What ensures a productive tour for the service member, family, and command and reduces costs?
Proper screening
The loss of how many sailors or marines may compromise the readiness of a unit?
Screening supports what by ensuring the service member can execute his or her military duties associated with their military occupation and assignment?
The commanding officer of the transferring (parent) command will ensure service and family member is screened within how many days of receipt of transfer orders?
Navy type 3,4 or 6 duty is in reference to which type of duty?
Navy Type 2 duty is in reference to which type of duty?
The commanding officer of the transferring (parent) command will ensure service members complete medical assignment screening not later than how many days after returning to duty following a period of medically restricted dutyi or a finding of “fit” for continued Naval service?
Which system adjudicates a service member’s “fitness for continued Naval Service”?
The Disability Evaluation System (DES)
At an overseas or remote MTF ensure the SSC and MTF providers respond within how many working days of receipt of screening inquiries?
What is the computer -based medical management system used in DoD health care facilities?
Composite Health Care System(CHCS)
What is a data repository containing all active and retired military members and their family members?
What is a genetic material found in cell nuclei used for identification?
What is the term for a family member with an identified special need, which requires special health care or educational services?
Exceptional Family Member (EFM)
What is a blood enzyme used to test for tolerance to certain medications such as anti-malarial medication?
What is public law that requires the provision of EIS to infants and toddlers with disabilities (birth through 2 years, inclusive) and their families and a free appropriate public education, to include special education and related services, to preschool and school-age children with disabilities (ages 3 through 21 years. Inclusive)
The term Operational Assignment is used in this instruction to designate an assignment to any DON unit which can be expected to deploy from its home base or port for a period of more than how may days?
What is a test administered to screen for tuberculosis?
Timely access for remote duty designation purposes is defined as how many hours of driving time under normal conditions?
Temporary Limited Duty is a term applied when a MEB places a service member in a medically restricted duty status as a result of illness, injury, or disease. TLD occurs in periods not to exceed 6 months with a cumulative per career total of how long?
12 months
Duty performed in US land-based activities where service members are not required to be absent form their duty station in excess of 150 days per year is what type of duty?
Type-1 Shore Duty
Duty performed in a commissioned vessels and deployable squadrons homeported in the US or duty performed in US land based activity and embarked staffs, which require service members to operate away from their duty stations in excess of 150 days per year is what type?
Type2- Sea Duty
Duty performed in overseas land-based activities which does not require the service member to be absent more than 150 days per year, but is credited as a sea duty due to the relative undesirability of the geographic area is what type of duty?
Type 3-Overseas remote land-based sea duty
Duty performed in commissioned vessels and deployable squadrons homeported overseas; or duty performed in overseas land-based activities and embarked staffs, which require service members to operate away from their duty stations in excess of 150 days per year is what type of duty?
Type 4- Overseas sea duty
Duty performed in overseas land-based activities, which are credited as shore duty for rotational purposes, where service members are not required to be absent from their duty station in excess of 150 days per year is what type of duty?
Type 6- Overseas Shore Duty
Family members require screening when a sailor is serving an unaccompanied tour for how many months or more?
Post pregnancy suitability screening is conducted approximately how long after post delivery, when the infant is immunized and the mother and infant can be safely screened?
8 weeks
Servicewomen who suspect pregnancy must obtain prompt confirmation and inform their commanding officer within how long of pregnancy confirmation?
Two weeks
Any family member who has not received ACIP recommended immunizations is medically unsuitable to accompany an active duty member to an overseas assignment. Annotate Part 1 of which form, and inform the active duty member, PSD and the transferring command that this is a disqualifying medical requirement?
NAVMED Form 1300/1
The pharmacy department will assist in determining the availability of required medications at the gaining MTF or operational pharmacy and will dispense, by prescription, sufficient quantities for the en route period of transfer or period needed by the gaining pharmacy to obtain the required medications (up to how many days)?
Treatment is not considered significant if taking medications of low toxicity (e.g., Prozac, Zoloft, or Paxil) for less than how many days?
For those service members failing suitability screening, attending physicians will conduct follow-up evaluations how often?
Every 2 months
If dental exam records are not current, perform what type of dental examination?
Type 2
Dental examinations of family members performed by civilian providers within the past how many months are considered current?
In order to protect sensitive medical information, forward the suitability inquiry to the gaining MTF via only which method?
Naval message traffic
You need to allow how many working days from receipt of the suitability inquiry for a response and immediately follow- up if the reply is not received by the due date?
The screening MTF supporting the initial duty station will conduct an initial suitability screening for service and family members before a service member is assigned to intermediate duty assignment. The initial screening is valid for how many months?
The service member must be informed of their responsibility to inform his or her command and SSC at the intermediate MTF of any change in special needs status. Changes include pregnancy, illness or injury requiring treatment or rehabilitation for longer than how many days, additions or changes to medication, or any other situation or condition which might alter the initial screening?
Unaccompanied service members may request an accompanied tour and command sponsorship for family members. Whose approval is required for navy personnel?
If command sponsored, suitability screening is required for each family member. Screening conducted within the past how many months meets this requirement?
All requests for early returns/reassignment (humanitarian reassignment in the Marine Corps) are submitted as what type of report by the parent command?
Overseas screening deficiency
Service members in the HIV program are governed under what series and are not included in medical assignment screening?
Upon receipt of the completed NAVMED 1300/3, the SSC/LIMDU coordinator will retain an audit copy. The retention period is how many years after which the record is destroyed?
What is a prerequisite for participation in the TRICARE Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) program?
EFMP enrollment
Navy requires service members to update EFMP enrollment every how many years?
Marine corps requires service members to update EFMP enrollment every how many years?