Who are AMALs/ADALs maintained and resupplied by?
MEDLOG, Supply Company, MLG
What AMAL contain equipment and reusable materiel to establish a laboratory capable of hematology, microbiology, urinalysis, collecting, and chemistry testing?
618 - Lab Equipment
What AMAL contain consumable supplies to perform hematology, microbiology, urinalysis, and chemistry testing for 100 patients?
619 - Lab Supply
What AMAL contain equipment, consumable supplies, and reusable materiel to establish 1 X-ray suite?
627 - X-Ray
What AMAL contain equipment and reusable materiel to establish a basic shock trauma surgical team or triage supporting the receipt, resuscitation, sorting and temporary holding of casualties?
631 - Shock Surgical/Triage Equipment
What AMAL contain consumable supplies required to receive, resuscitate, sort, and temporarily hold 50 casualties with major wounds?
632 - Shock Surgical Team/Triage Supply
What AMAL contain equipment and reusable materiel to establish a 10-bed unit providing care for patients?
633 - Acute Care Ward Equipment
What AMAL contain consumable supplies to ward support for 100-bed days to patients?
634 - Acute Care Ward Supply
What AMAL contains consumable supplies to provide aid station support, initial resuscitative and stabilizing care for 50 casualties with major wounds prior to evacuation and resupplying basic line Corpsman?
635 - Battalion Aid Station Equipment
636 - Battalion Aid Station Supply
What AMAL contains consumable supplies required to support PVNTMED effort of the MEF in 12, 5-day packages for 60 days?
638 - Preventative Medicine Technician
What AMAL contain equipment and reusable materiel required to support 1 operating room for performing major surgical procedures, administrating general anesthesia, sterilizing, and maintaining sterile materiel?
639 - Operating Room Equipment
What AMAL contain consumable supplies required to provide operating room support for 25 surgical cases?
640 - Operating Room Supply
What AMAL contain equipment, consumable supplies, and reusable materiel required to care for 18 patients in a 48-hour period?
645 - Forward Resuscitative Surgical System (FRSS)
What AMAL contain equipment and consumable supplies required to reconstitute the Forward Resuscitative Surgical System (FRSS) suite?
646 - Forward Resuscitative Surgical System (FRSS) Resupply
What AMAL contain equipment, consumable supplies, and medical treatment protocols necessary for the medical management of 2 critically injured/ill, but stabilized, patients during transport aboard Marine Corps aircraft from elements ashore to elements at sea or ashore?
647 - En Route Care System (ERCS)
What AMAL provides the equipment and consumables required to conduct en route care for 2 critically injured/ill, but stabilized patients within the ACE?
648 - Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC)
What AMAL provides the equipment and consumables required to provide care to military and civilian casualties from a CBRN or high-yield explosives incident in CONUS and OCONUS?
652 - CBRIF
What AMAL provides the equipment and consumables required to provide initial resuscitative and stabilization capability for a MARSOC unit?
660 - MARSOC
What AMAL contain consumable supplies and reusable materiel to accommodate special mission/geographic related requirements into areas where cold-related injuries are likely to occur?
685 - GEO Mission/Cold Weather
What AMAL contain consumable supplies and reusable materiel to accommodate special mission/geographic related requirements into areas where heat-related injuries are likely to occur?
686 - GEO Mission/Hot Weather Supplement
What AMAL contain materiel required for the individual to conduct primary decontamination and treatment in a CBRN environment?
687 - GEO Mission/CBRN Individual