ReFuelEU aviation regulation Flashcards
Fuel suppliers will have to incorporate X% SAF in 2025, X% in 2030 and X% in 2050. From 2030, X% of fuels must also be synthetic fuels, rising to X% in 2050.
Fuel suppliers will have to incorporate 2% SAF in 2025, 6% in 2030 and 70% in 2050. From 2030, 1,2% of fuels must also be synthetic fuels, rising to 35% in 2050.
The obligation for aircraft operators to ensure that the yearly quantity of aviation fuel uplifted at a given EU airport is at least X % of the yearly aviation fuel required, to avoid what? practices which would bring additional emissions from extra weight.
The obligation for aircraft operators to ensure that the yearly quantity of aviation fuel uplifted at a given EU airport is at least 90% of the yearly aviation fuel required, to avoid tankering practices which would bring additional emissions from extra weight.
The creation of a Union labelling scheme about what?, which will help consumers make informed choices and will promote greener flights.
The creation of a Union labelling scheme about environmental performance for aircraft operators using SAF, which will help consumers make informed choices and will promote greener flights.
It shall apply from when?. However, articles 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 shall apply from when?.
It shall apply from 1 January 2024. However, articles 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 shall apply from 1 January 2025.
The Regulation will bring a substantial reduction of CO2 emissions of more than X% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels.
The Regulation will bring a substantial reduction of CO2 emissions of more than 60% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels.
Additionally, the increased uptake of SAF will help reduce what?
Additionally, the increased uptake of SAF will help reduce air pollutants such as CO, NOx and PM increasing air quality especially around airports
EU engagement at international level through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aiming to raise global ambition on SAF use. The recently launched what? project, financed by the EU, will see feasibility studies and capacity building activities implemented in where?, with the aim of bringing the States closer to actual SAF production. SAF is also included as a flagship project under what?
EU engagement at international level through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aiming to raise global ambition on SAF use. The recently launched ACT-SAF project, financed by the EU, will see feasibility studies and capacity building activities implemented in 13 African states and India, with the aim of bringing the States closer to actual SAF production. SAF is also included as a flagship project under the Global Gateway
Direct financial support for the uptake of SAF by narrowing the price gap between SAF and fossil kerosene through X million of SAF allowances under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) to aircraft operators.
Direct financial support for the uptake of SAF by narrowing the price gap between SAF and fossil kerosene through 20 million of SAF allowances under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) to aircraft operators.
For each reporting period, aviation biofuels other than advanced biofuels and other than biofuels produced from the feedstock listed in Part B of Annex IX to RED II, supplied across Union airports by each aviation fuel supplier, shall account for a maximum of X % of SAF.
For each reporting period, aviation biofuels other than advanced biofuels and other than biofuels produced from the feedstock listed in Part B of Annex IX to RED II, supplied across Union airports by each aviation fuel supplier, shall account for a maximum of 3 % of SAF.
Are biofuels from used cooking oil, animal fats, damaged crops, and wastewater considered advanced biofuels?
‘Union airport’ means an ‘airport’ where passenger traffic was higher than how many? passengers or where the freight traffic was higher than how many? tonnes in the previous reporting period, and which is not situated where?
‘Union airport’ means an ‘airport’ where passenger traffic was higher than 800 000 passengers or where the freight traffic was higher than 100 000 tonnes in the previous reporting period, and which is not situated in an outermost region.
What crops, where used for the production of biofuel for the aviation sector, are considered as advanced biofuels?
Intermediate crops, and crops grown on severely degraded land, except food and feed crops.
Can biofuels from food and feed crops be considered aviation biofuels?
Who acts as a one-stop-shop for fuel producers to provide them with everything that is required for efficient ASTM D4054 standard evaluation, the standard that new SAF pathways are evaluated against?
The EU SAF Clearing House
SAF targets by 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045 and 2050 are…
2, 6, 20, 34, 42 and 70%
What must EU airports do?
They must facilitate access to the necessary infrastructure to deliver, store and refuel aircraft with SAF (Article 6).
Who must will gradually increase at EU airports the share of SAF blended with conventional aviation fuel?
Aviation fuel suppliers
Synthetic aviation fuels trajectory:
* 2030-2031: X % avg (min Y % each year)
* 2032-2034: X % avg (min Y % each year until YYYY included)
* From 2035: X %
* From 2040: X %
* From 2045: X %
* From 2050: X %
Synthetic aviation fuels trajectory:
* 2030-2031: 1,2 % avg (min 0,7% each year)
* 2032-2034: 2 % avg (min 1,2 % each year until 2033 included)
* From 2035: 5%
* From 2040: 10%
* From 2045: 15%
* From 2050: 35%
What spefic components are fuel suppliers obliged to report about?
Content of aromatics and naphthalenes by percentage volume and of sulphur by percentage mass in aviation fuel supplied per batch.
Is there any flexibility? If so, until when?
The regulation includes a flexibility mechanism for 2025 to 2034, allowing fuel suppliers to report their SAF blending as a weighted average over all the aviation fuel supplied across EU airports for that reporting period.
How big are the penalties?
The fines for aviation fuel suppliers not meeting
the overall SAF target must be at least two times the difference between the average yearly price of SAF (or synthetic fuel) and conventional aviation fuel per tonne, multiplied by the quantity of aviation fuel not complying with the SAF (or synthetic fuel) mandates