External Factors - Cultural Deprivation (Sugarman and Bernstein) Flashcards
Parenting style of mc
-Consistent discipline
-High expectations
-Encourage active learning
Income spent on education for mc parents
-Spend their income in ways that promote their children’s educational success
-More likely to buy educational toys
Behaviours of mc parents
-Educated parents more aware of what is needed to assist their children’s educational progress
-Reading with children
-Helping with homework
Children of better educated parents
They tend to have children who are more successful at school
What is a subculture?
A group whose attitudes and values differ from those of the mainstream culture
According to cultural deprivation theorists, why do some working class children fail at school?
Because large sections of the working class have different goals, beliefs, attitudes and values from the rest of society
What does Barry Sugarman (1970) argue about W/C subculture?
Working-class subculture has four key features that act as a barrier to educational achievement
Working class belief in fatalism
Belief in fate (what will be, will be) and there is nothing you can do to change your status
Middle class belief in fatalism
Emphasises that you can change your position through your own efforts
Working class belief in collectivism
Valuing being part of a group more than succeeding as an individual
Middle class belief in collectivism
An individual should not be held back by group loyalties
Working class belief in immediate gratification
Seeking pleasure now rather than making sacrifices in order to get a reward
Middle class belief in immediate gratification
Values emphasis deferred gratification - making sacrifices now for greater rewards later
Working class belief in present-time orientation
Seeing the present as more important than the future - not having long-term goals
Middle class belief in future-time orientation
Sees planning for the future as important
What are external factors?
Factors outside the education system, such as the influence of home and family background on wider society
What do cultural deprivation theories suggest?
That the wc lack the necessary economic capital and views, attitudes and support that are needed to succeed in education
Why does the wc lack the necessary economic capital for succeeding in education?
Because the mc are the dominant social group meaning they get to dictate what is needed for educational success
According to Bernstein, what language codes do the wc use?
The restricted code
According to Bernstein, what language codes do the mc use?
The elaborated code
Qualities of the restricted code
-Limited vocabulary
-Short, grammatically simple sentences
-Limited use of adjectives and adverbs
Qualities of elaborated code
-Wide vocabulary range
-Grammatically complex
-Fully elaborative
What does formal education being carried out in elaborated code result in?
Those who use the restricted code being at a disadvantage
What is the elaborated code the language of?
Exams, teachers and textbooks
What did Bernstein believe that the elaborated code allowed individuals to do?
To deal with higher level concepts, developing arguments and making generalisations
Evaluation of language codes
-Victim-blaming exercise
-Schools able to accommodate all language codes
-Children can switch between both codes when necessary
Through the socialisation process, what do wc children internalise? What does this result in?
The beliefs and values of their subculture which results in them underachieving at school
What does Sugarman believe about the differences in values of both social classes?
These differences in values exist from the fact that mc jobs are secure careers offering prospects for continual individual advancement
What do compensatory education programmes aim to tackle?
Problems of cultural deprivation by providing extra resources to schools and communities in deprived areas
What is Operation Head Start?
A multi-billion dollar scheme of pre-school education in poorer areas which aim was ‘planned enrichment’ of the deprived child’s environment
What were sugarman’s four key features that act as a barrier to educational success?
Immediate gratification
Present-time orientation