MCWP 4-11.1 - Health Service Support Operations Flashcards
What phrase has echoed across numerous battlefields in america’s history. To answer this cry, medical personnel assigned to Marine Corps forces (MARFOR) must be knowledgable, prepared, and able to provide responsive health service support (HSS) so Marines can do what they do best: win battles?
“Corpsman Up!”
What is a process that delivers on demand to the warfighter a healthy, fit and medically ready force; counters the health threat to the deployed force; and provides critical care and management for combat casualties?
Health Service Support (HSS)
Whose mission is to minimize the effects that wounds, injuries, and disease have on units’ effectiveness, readiness, and morale?
Health Service Support (HSS)
What function of the medical plan must integrate and comply with the commander’s plan?
What function of the medical plan must provide Health Service Support (HSS) as close to combat operations as the tactical situation permits?
What function of the medical plan must shift Health Service Support (HSS) resources to meet changing requirements?
What function of the medical plan must anticipate requirements for rapid movement of Health Service Support (HSS) units to support combat forces during operations?
What function of the medical plan must provide optimum, uninterrupted care and treatment to the wounded, injured, and sick?
What function of the medical plan must ensure that Health Service Support (HSS) resources in short supply are efficiently employed and used effectively to support the planned operations?
What requires continuous attention before, during and after deployment to sustain maximum readiness and war fighting capability?
Health Service Support (HSS) focuses on both forms of threat, what are they?
Enemy and Health
Temporary casualty holding facilities and services are used to hold sick, wounded, and injured personnel for a limited time, usually not exceed what time frame?
72 hours
What warfare is derived from two principal sources: custom treaties and lawmaking treaties such as the Hague and Geneva Conventions?
Law of Land
The United States is a signatory to the Geneva Conventions of what year and has directed its military forces to abide by its articles?
What is a fundamental component of command and control that aids the commander in applying combat power at the decisive time and place?
What is often the first to receive medical intelligence from on-site care provider due to multiple communications and information links available to sections within the FSSG combat service support operations center (CSSOC) ?
Health Service Support Element (HSSE)
What is a field production activity of the Defense Intelligence Agency? It is the sole producer of medical intelligence in the Department of Defense (DOD).
Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC)
Which commanders are responsible for coordinating and integrating Health Service Support (HSS) within their area of operations?
Marine Corps Forces (MARFOR)
The MARFOR deals with matters more on the operational level of war, but the MEF is more focused towards what level ?
A MAW has how many Marine aircraft groups (MAGs) ?
Who advises the commander on the health of the command and the adequacy of internal FSSG Health Service Support (HSS)?
Group surgeon
Who serves as the officer in charge of the medical section of the Combat Service Support Operations Center (CSSOC) during exercises or operations?
Health Service Support Officer (HSSO)
What provides initial resuscitative Health Service Support (HSS) support to the MEF and is the only source of organic Marine Corps medical support above the aid station level?
Medical battalion
Whose primary mission is to perform those emergency medical and surgical procedures that, if not performed, could lead to death or loss of limb or body function?
Medical battalions
The battalion structure has 260 holding beds and how many operating rooms?
Each Surg Co contains 60 beds and how many operating rooms?
Who provides MTFs for resuscitative surgery, medical treatment, and temporary holding of casualties from supported forces. They also prepare and evacuate casualties whose medical requirements exceed the established theater evacuation policy?
Surg Co
What is the smallest, most mobile medical support platoon of the medical battalion?
Shock Trauma Platoon (STP)
In an operational environment, the dental battalion’s primary mission is to provide dental health maintenance with a focus on what type of care?
What FSSG is a supply operation directly responsible to the FSSG supply battalion commanding officer?
Med Log Co, Supply Battalion
During the movement phase of amphibious operations, who has overall responsibility for Health Service Support (HSS) services to embarked personnel?
Commander, Amphibious Task Force (CATF)
What HSS personnel aboard Amphibious Task Force (ATF) ships augment ATF medical and dental departments by providing care to embarked Landing Force (LF) personnel using ship’s company medical facilities and supplies?
Landing force(LF)
What equipment and supplies will not be used aboard ship unless authorized by the MAGTF commander in support of an overwhelming emergency?
Landing Force (LF) Class VIIIA
During which phase, Health Service Support (HSS) ashore is limited to the capabilities of medical sections organic to combat units?
The primary role of a beach evacuation station is to evacuate assault force casualties to designated what?
Casualty Receiving and Treatment Ships (CRTs)
What have the largest medical capability of any amphibious ship in the Amphibious Task Force (ATF)?
Casualty Receiving and Treatment Ships (CRTs)
ATF ships suitable for use as Casualty Receiving and Treatment Ships (CRTs) are what classes?
What are transportable, medically and surgically intensive, and deployable in a variety of operational scenarios?
Fleet hospitals
What is a floating surgical hospital?
The T-AH is designed to receive patients primarily by what means ?
Fleet surgical teams (FSTs) are Health Service Support (HSS) augmentation teams assigned to the fleet CINCs. Combined, the Pacific and Atlantic fleets have how many teams that are considered the fleet CINCs assets in both peacetime and wartime?
What provide rapid peacetime response teams of pre-identified medical department personnel trained to augment elements of the operating forces?
Mobile Medical Augmentation Readiness Teams (MMARTs)
What is the means by which operating forces are brought to wartime manning levels by personnel augmentation from CONUS- based actives?
Medical Augmentation Program (MAP)
Medical Augmentation Program (MAP) is managed by whom?
What encompasses the pre current, initial issue, management, resupply, and disposition of material required to support medical and dental elements organic to the MARFOR?
Health Service Support (HSS) logistics
The total Table of Equipment (T/E) and Authorized Medical Allowance Lists (AMALs)/Authorized Dental Allowance Lists (ADALs) are designed to support a MEF in an estimated worst case scenario for a period of combat of how long?
A unit’s what includes items necessary for basic support of the Organization?
Table of Equipment (T/E)
What are specialized equipment and supply assemblages for medical and dental elements to provide combat Health Service Support (HSS)?
Authorized Medical Allowance Lists (AMALs)/Authorized Dental Allowance Lists (ADALs)
HSS logistics is normally a Service responsibility. However, in joint operations, what system may be designated to provide central logistical support to all participating Services in the combatant CINC’s area of responsibility?
Single Integrated Medical Logistics Manager (SIMLM)
What system encompasses the provision of medical supplies, medical equipment maintenance and repair, blood management, and optical fabrication to all joint forces within the theater of operations, except Navy combatant ships?
Single Integrated Medical Logistics Manager (SIMLM)
Hospital corpsman assigned to combat support units of the MAGTF are assigned a complete kit of what type as part of their field Gear?
First aid
What are the medical equipment and supplies required to support the patient evacuation, e.g., ventilators, vital sign monitors, and blankets?
Patient Movement Items (PMI)
The plan for a Patient Movement Items (PMI) exchange system and the return of Aeromedical Evacuation (AE) equipment and PMI to the originating MTF should be addressed in the what respective plan?
Operation Plan (OPLAN)
When the tactical situation permits during combat operations, the safest method of field disposal is burning, followed by deep burial (over how many feet)?
Medical materials and supplies are protected under the law of land warfare and the what?
Geneva Conventions
What manual sets forth administrative instructions and formats to develop OPLANs of combatant commands, sub unified commands, joint task forces, and their subordinate component commands?
CJCSM 3122.03
OPLANs, concept plans (CONPLANs), functional plans, and operation orders (OPORDs) prepared by commanders to fulfill tasks assigned in the joint strategic capabilities plan (or otherwise directed by the Chairman of the Joint Chief’s of Staff) will conform to the guidance contained in what manual?
CJCSM 3122.03
What for Health Service Support (HSS) is the combination of HSS organizations, people, communications systems, architecture, and medical information which provides the commander timely information to make decisions?
Command and control (C2)
There are how many major Command and Control (C2) areas?
What provides management and decision support tools for the Health Service Support (HSS) commander and staff to collect, transport, process, discriminate, and protect voice, data, and information?
Communications and Information System (CIS)
What combines joint policies, procedures, personnel, training, and a reporting structure supported by automated data processing on GCCS?
Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES)
What is the HSS requirements generator and analysis tool supported by GCCS at the Marine Corps component level for planning and execution of HSS?
Medical Analysis Tool (MAT)
Whose mission is to provide integrated automation of the theater medical environment?
Theater Medical Information Program (TMIP’s)
what provides a global capability linking HSS information data bases and integration centers that are accessible to the warfighter while engaged in any mission?
Theater Medical Information Program (TMIP’s)
During the Civil War, more Federal soldiers died from disease than wounds. Approximately, 44,238 were killed in battle; 49,205 died of wounds; and how many died of disease?
Which efforts can dramatically reduce the incidence of disease during military operations?
Preventive medicine
What type of surveillance data should be used to brief commanders on potential medical and environmental threats and on the effectiveness of preventive medicine measure?
Real-time disease
During peacetime, any operational commander may request preventive medicine Mobile Medical Augmentation Readiness Teams (MMART) assistance from whom?
Chief of Naval Operations
The Navy Environmental Health Center, located where, supports operational units?
Norfolk, VA
The Navy Environmental Health Center and its supporting activities establish and disseminate preventive medicine and environmental protection policy recommendations for whom?
The Naval Medical Research and Development command conducts basic clinical and applied field research directly related to military requirements and operational needs. It is located where?
What is a casualty management system?
Patient movement
What is the process of selecting destination MTFs with the necessary HSS capabilities for patients being medically evacuated in, between, into, and out of different theaters of geographic combatant commands and CONUS?
Medical regulating
An effective process of casualty sorting, also referred to as what, is basic to the successful operation of a patient movement system?
What assets are patient movement assets configured for medical evacuation, externally marked with red cross, and specifically reserved to support the medical evacuation mission?
Dedicated medical evacuation
What assets are non medical patient movement assets, not externally marked with a red cross, but configured and allocated for patient movement?
Designated medical evacuation
What missions are classified as preplanned or immediate?
Aeromedical Evacuations (AE) missions
What actions cause high casualty rates, materiel losses, obstacle to maneuver, and contamination?
Which Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) levels result in body heat buildup, reduced mobility, and degraded visual, touch, and hearing senses, ultimately reducing unit effectiveness?
3 and 4
Normally, what injuries are observed within a few hours or days of the attack?
Which patients manifest their injuries immediately upon exposure to the agent?
Chemical agent
Which patients can show signs of exposure immediately or up to 14 days later?
Blister agent
Nuclear radiation casualties fall into how many categories?
Which casualty has been exposed to ionizing radiation but is not contaminated. These casualties are not radioactive and pose no radiation threat to medical care providers. Casualties who have suffered exposure to initial nuclear radiation fit into this category?
Which casualty has radioactive dust and debris on clothing skin, or hair. This presents a “housekeeping” problem to the MTF similar to the lice-infested patient arriving at a peacetime MTF. However, this contamination may present a threat to HSS personnel?
Externally contaminated
Which casualty has ingested or inhaled radioactive materials, or radioactive material has entered the body through an open wound. The radioactive material continues to irradiate the casualty internally until radioactive decay and biological elimination removes the radioactive isotope?
Internally contaminated
Decontamination of most biologically contaminated patients and equipment can be accomplished with what?
Soap and water
Handling chemically contaminated patients presents a great challenge to HSS units. The vapor hazard associated with contaminated patients may require HSS personnel to remain at what Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) level for long periods?
There are three basic modes of evacuating casualties: What are they?
Personnel, ground vehicles, and aircraft
Hospital corpsmen at the unit level usually provide the first written information on a casualty through the use of a U.S. Field Medical Card, using what DD form?
(DD Form 1380)
What is a casualty tag printed in a set which provides a tough original copy for attaching to the casualty (whether wounded or deceased). A carbon copy is retained by the hospital corpsman rendering initial treatment?
Field Medical Card (FMC)
The purpose of what is to establish patient accountability and to provide a means to document assessment of condition and treatment rendered by HSS personnel?
Field Medical Card (FMC)
What are essential to casualty identification and recording?
Identification tags (dog tags)
Each service member is issued a chain and two tags to be worn at all times. Tags contain the member’s name, social security number, blood type, Service component, religious preference, and what else?
Protective mask size
what is a hand-carried, abridged electronic medical record which will serve as the primary repository of individual readiness data such as deployability status, casualty prevention training, medical history, and demographic information?
Portable Information Carrier (PIC)
In peacetime, the majority of operating forces’ units are manned at slightly more than two-thirds of their mobilization strength, while HSS units are generally manned only with what percentage of the personnel required to carry out their wartime mission?
Authorized manning levels fill only about what percentage of medical corps and nurse corps billets within medical battalions?
10 percent
Before reporting to the MARFOR, all medical department officers who are clinical providers (i.e., medical corps, dental corps, nurse corps) shall attend a course of instruction in advanced what?
Combat life support
Unit training has proven most effective when conducted in a simulated what?
Combat environment
Formally established as the Military Blood Program in 1952 by Presidential Order as part of the National Blood Program, today’s Armed Services Blood Program (ASBP) consists of approximately 116 blood donor centers worldwide, including how many Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensed blood donor centers?
An Armed Service Whole Blood Processing Laboratory(ASWBPL) Maintain a peacetime inventory of how many units of liquid blood for use as a rapid response requirement?
A blood transshipment center (BTC) is the central receiving point for blood shipments from the ASWBPL and for issue to the BSUs. A BTC can store and process up to how many units of liquid blood daily?
Based on theater commanders decisions, the ASBP will have how many Transportable Blood Transshipment Centers (TBTCs) available as blood program elements and one for training deployable personnel?
What are located within the unified command to maintain large quantities of frozen blood products for use during armed conflicts or emergencies requiring medical support?
Blood Products Depots (BPDs)
What receive, store, and distribute blood within the theater of operations?
Blood supply units (BSUs)
BSUs are required to provide a storage supply of blood products based on MTF proposed requirements and blood reports for what time frame?
BSUs can provide support in a specific geographical area regardless of Service components and can support up to how many MTFs designated by the JBPO?