Rural Water Supply Flashcards
The movement of water at fires will almost always consist of one of three types of operations:
nursing operations, relay operations, or shuttle operations.
The goals of rural water supply operations are to be:
▪ Rapid (quickly deployed, supporting the initial attack).
▪ Efficient (providing maximum GPM/fire flow based on available water).
▪ Expandable (enabling the water supply to increase as needed).
▪ Uninterrupted (providing a continuous flow for the duration of the fire)
The officer in charge (OIC) from the third engine will be
tasked as the?
Dump Site Unit Leader
The officer in charge (OIC) from the fifth engine supervises
activities at?
Fill Site Unit Leader
Includes all known locations where hydrants are more than 2,000 feet from a
given structure.
Typically, first arriving engine and first arriving tanker will be positioned at the fire location for attack and a tanker will be at the dump site supplying water to the attack apparatus through a clappered siamese valve.
Nursing Operations
Generally, this procedure uses three or fewer engines to supply the attack
engine(s) directly from the water source through a supply line that should not exceed 3000 feet from the incident.
Relay Operations
Tanker Task Force
Three tankers, one engine, and one command officer
The ____ reports to the IC and is assigned the role of developing an adequate water supply delivery system and the management of all resources assigned to the water supply operations. The third due engine officer, working as the
DSUL, will be initially responsible for these duties until relieved by the ______ ________ _______ _______
Water Supply Group Supervisor, second
arriving Command officer
▪ Manage all activities at the dump site.
▪ Evaluate and implement travel route for incoming tankers. If a shuttle is to be used,
recommend the travel route of tankers to ensure units are moving in a loop.
▪ Designate a staging area for units that will be abandoned so not to impede traffic.
▪ Evaluate and adjust water supply operations as needed.
▪ Keep WSGS apprised of the amount of water available.
These are some of the responsibilities of the…?
Dump Site Unit Leader (DSUL)
The officer in charge (OIC) from the third engine
▪ Manage all activities at the fill site.
▪ Keep WSGS apprised of the fill site conditions upon request.
▪ Coordinate traffic control with law enforcement as required.
▪ Ensure tankers get priority at the fill sites.
▪ Ensure units are filled in the most efficient and safest manner possible
These are some of the responsibilities of the?
Fill Site Unit Leader (FSUL): The officer in charge (OIC) from the fifth engine
The _____ _______ ______ ________ is responsible for determining the water supply
plan enroute to the call using the map book or preplan
first-arriving engine company
▪ Personnel at the fill area need to wear the appropriate PPE to include traffic vests and shall wear personal flotation devices (PFDs) if ?
working within 10’ of an open water source.
The fire flow that can be obtained from a particular unit can be estimated using the following formula:
Total Capacity of Tanker minus 20% divided by the round-trip time.
In addition to the first alarm, the minimum dispatch for a Tanker Task Force shall consist of the following units:
▪ One engine
▪ Three tankers
▪ One command officer
While enroute to the fire, the first-arriving engine officer needs to begin to set up for?
water supply operations
Nursing Operations
First Engine
Arrive and layout LDH with a siamese from a point that is suitable for the selected rural water supply operation.
Nursing Operations
Second Engine
Arrive at the incident scene and complete the setup of the nursing operation.
Engine will supply their water into the system when no tankers are available.
Nursing Operations
Third Engine
The officer of the third-arriving engine will assume the role of the DSUL.
The DSUL will manage the responsibilities of the WSGS until relieved.
Engine will supply their water into the system when no tankers are available.
Position out of the route of travel.
Nursing Operations
Fourth Engine
Engine will supply their water into the system when no tankers are available.
Position out of the route of travel and crew becomes Rapid Intervention Team (RIT).
Nursing Operations
Fifth Engine
Arrive at the fill site and the officer will assume the FSUL position under the WSGS.
Establish two fill stations positioned sufficiently apart to permit ease of vehicle
Nursing Operations
Additional Apparatus (including units on the first alarm
Report to the incident scene, dump anticipated equipment/personnel, and move the vehicle to a staging area out of the way of the route of travel. Engine companies may be directed to become part of the water shuttle.
Nursing Operation: Direct Fill Option
First Engine
If responding with a tanker, the first due engine will drive directly to fire location.
If the dump site is less than 200 feet away from incident, the first due engine will lay in or hand jack hose back to dump site.
Nursing Operation: Direct Fill Option
Second Engine
If the incident is less than 200 feet from the dump site and the first tanker is on scene, the driver transfers water to the tanker.
If no tanker is on scene, supply water to the first engine through a 4-inch siamese valve.
The engine becomes part of shuttle operation.
If the dump site is more than 200 feet but less than 1000 feet from incident, layout from the dump site to the first tanker and prepare to supply water to the tanker.
If the dump site is more than 1000 feet from incident, layout from the predetermined location in the preplan.
The crew goes to the incident scene to deploy a second hoseline
Nursing Operation: Direct Fill Option
Third Engine
Third engine officer assumes position as the Dump Site Unit Leader (DSUL).
Driver transfers water to the tanker at the dump site.
Third Engine becomes part of the shuttle operation.
The DSUL will head up water supply operations until the second battalion chief
establishes Water Supply Group (WSG).
Nursing Operation: Direct Fill Option
Fourth Engine
Officer and 2 firefighters proceed to the incident scene and become the Rapid
Intervention Team.
Driver transfers water to the tanker at the dump site and engine becomes part of the shuttle operation.
Nursing Operation: Direct Fill Option
Fifth Engine
The officer will become Fill Site Unit Leader (FSUL) and will be under the direction of
the WSG supervisor.
Respond to fill site location with the crew to begin fill site operations.
At least 2 lines will come from the engine to facilitate the rapid filling of units coming to fill site (Tankers will have priority and should have a designated fill position).
Shuttle Operation
First Engine
Arrive and layout LDH with a 4-inch siamese from a point that is suitable for the selected rural water supply operation.
Shuttle Operation
Second Engine
Follow instructions from the first engine for layout directions.
Establish nursing operations to minimize interruptions to water supply while setting up the dump site.
Establish dump site operations. Leave the nursing operation setup in place to supplement the water supply or to respond to a failure of the dump site operation.
Shuttle Operation
Third Engine
The officer of the third-arriving engine will assume the role of the DSUL.
The DSUL will manage the responsibilities of the WSGS until relieved.
Crew completes the setup of and staffs the dump site.
Engine will supply their water into the system when no tankers are available.
Position out of the route of travel.
Shuttle Operation
Fourth Engine
Officer and 2 firefighters proceed to the incident scene and become the Rapid
Intervention Team.
Driver transfers water to the tanker at the dump site and engine becomes part of the shuttle operation, if needed.
Shuttle Operation
Fifth Engine
Engine will supply their water into the system when no tankers are available. Driver
becomes part of the shuttle operation Fifth Engine (Fill Site Engine)
Arrive at the fill site and the officer will assume the FSUL position under the WSGS.
Establish two fill stations positioned sufficiently apart to permit ease of vehicle
With proper preplanning, relay operations with 4-inch hose are feasible at distances?
over one mile.
Dry hydrants should be back flushed and tested ?
every six months
Rule of thumb: For relay operations, if the distance to the water source is greater than a ________ _____, a tanker shuttle is likely a better choice.
3-pumper relay
Direct Fill- Short Lay
The 3rd engine is responsible for the dump site set up and should ____ ____ ___ ______ to assist with shuttle connections and traffic.
stay with the tanker