Internal Factors - Streaming (Keddie) Flashcards
Splitting pupils into groups based on their ability, which they stay in across all their subjects
Students may be in different sets for different subjects
Class differences in setting and streaming
W/C students more likely to be placed into lower sets/streams
M/C children destined for high sets/streams
How do setting and streaming influence achievement? (Keddie)
Keddie found that in lower sets/streams:
- less challenging work
- entered into lower tier exams (E.g. foundation)
- “dumbed down” resources
In higher sets/streams:
- challenging work
- positive reinforcement and higher tier exams
Negative evaluation for the use of sets and streams
Ball found the removal of setting and streaming reduced anti-school subcultures
Lower sets and streams makes students feel stupid and causes them to underachieve
Mixed-ability groups perform better than setting
Teachers may see those in lower sets as a waste of time
Positive evaluation for the use of sets and streams
Students should be ranked on ability for the purpose of role allocation