Safe, secure and fair mobility Flashcards
A probation period of at least … for novice drivers after passing the test, and a zero-tolerance rule on drink-driving. This is essential as even if young drivers only represent 8% of all car drivers, X out of 5 fatal collisions involve a driver or rider aged under X
A probation period of at least two years for novice drivers after passing the test, and a zero-tolerance rule on drink-driving. This is essential as even if young drivers only represent 8% of all car drivers, 2 out of 5 fatal collisions involve a driver or rider aged under 30
Allowing young people to take their test and commence accompanied driving of cars and lorries from the age of X, to gain driving experience.
Allowing young people to take their test and commence accompanied driving of cars and lorries from the age of 17, to gain driving experience.
Adapting driver … and … to better prepare drivers for the presence of vulnerable users on the road. This will help improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, as well as users of e-scooters and e-bikes as the EU transitions to more sustainable urban mobility.
Adapting driver training and testing to better prepare drivers for the presence of vulnerable users on the road. This will help improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, as well as users of e-scooters and e-bikes as the EU transitions to more sustainable urban mobility.
A more targeted assessment of x, taking into account advances in medical treatment for diseases such as diabetes. Drivers will also be encouraged to update their driving skills and knowledge to keep up with technological developments.
A more targeted assessment of medical fitness, taking into account advances in medical treatment for diseases such as diabetes. Drivers will also be encouraged to update their driving skills and knowledge to keep up with technological developments
The Commission proposes the introduction of a … driving licence, in a world first. It will be much easier to replace, renew or exchange a driving licence since all procedures will be online.
The Commission proposes the introduction of a digital driving licence, in a world first. It will be much easier to replace, renew or exchange a driving licence since all procedures will be online.
Updated testing rules will take into account the transition …, assess the knowledge and skills linked to … and other automated technologies
Updated testing rules will take into account the transition to zero-emission vehicles, assess the knowledge and skills linked to advanced driving assistance systems and other automated technologies
In 2019 some x% of cross-border offences were committed with impunity.
In 2019 some 40% of cross-border offences were committed with impunity.
Cross-border enforcement
The current law covers some of the most frequent and egregious offences, such as … and …. The Commission proposes to expand the scope of traffic offences covered to:
not keeping sufficient …;
dangerous …;
dangerous …;
crossing one or more …
… driving;
not respecting rules on the use of …;
the use of an … vehicle.
The current law covers some of the most frequent and egregious offences, such as speeding and drink-driving. The Commission proposes to expand the scope of traffic offences covered to:
not keeping sufficient distance from the vehicle in front;
dangerous overtaking;
dangerous parking;
crossing one or more solid white lines;
wrong-way driving;
not respecting rules on the use of emergency corridors;
the use of an overloaded vehicle.
A new system will be put in place, allowing for an … driving disqualification when a Member State decides to disqualify a driver because of an offence committed on its territory.
A new system will be put in place, allowing for an EU-wide driving disqualification when a Member State decides to disqualify a driver because of an offence committed on its territory.
In its EU road safety policy framework 2021-2030, the Commission recommitted to its ambitious goal of having close to zero deaths and zero serious injuries on EU roads by 2050 (‘Vision Zero’) and to reducing deaths and serious injuries by x% by 2030
In its EU road safety policy framework 2021-2030, the Commission recommitted to its ambitious goal of having close to zero deaths and zero serious injuries on EU roads by 2050 (‘Vision Zero’) and to reducing deaths and serious injuries by 50% by 2030
Regardless of the level of security, a safe and secure parking area must also ensure that drivers have access to all necessary facilities, such as …
Regardless of the level of security, a safe and secure parking area must also ensure that drivers have access to all necessary facilities, such as showers, toilets, facilities to purchase food and drinks, and internet connection.
The European Commission today adopted new EU standards and procedures to support the development of a network of safe and secure parking areas throughout the EU. The initiative is intended to improve resting conditions for drivers, and to protect them from ….
The new EU standards categorise parking areas according to four security levels: ….
The European Commission today adopted new EU standards and procedures to support the development of a network of safe and secure parking areas throughout the EU. The initiative is intended to improve resting conditions for drivers, and to protect them from violence and cargo crime.
The new EU standards categorise parking areas according to four security levels: bronze, silver, gold and platinum.
The Commission made x updates to the Air Safety List between December 2019 and 2024, banning carriers that do not fulfil international safety standards from operating to, in and from the EU. The EU also signed its fifth Bilateral Air Safety Agreement – with …
The Commission made ten updates to the Air Safety List between December 2019 and 2024, banning carriers that do not fulfil international safety standards from operating to, in and from the EU. The EU also signed its fifth Bilateral Air Safety Agreement – with Japan
The … was adopted, providing a framework for developing drone operations in Europe while keeping EU skies safe and secure. Implementing the ‘…’, a unique, European system will make it possible to increase operations
The European Drone Strategy 2.0 was adopted, providing a framework for developing drone operations in Europe while keeping EU skies safe and secure. Implementing the ‘U-space’, a unique, European system will make it possible to increase operations
Foreseen applications of drones in EU drone strategy:
* Emergency services, mapping, imaging, inspection and surveillance within the … as well as the urgent delivery of small consignments, such as ….
* Innovative Air Mobility services, such as …, providing regular transport services for passengers, initially with a pilot on board, but with the ultimate aim of fully automating operations.
Foreseen applications of drones in EU drone strategy:
* Emergency services, mapping, imaging, inspection and surveillance within the applicable legal frameworks by civil drones, as well as the urgent delivery of small consignments, such as biological samples or medicines.
* Innovative Air Mobility services, such as air taxis, providing regular transport services for passengers, initially with a pilot on board, but with the ultimate aim of fully automating operations.
Some of the key actions of the EU drone strategy 2.0:
* Adopting common rules for …, and new … for remote and eVTOL (manned electric Vertical Take Off and Landing) aircraft pilots.
* Funding the creation of an … to support local stakeholders and industry implementing sustainable Innovative Air Mobility.
* Developing a … to identify priority areas for research and innovation, to reduce existing strategic dependencies and avoid new ones arising.
* Defining criteria for a voluntary … label.
Some of the key actions of the EU drone strategy 2.0:
* Adopting common rules for airworthiness, and new training requirements for remote and eVTOL (manned electric Vertical Take Off and Landing) aircraft pilots.
* Funding the creation of an online platform to support local stakeholders and industry implementing sustainable Innovative Air Mobility.
* Developing a Strategic Drone Technology Roadmap to identify priority areas for research and innovation, to reduce existing strategic dependencies and avoid new ones arising.
* Defining criteria for a voluntary cybersecurity-approved drone label.
Trucks are allowed x cabotage operations are permitted within x days while respecting the coolin-off period of x days before next operation in the same Member State.
Trucks are allowed 3 cabotage operations are permitted within 7 days while respecting the coolin-off period of 4 days before next operation in the same Member State.
If you buy a new model of car, approved for manufacture after 31 March yyyy, it must have the 112-based eCall system installed. This rule applies both to cars with no more than 8 seats and light commercial vehicles. If you have a car which is already registered, you are not obliged to retrofit an eCall device but you can have it installed if your car meets the technical requirements.
If you buy a new model of car, approved for manufacture after 31 March 2018, it must have the 112-based eCall system installed. This rule applies both to cars with no more than 8 seats and light commercial vehicles. If you have a car which is already registered, you are not obliged to retrofit an eCall device but you can have it installed if your car meets the technical requirements.