BUMEDINST 6010.13 - Quality Assurance (QA) Program Flashcards
Who does Quality Assurance apply to?
All health care personnel providing services in naval MTFs and DTFs, fixed and non-fixed.
What is the instruction for Quality Assurance (QA) Program?
Who must participate in ongoing monitoring and evaluation processes designed to assess the quality and appropriateness of the services they provide?
All active duty (ACDU), Reserve and civilian medical and dental personnel.
Who must fixed MTFs and DTFs gain and maintain accreditation from?
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (Joint Commission, JCAHO).
How many years does routine Quality Assurance program related documentation must be maintained in a secure location before disposal?
5 years.
How many years does Quality Assurance (QA) inquiries, medical records related to a potentially compensable event (PCE) and Judge Advocate General (JAGMAN) investigations, must be maintained in a secure location at the local command for?
A minimum of 2 years or as needed.
Medical staff functions are under the direction of who?
Executive Committee of the Medical Staff (ECOMS)
Who are the Dental Staff functions under the direction of?
Executive Committee of Dental Staff (ECODS)
Nursing staff and administrative staff functions are under the direction of?
Command Quality Assurance (QA) Committee
Who’s responsibility is it to interpret Department of Defense (DoD), Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) and CNO policies and provides guidance for Navy-wide Quality Assurance program implementation?
Chief, Bureau of Medical and Surgery (BUMED)
Who ensures that subordinate commanders comply with the Quality Assurance (QA) program?
Fleet Commanders in Chief (FLTCINCs)
Who may elect to have a fleet-wide medical and dental Quality Assurance (QA) program under the cognizance of the fleet medical and dental officer?
Type Commanders (TYCOM)
Who’s responsibility is it to implement an effective, flexible, integrated and comprehensive Quality Assurance (QA) program, guided by a written plan?
Commanding Officers, Officers in Charge and Senior Medical and Dental Department Representative of Treatment Facilities.
Who conducts two educational workshops each year in the principle, components, and management of Quality Assurance (QA) program for naval Medical Department personnel?
Naval School of Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
What date must fixed MTFs and DTFs forward an annual assessment of the preceding fiscal year’s Quality Assurance (QA) program to MED-3C4 with a copy to the cognizant responsible line commander and HLTHCARE SUPPO to reach BUMED by?
15 January of each year
Who does TYCOM forward a copy to reach BUMED of the annual assessment of the preceding QA program to by 15 January?
Submit original to MED-3C4 and copies to the cognizant FLTCINC and HLTHCARE SUPPO to reach BUMED
Who submits case abstract for malpractice claim to MED-3C4 for each Potentially Compensable Event (PCE) review that is required or JAGMAN investigation initiated?
Commanding Officers, Officers in Charge and Senior Medical and Dental Representatives of Treatment Facilities
What is the assigned report control symbol for risk management case review and malpractice information reports?
DD-HA (AR) 1782 (6010)
A medical record is considered delinquent if all required record components are not completed within how many days of patient discharge?
30 days
An infection is considered nosocomial if it first becomes apparent in how many hours after admission?
72 hours
What is an event or outcome during the process of medical or dental care in which the patient suffers a lack of improvement, injury or illness of severity greater than ordinarily experienced by patients with similar procedures or illness?
Potentially Compensable Event (PCE, Adverse Event)
What is the formal and systematic exercise of monitoring and reviewing medical care delivery and outcome; designing activities to improve health care and overcome identified deficiencies in providers, facilities, or support systems?
Quality Assurance (QA)
Who’s goal is to improve efficiency and effectiveness of such process by addressing and eliminating special cause variations, eliminating non-value added steps, identifying and solving process problems, and making other carefully planned and tested changes to reduce overall process variation?
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
What form is the case abstract for malpractice claims?
DD 2526
How many days must cognizant treatment facilities forward the DD2526 to MED-3C4?
30 days of the event for all PCEs.
Who are committed in providing the highest quality medical and dental care to DON beneficiaries?
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC)
What instruction and form is the BUMEDINST 6010.13 canceling?
NAVMEDCOMINST 6010.6 and NAVMED 6010/20
The QA program was originally issued to standardize all medical treatment facilities. In what year was the QA program originally issued?
Naval medical policy, procedures and responsibilities for DTFs were issued in ____ (what year) and they were incorporated into the QA program in ______ (what year)?
1987 and 1989