Exposure Control Plan Flashcards
__ ____ ______ _______ are the point of contact for infectious disease exposure notification.
On duty Safety Officers (SAFO)
__ _______ _____ _______ _______oversees the maintenance,
compliance, surveillance, and education of the Exposure Control Plan.
The Infectious Control Prevention Officer (ICPO)
OSHA mandates medical records of occupational infectious disease exposures be kept for employees __ ______ from the date of separation.
30 years
Employees responding to incidents requiring patient care shall wear ____ ______ and approved protective _______
exam gloves, eyewear.
If a PIC-T Kit becomes contaminated with blood or body fluids, it must be _____ ____ ________ _____. A loaner PIC-T Kit can be obtained from the employee’s ____ __________.
cleaned with disinfectant wipes, (EMS) Supervisor.
Contaminated PPE must be placed inside ___, red biohazard bags and the
PPE Checklist for Returned Issued Gear (FRD-033) should be taped on the
outside of the bag and sent to the to the PPE center for cleaning.
Proper hand hygiene involves using soap, warm running water, and rubbing
hands vigorously for at least __ ________, focusing on areas between the finger and fingernails.
20 seconds
The command, “______ ______” is used to alert other employees on scene
that the sharps are properly disposed.
“Sharps away”
_______ ________ is used when handing off a sharp to another employee
for disposal. Eye contact must be made with both employees, with the
sharp pointing down, during the transfer and before proper disposal.
“Passing sharps”
___ _______ __ ______ _____ensures that no infectious waste is left at the
incident scene and shall be disposed at the hospital.
The officer in charge (OIC)
Containers or bags used to contain medical waste must be labeled with the
fluorescent ______ _______ _______label.
orange-colored “Biohazard”
FRD employees_____ ___ assist in the collection, removal,
or transportation of body parts, tissue remnants, or bone fragments.
shall not
FRD employees must contact the ER charge nurse if grossly
contaminated equipment is found in the “clean” holding area at the
hospital. If the matter persists, FRD employees are to notify …?
the EMS Supervisor or on duty SAFO.
OSHA defines an infectious disease exposure as “a specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employee’s duties.” This definition, coupled with blood or body fluid exposure to intact skin for a period longer than __ _______ is termed a “Risk” exposure by IDP, and this term shall apply as the standard in communication of potentially infectious diseases
30 minutes
A “Non-Risk” bloodborne exposure is defined as blood or body fluid contact with ______ ____ for less than __ _______.
intact skin, 30 minutes
Actions of an Employee Exposed to an Infectious Disease
Employees shall immediately wash with antiseptic soap and rinse any
skin areas affected from blood, body fluid splashes, vomit, and spit.
For animal bites, the affected area must be washed with soap and water.
If needed, cover the wound to control bleeding.
Safely remove station uniforms with heavy or gross amounts of
contaminants and place them in the red biohazard bags.
Notify the on duty SAFO
Actions of an Employee Exposed to an Infectious Disease
Notify the on duty SAFO and provide the following details:
i. Hospital destination.
ii. Source patient name, medical record number, trauma name, and
date of birth.
iii. Employees shall provide a contact number and must answer
any phone calls from SAFO, ICPO, and IDP.
iv. Employees must submit the Infectious Disease Exposure
Report (FRD-314) to the SAFO.
v. If an infectious disease exposure is due to a needlestick or animal
bite, an Injury Packet must be submitted to the SAFO.
Infectious Disease Exposure Incident – Source Patient Refusing Transport
If the source patient refuses transport
notify the on duty SAFO, request an EMSSupervisor, and remain with the source patient.
Infectious Disease Exposure Incidents – Animal Bites
a. Thoroughly clean the bite area with soap and water as soon as possible
and bandage injury site.
b. Request an Animal Protection Police Officer.
c. Notify the on duty SAFO.
d. If possible, note the type of animal and keep the offending animal
contained (domestic animal) or within sight (non-domestic animal) until
an Animal Protection Police Officer arrives.
e. Transport employee to the hospital.
f. Submit an injury packet [e.g., Supervisor’s Report of Work-Related
Injury and/or illness (FRD-071), Battalion’s Chief Injury and/or
Illness investigation Report (FRD-315A), and Injury and/or Accident
Narrative Supplement (FRD-317)].
If an employee believes an off-duty exposure occurred contact the on duty
SAFO. If unavailable, contact the …?
Uniformed Fire Officer.