Navy?
Naval Supply Systems Command (COMNAVSUPSYSCOM)
Per what instruction is the Naval Medical Logistics Command (NAVMEDLOGCOM), Fort Detrick, Frederick, MD, designated as the Precious Metals Recovery Program (PMRP) Coordinator for BUMED?
Navy Commanding Officer’s Guide to Environmental Compliance, 1991 outlines how many environmental goals for the Department of the Navy?
Naval Medical Department activities generating precious metal excesses, scrap material, or precious metal bearing residue must submit a quarterly Recovery of Precious Metals Report to whom?
Naval Medical Department activities generating precious metal metal excesses, scrap material, or precious metal bearing residue must collect all excess precious metal items, exposed or outdated x-ray film, photographic film, dental scrap, and recovered silver from fixing or stabilizing solutions for turn in to whom?
Defense Reutilizing Marketing Office (DRMO)
Activities without recovery equipment who generate limited quantities of fixing and stabilizing solutions must contact which representative of Defense Reutilizing Marketing Office (DRMO)?
Field Service Officer (FSO)
Naval Medical Department activities generating precious metal excesses, scrap material, or precious metal bearing residue must operate and maintain assigned precious metals recovery equipment in facilities under their command, unless the servicing DRMO operates what to service the activity?
Central recovery unit
Naval Medical Department activities generating precious metal excesses, scrap material, or precious metal bearing residue must establish a PMRP audit board review, at least how often, the internal control procedures for recoverable precious metals from point of origin to DRMO?
Which document must include all available information pertaining to precious metal content (PMC), metal type, quantity, and location within the item of scrap metal turned in?
Disposal turn-in
Precious metals and scrap must be packaged in what type of bags (het sealed, if possible) or other appropriate containers to prevent loss during shipping and handling?
If precious metal bearing materials or recovered precious metals are to be shipped to the Precious Metals Recovery Facility (DMRS-RPE), what from the servicing DRMO must be obtained for shipment?
A fund citation
Where should your request PMRP supplies (i.e., silver test paper, plastic collection containers, silver recovery cartridges, etc.)?
Precious Metals Recovery Facility (DRMS-RPE)
NAVMEDLOGCOM reviews and consolidates quarterly reports from reporting MTFs and DTFs and forwards consolidated quarterly reports to COMNAVSUPSYSCOM with copy to whom?
The quarterly Recovery and Utilization of Precious Metals Report is assigned what report control symbol?
MED 4010-4
The quarterly Recovery and Utilization of Precious Metals Report is assigned report control symbol MED 4010-4. This reporting requirement is approved by the Chief, BUMED for how many years from the date of this instruction?
Since the recovery program is for precious metals, which weight system is used?