Who are AMALs/ADALs maintained and resupplied by?
MEDLOG, Supply Company, MLG
What AMAL contain equipment and reusable materiel to establish a laboratory capable of hematology, microbiology, urinalysis, collecting, and chemistry testing?
618 - Lab Equipment
What AMAL contain consumable supplies to perform hematology, microbiology, urinalysis, and chemistry testing for 100 patients?
619 - Lab Supply
What AMAL contain equipment, consumable supplies, and reusable materiel to establish 1 X-ray suite?
627 - X-Ray
What AMAL contain equipment and reusable materiel to establish a basic shock trauma surgical team or triage supporting the receipt, resuscitation, sorting and temporary holding of casualties?
631 - Shock Surgical/Triage Equipment
What AMAL contain consumable supplies required to receive, resuscitate, sort, and temporarily hold 50 casualties with major wounds?
632 - Shock Surgical Team/Triage Supply
What AMAL contain equipment and reusable materiel to establish a 10-bed unit providing care for patients?
633 - Acute Care Ward Equipment
What AMAL contain consumable supplies to ward support for 100-bed days to patients?
634 - Acute Care Ward Supply
What AMAL contains consumable supplies to provide aid station support, initial resuscitative and stabilizing care for 50 casualties with major wounds prior to evacuation and resupplying basic line Corpsman?
635 - Battalion Aid Station Equipment
636 - Battalion Aid Station Supply
What AMAL contains consumable supplies required to support PVNTMED effort of the MEF in 12, 5-day packages for 60 days?
638 - Preventative Medicine Technician
What AMAL contain equipment and reusable materiel required to support 1 operating room for performing major surgical procedures, administrating general anesthesia, sterilizing, and maintaining sterile materiel?
639 - Operating Room Equipment
What AMAL contain consumable supplies required to provide operating room support for 25 surgical cases?
640 - Operating Room Supply
What AMAL contain equipment, consumable supplies, and reusable materiel required to care for 18 patients in a 48-hour period?
645 - Forward Resuscitative Surgical System (FRSS)
What AMAL contain equipment and consumable supplies required to reconstitute the Forward Resuscitative Surgical System (FRSS) suite?
646 - Forward Resuscitative Surgical System (FRSS) Resupply
What AMAL contain equipment, consumable supplies, and medical treatment protocols necessary for the medical management of 2 critically injured/ill, but stabilized, patients during transport aboard Marine Corps aircraft from elements ashore to elements at sea or ashore?
647 - En Route Care System (ERCS)
What AMAL provides the equipment and consumables required to conduct en route care for 2 critically injured/ill, but stabilized patients within the ACE?
648 - Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC)
What AMAL provides the equipment and consumables required to provide care to military and civilian casualties from a CBRN or high-yield explosives incident in CONUS and OCONUS?
652 - CBRIF
What AMAL provides the equipment and consumables required to provide initial resuscitative and stabilization capability for a MARSOC unit?
660 - MARSOC
What AMAL contain consumable supplies and reusable materiel to accommodate special mission/geographic related requirements into areas where cold-related injuries are likely to occur?
685 - GEO Mission/Cold Weather
What AMAL contain consumable supplies and reusable materiel to accommodate special mission/geographic related requirements into areas where heat-related injuries are likely to occur?
686 - GEO Mission/Hot Weather Supplement
What AMAL contain materiel required for the individual to conduct primary decontamination and treatment in a CBRN environment?
687 - GEO Mission/CBRN Individual
What AMAL contain materiel required for the units to conduct primary and secondary decontamination and treatment in a CBRN environment?
688 - GEO Mission/CBRN Unit
What AMAL contain equipment and reusable materiel to perform testing calibration, and 3d and 4th echelon maintenance of medical/dental equipment?
691 - MEDLOG Test/Repair Equipment
What AMAL contain consumable supplies to accommodate a medical repair section in testing, calibrating, and intermediate maintenance of medical/dental equipment?
692 - MEDLOG Test/Repair Supply
What AMAL contain medical materiel to provide essential treatment for Disease and Non-Battle Injuries (DNBIs) during routine sick call for 300 deployed Marine Corps forces for 30 days?
This AMAL provides the sick call capability for a BAS and will usually be deployed with the BAS AMALs.
699 - Sick Call
What ADAL contain equipment and reusable materiel establishing a field dental clinic?
Consumable supplies providing emergency, diagnostic, preventive, and maintenance dental support for 400 patients.
662 - Field Dental Operatory
What encompasses the procurement, initial issue, management, resupply, and disposition of material required to support medical and dental elements organic to the MARFOR?
Health Service Support (HSS) Logistics
What instruction is followed for guidance for planning and procuring Class VII (consumable and equipment material such as blood products)?
DoD Instruction 6480.4 - Armed Services Blood Program (ASBP) Operational Procedures
When the medical planner is developing and planning for appropriate levels of Class VIII support, the following information is crucial to ensuring that the entire HSS system is responsive to the commander:
- Concept of operation/scheme of maneuver.
- Combat Intensity
- Duration of the operation
- Casualty estimates
The _____ surgeon advises the MAGTF commander regarding medical and dental material support.
How many days are AMAL/ADAL designed to support a MEF?
60 days
How many days are AMAL/ADAL designed to support a MEB?
30 Days
How many days are AMAL/ADAL designed to support a maritime prepositioning force?
30 Days
How many days are AMAL/ADAL designed to support a MEU?
15 days
Who is responsible for funding AMALs/ADALs above the level prescribed by the Marine Corps Order (MCO) 6700.5, Medical and Dental (Class VIII) Material Support of the Marine Operational Force?
Authorizing Commander
A unit’s _____ includes items necessary for basic support of the organization.
Table of Equipment
Authorized medical allowance lists and ADAL’s are specialized equipment and supply assemblages for medical and dental elements to provide?
Combat Health Service Support (HSS)
Health service support detachments deploy wit their initial issue, for the first _____ days of operations, Class VIII material beyond this level for the MEF is maintained by the LCE supply detachment and provided to support units as required.
60 Days
In joint operations, _____ is the organization that is authorized by the CCDR to provide central logistical support to all participating services in the CCDR’s area of responsibility.
Single Integrated Medical Logistics Manager (SIMLM)
During joint operations, what organization is authorized by the Combatant Commander (CCDR) to provide central logistical support to all participating Services in the CCDR’s area of responsibility?
Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel (TLAMM)
What organization is designated by Single Integrated Medical Logistics Manager (SIMLM) to accomplish the mission?
Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel (TLAMM)
As the dominant user, the _______ has been formally tasked by the DOD to perform the peacetime Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel (TLAMM)/Single Integrated Medical Logistics Manager (SIMLM) mission in the European, Pacific, Korean, and Middle Eastern theaters and must plan for the missions under wartime or crisis conditions.
US Army
The ____ supply detachment, which may include portions of MEDLOGCO, provides Class VIII single item resupply and limited medical repair capabilities to all HSS units of the MAGTF.
Logistics Combat Element (LCE)
What is the name of the medical bag issued to Hospital Corpsmen assigned to combat support units of the MAGTF?
Corpsman Assault Pack (CAP)
Who is responsible for ensuring that the contents of the Corpsman Assault Pack (CAP) are maintained in good condition, and that medications have not exceeded their shelf life?
The Corpsmen’s parent unit supply section
What is the name given to medical equipment and supplies required to support the patient during evacuation?
Patient Movement Items (PMI)
When a patient requires evacuation, who is responsible for providing the PMI?
Where is this addressed at?
Originating MTF
Operation Plan (OPLAN)
When disposing of soiled, contaminated, or other unserviceable Class VIII items in the United States or its territories, disposal should be coordinated with the local _____.
Defense Reutilization Marketing Office (DRMO)
When disposing of soiled, contaminated, or other unserviceable Class VIII items, when the tactical situation permits during combat operations, the safest method of field disposal is ____, followed by ____.
Burning; Deep Burial
When disposing of items in a tactical situation utilizing deep burial, how deep should items be buried?
6 feet or more
Whose responsibility is to neutralize and dispose of clothing, equipment, and dressings removed during CBRN decontamination process?
Command CBRN Officer
Medical material and supplies are protected under The Law of War and the _____.
Geneva Conventions
Medical materials and supplies that are mixed with combat supplies lose the protection afforded by The Law of War and the Geneva Conventions. T or F?