BUMEDINST 5450.165 - Office of the Surgeon General and Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Organization Flashcards
Who is an OPNAV Principal official and serves additional duty as Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery?
Navy Surgeon General
Who aligned all Navy Medical and Dental Commands under the military command of the Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery?
Secretary of the Navy
Who are charged with governance within their defined geographic or functional areas of responsibility and delegated day-to-day operational control and resource execution authority?
Regional Commanders
Which changes are only authorized through change transmittals signed by Chief or Vice Chief, BUMED?
Organizational structure
Who is the point of contact and coordinating authority for all change requests?
Chief of Staff
Who must approve all BUMED and Regional organizational changes?
Vice Chief, BUMED
The Surgeon General and Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery is the principal advisor to whom on the provision of centralized, coordinated policy development, guidance, and professional advice on health service programs for Department of the Navy?
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
The authority and responsibilities of the Surgeon General, as an OPNAV Principal Official, are derived from the statutory authority and responsibilities of CNO and Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) and such other authority and responsibilities as assigned by whom?
Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV)
Orders issued by the Surgeon General in performing his assigned duties have the force and effect of orders issued personally by whom?
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
Special Assistants report to Chief, BUMED as subject matter experts and to the Chief of Staff for issues involving what?
Staff administration
What type of authority is issued to Special Assistants on matters pertaining to their expertise and position?
By direction
Who serves as principal advisors to Chief, BUMED for Medical Department Corps matters?
Corps Chiefs
Who serves as the principal senior enlisted advisor to Chief, BUMED?
Force Master Chief
Who serves as the principal advisor to the Chief, BUMED on religious matters and issues pertaining to the spiritual health of Navy Medicine personnel?
Pastor Care Director. M00G
Who is the principal advisor to Chief, BUMED on matters pertaining to the Military Health System (MHS) Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) strategic initiatives and the resulting impact on the business practices of Navy Medicine?
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
On behalf of Chief, BUMED, who conducts investigations and organizational assessments of and consultation for Navy Medicine?
Medical Inspector General (MEDIG)
Who is the principal legal advisor to Chief, BUMED on medico-legal strategies, fiscal law, military justice and discipline for Navy Medicine?
Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
Who is the principal advisor to Chief, BUMED on the internal and external communication requirements for Navy Medicine?
Communications Director. M00P
Who is the principal advisor to Chief, BUMED on human and animal research protections?
Research Protections Director. M00R
What is the authority that a military commander lawfully exercises over subordinates in assigning missions and expecting accountability for attainment?
Inherent in command
What is a term used to describe the channel by which staff officers contact their counterparts at higher, adjacent, and subordinate headquarters?
“Staff channel”
How many Echelon 3 Regional Commands are there?
Who exercise fiscal oversight of subordinate commands?
Regional Commanders
Per what instruction does Comptroller (M8) reports directly to Chief, BUMED for financial matters and reports to Chief of Staff for administrative purposes?
Who is the principal staff advisor for Navy Medicine Total Force (active duty, reserve, civilian, and contractor) manpower, personnel, training and education (MPT&E) policies, programs, and practices?
M1, Deputy Chief of Staff for Human Resources
Who is the principal staff advisor for Navy Medicine health services. Develops health services policy and directs the provision of medical and dental services as authorized by law or regulations for Navy and Marine Corps personnel, other uniformed Services personnel, their family members, retired members and their family members, eligible survivors of deceased members, Federal civilian employees, and other categories of persons?
M3, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
Who is the principal staff advisor for Navy Health Services future planning. Projects and recommends Navy Medicine Requirements to support the National Military Strategy. Projects and recommends Navy Medicine plans, policy, and requirements supporting joint doctrine?
M5, Deputy Chief of Staff for Future Plans and Strategies
Who is the principal advisor for financial resources and fiduciary processes in response to OPNAV, SECNAV, SECDEF, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and Congress. Develops principles, policies, and procedures ensuring effective financial resource management?
M8, Deputy Chief of Staff for Resource Management/Comptroller
The Flag Council Flag-level advisory and information forum meets how often?
Which board includesBUMED, TMO, and OPNAV Flag and senior civilian leadership and Force Master Chief meeting to discuss strategy, policy, resources, performance, and organizational alignment issues?
Corporate Executive Board (CEB)
Which forum is used to discuss career development, Senior Executive Management, Senior Operational/Major Staff slates, Total Force Integration strategy, cultural diversity strategy, and Navy Medicine leadership competencies?
Council of Corps Chiefs Forum
Which meeting includes BUMED and Regional Command leadership forum to discuss health care and support delivery issues, resources, and business plan performance?
Regional Commander Business Meeting
Which meeting includes BUMED and Regional Chiefs of Staff leadership forum to discuss health care and support delivery issues, resources, and business plan performance?
Regional Chief of Staff Business
What meeting is Chartered by BUMED Chief of Staff to conduct BUMED headquarters specific business functions. Membership includes Assistant Deputies of the Corporate Executive Board (CEB) members. Routine functions include: Position Management Board; Space Utilization Board; and conducting monthly Informational Forum?
Deputy Chief of Staff Business Meeting
What meeting forum is used to share current information on upcoming BUMED activities/responsibilities and policy changes and facilitate timely communication across Codes. Attendees include Code EAs and Administrative Assistants?
BUMED Executive Assistant Meetings
Corporate Executive Board (CEB) Weekly meeting are chaired by Vice Chief, BUMED. CEB and Regional Commanders comprise the Resource Requirements Review Board per what instruction?
Council of Corps Chiefs Forum monthly meetings are chaired by whom?
Vice Chief, BUMED
Regional Commander Business Meetings occur how often and are chaired by Vice Chief, BUMED?
Regional Chief of Staff Business Meeting is a bi-weekly meeting chaired by whom?
Chief of Staff, BUMED
Deputy Chief of Staff Business Meetings occur how often and are chaired by Deputy Chief of Staff, BUMED?
BUMED Executive Assistant Meeting weekly are chaired by whom?
BUMED Chief of Staff EA