RX100 Willow Inpatient Fundamentals - Chapter 4: Verification Flashcards
pharmacist queue
contains a workqueue for all unverified orders, along with workqueues for orders that are being prepared by pharmacy technicians and need to be reviewed and checked by pharmacists; aka verify queue
verify queue
contains a workqueue for all unverified orders, along with workqueues for orders that are being prepared by pharmacy technicians and need to be reviewed and checked by pharmacists; aka pharmacist queue
verification filter
Filters allow you to see subgroups of patients in the Verify Queue, rather than all patients with orders to
verify. Administrators can build filters that make sense for their pharmacists, or pharmacists can build their
dispense code
determines what labels will print and where
how pharmacy interventions are documented
how to select filters on the verify queue?
how to review clinical and dispensing details in a patient’s orders during verification?
During verification, pharmacists review, clean up and approve or reject orders. The Verify Orders activity
allows pharmacists to see clinical and dispensing details such as dose, scheduled due times, dispense
location, product to dispense and dispense amount. It is up to the pharmacist to review the information,
make any necessary adjustments and determine if the orders should be verified or rejected.
how to review flags in a patient’s orders during verification?
hover over flag in verify activity (under medication name)
how to identify orders reordered from home meds during verification?
hover over flag in verify activity (under medication name)
how to identify orders from order sets during verification?
hover over flag in verify activity (under medication name)
how to identify given meds during verification?
most recent administrations are noted
how to identify edited orders during verification?
changes are highlighted in the verify activity
how to discontinue and replace an order during verification?
if the intent of the order needs to change or clinicians need to be aware of the change, MODIFY or DISCONTINUE the med in the orders activity
how to create an i-Vent during verification?
new i-Vent button at top of screen
how to modify an order in verification?
click pencil to activate “edit” mode. when done making changes, click “binoculars” to return to view-only mode.