schematicele, stereotipuri si prejudecarea si discriminarea Flashcards
What is social cognition?
Understanding how people select, interpret, and use information to make judgements about themselves and the social world.
What are the 2 kinds of social cognition?
- Automatic thinking
- quick
- no conscious deliberation of thoughts
- often biased - Controlled thinking
- effortful and deliberate
- thinking and self and environment
- carefully selecting the right course of action
Through what processes does social cognition operate automatically?
Heuristics - mental shortcuts allowing ppl to make judgements quickly and efficiently.
Simple rules for making complex decisions
Schemas - mental structures that organise and simplify information processing.
What is false consensus bias?
We tend to see other people as similar to us.
What are schemas?
Mental structures which are used to organise knowledge about the world
Help to interpret new information and fill gaps in knowledge when needed.
What are stereotypes in terms of schemas?
Schemas about social groups and their members.
Knowledge structures organising information about social groups and their representativeness where each representative carries exactly the same features attributed to the whole group.
What are schemas and metaphors?
Metaphors are linguistic devices that relate an abstract context to another, related to bodily experiences.
What is embodied social cognition?
Bodily experiences play role in processing social information.
What is prejudice?
Prejudice is a negative affect that can take various forms - fear, anger, disgust, pity
Can be explicit and implicit
What is stereotype?
Socially shared, simplified, generalised, evaluating image of a social group and its members.
Distorts reality because ignores real diversity within groups.
Difficult to change
What are gender stereotypes?
Shared beliefs about men and women and their characteristics and social roles and behaviours.
Women are warm and expressive and should be pretty.
Men are competent and independent and should be successful.
What is wrong with positive stereotypes?
When you are put in a position where positive stereotypes is required from you, you feel oppressed.
Imposes expectations that the person does not want to comply with.
Denies individuality of person.
What is the stereotype content model?
High competence & high warmth - admiration (ingroup)
High competence & low warmth - envious stereotype (Asians, rich)
Low competence & high warmth - paternalistic stereotype (elderly)
Low competence & low warmth - contemptuous stereotype (poor ppl)
How are stereotypes acquired and maintained?
Self-fulfilling prophecy - when things that are attributed to you, start becoming part of who you are
The mere expectation of being stereotypes can create stereotype threat.
What study has demonstrated self-fulfilling prophecy?
White interviewer treats job applicants differently during interview based on their race.
Interviewees where white or black
Interviewer would look at the white person more often,
Would allow more time for answer for white person,
More open body posture for white person.
Interviewees were behaving differently.
White person was more confident, more relaxed, and gave longer responses.
What was done in a second study?
Actor was trained to be interviewer
White actor interviewing white people
Actor asked to behave how the interviewer behaved when interviewing white and black person
When interviewer behaved like they were interviewing a black person, the white interviewee shortened their answered, felt less confident.
What is the pygmalion effect?
Higher expectations lead to an increase in performance.
How was the pygmalion effect investigated?
Administered IQ test to school children and told teachers which children have high IQ and will bloom
BUT they were actually chosen at random
In 8 months, chosen children have higher IQ that those who were not ‘the bloomers’
What is an example of self-fulfilling prophecy in real life?
If a society believes that a group is less intellectual and less educable than others, the group will act in accordance with beliefs.
Educational resources will not be provided to the group.
Group will not get adequate education.
Society’s original belief will be confirmed.
What is stereotype threat?
The apprehension experienced by members of a group that their behaviour might confirm a cultural stereotype.
Individuals experience anxiety about confirming negative stereotypes. - they perform below their actual abilities
E.g. If I perform poorly on this test it will reflect badly on my race
What is an experimental example of stereotype threat?
African Americans and Caucasian Americans
2 types of tests:
- real test measuring ability
- lab exercise
Only when the task was described as real test, African Americans performed worse.
Why is the stereotype threat observed?
When we make people aware of their group, this influences their performance negatively.
When they were not reminded, they performed equally well.