High Rise Building Fires Flashcards
In buildings with center-core construction, elevators, stairwells, mechanical rooms, and most utilities are located in the building’s core. _____ __ ____________ _____ comprises the floor’s perimeter
Office or residential space
__________ occurs when fire gases separate into layers according to temperature. The gases with the highest temperatures move to the top layers, and the cooler gases move to the bottom layers. This is also called “thermal layering” or “thermal balance.
compartmentalized office and residential spaces with mazelike corridors;
non-compartmentalized open floor plans for commercial office occupancies;
window air-conditioning units or a lack of building-wide heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems;
conventional windows that may be opened;
lack of suspended ceilings, which amounts to less hidden void space;
These are all features found in…?
those constructed before February 1976
Buildings with fixed windows should have designated breakable windows for emergencies. These windowpanes are marked with a ______ ____ __ ___ _ ____ ____ ______ in the lower corner of the pane
Maltese cross or have a fire helmet etched
Apartment or office doors open inward (i.e., the door swings into the apartment or office from the hallway). The presence of an outward opening door indicates…?
an electric or telephone room or another type of closet
_____________ ______, also known as “access” or “convenience” stairs, are open, unprotected stairways leading from floor to floor within a single occupant’s space. Should a fire occur within the occupancy, it could easily spread to all floors serviced by this stairway.
Accommodation stairs
Hydrants installed after 1976 should be located ________ ______ ___ ____ of the standpipe and sprinkler FDCs
within 100 feet
________ _________, which bypass a portion of the building via a blind shaft, are found in many high-rises throughout the NOVA region. A blind shaft serves only a specified portion of the building and has no openings on other floors.
Express elevators
Personnel must quickly identify and establish evacuation routes to facilitate the safe and orderly movement of building occupants to locations below the fire. Personnel should also consider that the best way to control occupants and maintain their safety may be to…?
protect in place
Evacuation of a high-rise building requires the commitment of a substantial number of resources. If more than ____ _____ _____ ___ ____ still contain occupants,_ ______ _____ _______ _______ should be established.
two floors above the fire, a search and evacuation branch
The term __________ refers to the typical smoke movement found in residential and commercial high-rise structures when the smoke is uninfluenced by external environmental conditions
The most effective method for controlling and preventing flashover involves _________ ______ ___ ________ ____ ____ ____ _______ . They should do so using straight or solid streams to best contend with enclosed or confined spaces.
personnel cooling the overhead area with hose streams
Five conditions must exist for a wind-driven fire to occur:
fire in the structure;
a failed or opened window to the outside in the fire area or apartment;
the presence of wind on the structure’s exterior;
a failed or open area or apartment door leading into a common hallway, usually caused by a fleeing occupant who left the door open; and …?
an unobstructed path to an outlet where the fire can vent (e.g., open apartment door across the hall, open stairwell door, or open bulkhead door)
Once personnel reach the fire floor, they must communicate the fire conditions to Command. The situation report should include the volume of fire, intensity of heat felt, and temperatures observed using a thermal imaging camera. Additionally, the first due truck should immediately advise if they can…?
close the door to the fire area or apartment
The first due truck or rescue should establish a haven area by forcing entry into an adjoining apartment. Personnel should not force entry or open the door of the ________ ________ ______ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ _______because this will provide the wind-driven fire an outlet and increase the fire’s intensity.
apartment directly across the hall from the fire apartment
Vertical fire extension can occur by fire extending
out of one window to a window or room above (i.e., auto exposure),
through unprotected or compromised void spaces,
into an elevator shaft, and
-through the space between the floor and curtain wall,
-upward within an occupancy that involves more than one floor and has installed an access or convenience stairway.
Buildings under construction must have a riser two floors below the top-most finished floor. However, if fire conditions exist in an area with still-present concrete formwork, personnel should not undertake interior extinguishment operations. They should instead ________ ___ ____ _____ ____ __ ______ ________ because fire damage to the formwork supporting the curing concrete could cause a collapse.
initiate the fire fight from an exterior position
The operational plan for high-rise fires must consist of five basic actions:
- determine fire floor,
- verify fire floor,
- control occupants,
- control building systems, and
- confine and extinguish the fire
For fires located below grade or on the first, second, or third floors, personnel may choose to ______ ____________ ____ ____ ___ ______ because they are faster to deploy and place in service.
stretch preconnected lines from the engine
The ________ ________ __ _ ____ in a high-rise building provides the first indication of which stairwell fire department personnel should utilize for fire attack
reported location of a fire
It is the first due engine officer’s responsibility to ________ ___ ______ ___ ____ _____ . The officer should also advise if the entry level is other than the first floor or if the floors have an odd configuration.
identify and verify the fire floor
Units should utilize stairwells to access ______ _____ fires and above-grade fires up through the sixth floor.
In residential occupancies, search priority is as follows:
- the fire unit,
- exit hallways,
- units next to the fire unit, and
- all other units on the fire floor.
In nonresidential occupancies, search priority is as follows:
- the immediate fire area and floor;
- the floor above the fire area;
- the top floor, including the involved hallways, stairwells, and elevators; and
- the floors between the floor above the fire and the top floor.
The sixth due engine, which is typically the first engine on the second alarm, should establish the ____ ____. In a high-rise fire, this area will become a _______ ____ ____ ____ _________
base area, parking area for fire apparatus.
Lobby control takes responsibility for a variety of critical tasks:
Building systems control.
Elevator operations.
Stairwell identification for attack and evacuation.
Civilian evacuation coordination. Due to the possibility of displaced civilians congregating in the lobby, personnel may need to evacuate civilians to an alternate designated area.
_______ refers to the area used for assembling resources close to operations on the fire floor, ideally two floors below the confirmed fire floor in a high-rise fire.
The three basic tactics include ventilating
horizontally through the windows,
vertically through stairwells, or
through the building’s HVAC system.
Fires involving more than one apartment or occurring in an office high-rise require a large number of resources to be moved upward in the building. At minimum, stairwell support requires _ _________ __________ _____ ___ ______ to effectively shuttle equipment
a firefighter positioned every two floors
A ______ _______ is three to six stories high and measures less than 75 ft from the lowest level of fire department vehicle access to the highest occupiable floor.
midrise building
Newer constructed balconies may have a dry sprinkler system. Three general types of midrise balconies commonly exist:
cantilevered, recessed, and hinged.
If the unit officer of the first-arriving engine company decides to utilize ____________ _________ ___ ____ _______ ___ ______ , they should communicate a water supply report to the second due engine company, identifying the location and method of the hose lay.
preconnected hoselines for their initial fire attack
The _____ ____ ______ company’s responsibilities at a building without a standpipe may include the following:
Help the third due engine establish a secondary water supply, if needed. The driver fulfills this task.
Bring hose packs and forcible entry tools.
Report directly to the command post; confer with the IC; then report to the building’s lobby area to assume lobby control
fifth due engine
The first due engine’s responsibilities are as follows:
View as much of the structure as possible during approach
take note of evident conditions
Park in proximity to the building without blocking access for subsequently arriving fire department apparatus.
Provide on-scene report to first due command officer
All crew members abandon the vehicle and proceed to the lobby to continue size-up.
o Note wind direction and strength.
o Bring rapid entry keys (e.g., Knox
o Gather information from the fire control systems
o In a commercial high-rise, check the lobby’s building directory for the occupancy type on the floors involved.
o Determine if the stairs will be used to reach the fire floor or if an elevator
Provide lobby report to first due command officer communicating fire alarm status, reported fire location, evacuation status, and route of travel to fire floor.
Proceed to the anticipated fire floor along with the crew of the first due truck or rescue
Provide a fire floor report to the first due command officer verifying the fire floor, describing conditions on the fire floor, and identifying the attack stairwell.
A high-rise building is a building with either six or more stories or a building where the highest occupied story is located more than 75 ft above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
High-rise building
– This occurs when air moves downward inside a tightly sealed building due to the temperature difference between the air inside and outside the building. The taller the building, the greater the effect.
Reverse stack effect
In buildings constructed after 1976, the stairways should contain _____ _____ ________ linked to the fire control room
hard-wired communications
Due to the level of protection provided by the landing door, stairwell risers should be used when feasible. Personnel should refrain from using _______ ______ unless necessary.
hallway risers
Sprinkler control valves for each floor may be found at ….?
stairwell landings
________ _________ _______ as defined by the National Fire Protection Association standard NFPA 142, are designed to reduce, regulate, control, or restrict water pressure
Pressure-regulating devices,
________ __________ ________ reduce downstream water pressure in flowing (i.e., residual)
conditions only, much like gating down a handline at the pump panel.When possible, they should be removed to allow the fire department full control of the standpipe discharge valve opening.
Pressure-restricting devices
________ ________ typically controls elevators in high-rise structures. Control rooms reside at the top of the elevator shaft. Some shorter buildings may contain hydraulic elevators.
Electric traction
Street-level recognition of a wind-driven fire and proper tactical resource deployment are critical to ensuring personnel safety. To aid in wind-driven fire size-up, personnel should be aware of the following:
presence and direction of the wind from the street level;
failure of windows to the fire area or apartment;
lack of or intermittent smoke and flames pushing from the failed window, depending on
wind or gusts; and
presence of a large volume of fire within the fire area or apartment.
Wind Driven Fires
Once personnel reach the fire floor, they must communicate the fire conditions to Command. The situation report should include…?
the volume of fire, intensity of heat felt, and temperatures observed using a thermal imaging camera.
Vertical fire extension can occur by fire extending via?
out of one window to a window or room above (i.e., auto exposure),
through unprotected or compromised void spaces,
through the space between the floor and curtain wall,
into an elevator shaft, and
upward within an occupancy that involves more than one floor and has installed an access or convenience stairway.
The operational plan for high-rise fires must consist of five basic actions:
- determine fire floor,
- verify fire floor,
- control occupants,
- control building systems, and
- confine and extinguish the fire
Officers should consider 2 1⁄2” lines in advanced fires or …?
fires in the upper floors of residential high-rises.
The advantages of 2 1⁄2” hose and smooth bore nozzles are clear; ____ ________ _____ _______ ________ __ when compared to 1 3⁄4” hose and fog nozzles.
they provide more flow and reach at lower pressures
Using the _____ _____ to deploy hose regardless of the conditions on the fire floor not only prevents exposure to heat and smoke by allowing the hose to be stretched and charged in a tenable atmosphere, but it also minimizes tripping hazards at the fire floor entrance.
floor below
Vehicle fires in attached parking garages typically occur in one of two building configurations: ?
adjacent and underground.
These should NOT be used by fire department personnel.
Test connections.
The third due engine hoseline should reach the area directly above the seat of the fire. If the evacuation stairwell presents the only reasonable option, the following steps can minimize stairwell contamination and reduce interference with occupant evacuation.
Deploy and stage the hoseline in the stairwell.
Keep the stairwell door closed and the stairwell isolated while the second truck checks
for extension.
Direct personnel staffing the hoseline to help occupants around the hoseline if necessary.
If the rescue squad arrives on the fire floor well before the first due truck, the rescue squad crew assumes the first due truck responsibilities on the fire floor. If this occurs, the rescue company officer must announce the change via radio, and the first due truck must ?
acknowledge it.
Every alarm after the first will bring at least…?
three engines, one truck, and one battalion chief.
The driver of the sixth due engine should become the base manager. The remaining personnel of the sixth due engine should prepare to ?
set up staging two floors below the fire floor unless otherwise directed by Command.
The mobile air unit is included with the second alarm and should be positioned at a forward location (i.e., close to the building) with stairwell access to staging. Most of these units carry a ____ ____ ____ ____ as well as extra air cylinders for staging.
250-ft air hose
Lobby control takes responsibility for a variety of critical tasks:
Building systems control.
Elevator operations.
Stairwell identification for attack and evacuation.
Civilian evacuation coordination. Due to the possibility of displaced civilians
congregating in the lobby, personnel may need to evacuate civilians to an alternate designated area.
Personnel and the building engineer should proceed to the fire control room to take control of the following…?
Fire pump
Fire alarm system
Sprinkler system
PA system.
Fire phones.
Pressurization system status and control
Elevator status and location
Nonambulatory residents
_______ refers to the area used for assembling resources close to operations on the fire floor, ideally two floors below the confirmed fire floor in a high-rise fire.
____ refers to the area where incoming fire apparatus and other vehicles park.
The three basic tactics include ventilating
horizontally through the windows,
vertically through stairwells, or
through the building’s HVAC system.
Stairwell support represents one of firefighting’s highest priorities during the early stages of a high-rise building event.Personnel should expect to deliver the following to the fire area:
spare self-contained breathing apparatus cylinders, extra self-contained breathing apparatus packs,
the supplied air line from the mobile air unit,
water for personnel hydration,
standpipe packs,
flashlights and portable lighting, and portable radio batteries.
______ ___________ also known as pedestal or platform construction, utilizes multiple stories of light framing over a single or multistory concrete or steel podium
Podium construction
The wrap-around midrise design, also known as the _____ ________ consists of a centralized multistory concrete parking structure surrounded by multiple stories of wood-frame units built from the ground up.
“Texas donut,”
________ _________ _________ employ the basic concept of a dry pipe system in that the extinguishing agent is not normally contained directly behind the discharge orifice. The difference, however, is that an electrically operated valve (i.e., a preaction valve) holds the suppression agent from the piping
Preaction fire sprinkler systems
sometimes referred to as a computer access flooring system, elevate a room’s flooring structure to allow infrastructure-related utilities to be routed and rerouted without interfering with a room’s interior occupiable space.
Raised floor systems,
If the unit officer of the first-arriving engine company decides to utilize preconnected hoselines for their initial fire attack, they should communicate a _____ ______ ______ to the second due engine company, identifying the location and method of the hose lay.
water supply report
Mid Rise
Personnel should position exposure lines outside the building’s …?
collapse zone.