Role of Education on Society - New Right Perspective Flashcards
An economic doctrine (set of beliefs held by a particular group) that’s had a major influence on the education policy
What do neoliberals argue about the state?
They argue that the state shouldn’t provide services like education, health and welfare
Who have neoliberal ideas influenced?
All governments since 1979
Where does the value of education lie according to neoliberals?
It lies in how well it enables the country to compete in the global marketplace
What is the new right?
A conservative political view that incorporates neoliberal economic ideas
What is the central principle of the new right?
The belief that the state can’t meet peoples’ needs and people are best left to meet their own deeds in free market
How is the new right different to functionalism?
The new right doesn’t believe that the current education system is achieving desired goals as it’s run by the state
What approach does the education system take according to new right thinkers?
It takes a ‘one size fits all’ approach, imposing uniformity and disregarding local needs
Who has no say in the education system?
Local consumers -parents, pupils and employees
How are state education described by the new right?
As inefficient and unresponsive
What is the new right solution to schools that get poor results?
Marketisation of education which encourages competition between schools to bring greater diversity, choice and efficiency in schools
Why has state-run education failed in the US according to Chubb and Moe?
It hasn’t created equal opportunity
It’s inefficient because if fails to produce pupils with skills needed for workplace
What do Chubb and Moe base their ideas of consumer choice on?
On comparison of achievements of 60,000 pupil from low-income families
How do pupils of low-income families achievements change between private and public schools according to Chubb and Moe?
They do about 5% better in private than public schools
What would a market system in education let consumers do according to Chubb and Moe?
It would let them shape schools to meet their own needs
How would schools be like private businesses if marketisation was introduced?
They would have to compete to attract ‘customers’ by improving their ‘product’
How would educational standard change if principles of private education were introduced in state schools?
They would drastically improve
What two important roles of the state remain according to the new right view?
State imposes framework on schools where they have to compete
State ensures schools trans,it a shared culture (national curriculum)
Who do Gewirtz and Ball argue competition between schools benefits?
The M/C as they can use their cultural and economic capital to gain access to more desirable schools
What do critics of the new right believe to be the real cause of low educational standards?
Social inequality and poor funding of state schools
What do Marxists believe the education system imposes?
A culture of a dominant minority ruling class which declares w/c culture