Rizal Midterm Flashcards
Arrival of Rizal in Manila
- .had become very sensational among the Filipinos. Because the Spaniards feared his popularity, they paid careful attention to his every move. The houses where he has visited were searched and the Filipinos seen in his company were suspected as collaborators.
June 26,1892
they welcomed Rizal in Manila.
Apolinario Mabini
Andres Bonifacio
Ambrosio Salvador
Pedro Serrano Laktaw
Deodato Arellano
and other patriots, who, altogether founded La Liga Filipina (TheFilipino League)
wanted to discuss the plan for La Liga Filipina.
house on Calle Ylaya
Rizal able to talk with him saying his gratitude for lifting the order of exile for his sisters.
- Rizal go Malacanang again but Gov showed him printed copies of the Pobres Frailes leaflets.
- issued a decree deporting Rizal to Dapitan after a day of imprisonment at Fort Santiago.
- told Rizal that there was a command to return him back to Manila.
Governor-general Despujol (July 1892)
incriminatory leaflet allegedly found in her sister Lucia pillowcase, an incriminatory leaflets under the authorship of P. Jacinto (Rizal’s pen name )
- These leaflets were a satire against the rich Dominican friars who enriched themselves contrary to their vows of poverty.
Pobres Frailes
arrested brought here.
Fort Santiago
- The books and articles are anti-Catholic and anti –friars
- A bundle of hand bills found in his packages after his arrival in Manila entitled Pobre Frailes satirized the Filipinos and anti- religious orders
- El Filibusterismo was dedicated to the GomBurZa which the Spanish considered as traitors
- Rizal was pursuing the salvation of the Filipinos through their separation from Spain.
steamer; sailing for Dapitan under Captain Delgras
Rizal was guarded by him in his travel to dapitan for exile
Captain Delgras
- when they reached Dapitan Rizal was handed to him, the Spanish commandant of Dapitan.
- During his exile, Rizal became close with him for allowing him to roam the place on the condition that Rizal will relay his activities in his office once a week.
Captain Ricardo Carnicero
- a remote town in Mindanao, which served as an outpost of the Spaniards in the Philippines.
- became the only witness to Rizal’s fate since July1896.
- he continued his medicine, research and continued his talent in sculpture, painting, sketching and poetry writing.
- He put up a school for boys and introduced projects for the community.
- helped the people of Dapitan with their livelihood — he did farming and business and even invented a wooden equipment in making bricks.
- On September 21,1892, Rizal together with Carnicero and another Spaniard, won a lottery ticket. The amount given to him as his share was P6,200. Part of his share was used to buy a land in Talisay.
- He wrote poems, performed operation on his mother’s eyes, and studied on medicinal plants of Dapitan to be prescribed to his patients.
- creation of a big map of Mindanao at the plaza to be used for geography class.
- invented a water system that gave the town people water for their drinking and irrigation.
- helped the people in putting-up lamp posts in every corner of the town.
Rizal had been known to be
Best ophthalmologist
sent him letters, narrating his daily activities in Dapitan.
a poem gift to Captain Carnicero on Aug 16, 1892.
“A Don Ricardo Carnicero”
had an eye ailment, traveled from Hong Kong to Dapitan.
George Tauffer
narrate to him the founding of Katipunan and its plan for revolution.
Dr. Pio Valenzuela & Raymundo Mata
- adopted daughter, Rizal’s wife even if it was against Father Obach and both their relatives.
Josephine Bracken
- R sent letters: case be reviewed so Blumentriit proposed that Rizal may offer his services as a surgeon to the Spanish government in Cuba to end his exile.
- granted Rizal’s request to go to Cuba.
Governor General Ramon Blanco
a colony of Spain and was raged by a yellow-fever epidemic.
left Manila, steamer
Barcelona, steamer
Isla de Panay
- arrested while trip
Mediterranean Sea
prison here and go back to ph.
Barcelona, Spain
reached Capital and imprisoned at _
November 3, 1896
- Rebellion
- Sedition
- illegal association
the assigned Judge to summon R, an Advocate of the Spanish military tribunal.
Colonel Francisco Olive
- chosen lawyer of R from a list of 100 young Spanish officers who were not into law; who was the bodyguard of Rizal when he first came home.
- the defender of Rizal during his trial.
Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade
- Documentary (15 docs)
- Testimonial (10 witnesses)
- Rizal was against rebellion as testified by Pio Valenzuela
- No letter consisting of revolutionary elements was addressed to the Katipunan was written
- Without his consent, the Katipunan used his name as one of the passwords.
- If he was guilty, he could have left the country while in exile; he would not have built a home,
and would not have bought a parcel of land to put up a hospital in Dapitan. - The revolutionists could have consulted him if he was the leader.
- He did not deny that he wrote the by-laws of the Liga Filipina, but to make things clear, it is a different organization from Katipunan. The former being a civic association and the latter being a revolutionary society.
- After the first meeting of the Liga, the association banished because of his exile in Dapitan and it did not last long.
- He had no idea that the Liga was reorganized nine months after.
- If the Liga had a revolutionary purpose, then Katipunan should not have been founded.
- If the Spanish authorities found his letters offending, it was because in 1890, his family has been persecuted.
- He lived a good life in Dapitan – the politico military commander and missionary priest in the province could attest to it.
- The witnesses said that if the speech delivered at Doroteo Ongjunco’s house had inspired the revolution, he should be given a chance to confront these persons. If he was in the revolution, the Katipunan should not have sent an unfamiliar emissary to him in Dapitan. For this, his friends knew that he never promoted violence.
- a civic organization founded by Rizal on his second coming.
- a progressive organization created by Rizal derived from La Solidaridad and the Propaganda movement. The purpose of La Liga was to build a new group sought to involve the people directly in the reform movement.
- La Liga Filipina( the Philippine League)
Aims of LLF:
- To unite the whole archipelago into one vigorous and homogenous organizations.
- Mutual protection in every want and necessity.
- Defense against all violence and injustice
- Encouragement of instruction, agriculture, and commerce
- Study the application of reforms.
read him the official notice of his execution.
Captain Rafael Dominguez
- The last poem he composed and was the longest he ever written.
- A poem written by Rizal when he was in Fort Santiago before his last hour.
Mi Ultimo Adios or My Last farewell
December 30, 1896
two Jesuit priests walk with R.
March & Vilaclara
Rizal’s last word.
“Consummatum est!” (It is finished!) -
started to write, finish 1/2.
finished 1/2 of the second half.
Paris studying at Universidad Central de Madrid
finished the last fourth
last few chapters were written.
financed printing. Sick and penniless. A scion of rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan.
Maximo Viola
- deleted chapter.
“Elias and Salome”
Noli came off the press
March 21, 1887
1st copies printed novel sent to his intimate friends.
Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor
Graciano Lopez Jaena
Mariano Ponce
Felix R. Hidalgo
- which means “Touch Me Not”
- was taken from the bible, the _______.
Noli Me Tangere
- Gospel of St. John (Chapter 20, Verses 13 to 28).
Fr. Jose Rodriguez
Father Font
General Jose de Salamanca
General Luis M. de Prado
Sr. Fernando Vida
Vicente Barrantes
an Augustinian priest who published a series of eight (8) pamphlets to discredit Noli.
Fr. Jose Rodriguez
printed and distributed copies to discredit the controversial novel.
Father Font
the Spanish Academician of Madrid who bitterly criticized the Noli in an article published in La España Moderna (Madrid Newspaper) in January 1890.
Vicente Barrantes
- Marcelo H. Del Pilar
- Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor
- Graciano Lopez Jaena
- Mariano Ponce
- Father Sanchez
- Don Segismundo Moret
- Dr. Miguel Morayta
- Professor Blumentritt
- Other Filipino reformists in foreign lands
- Rev. Vicente Garcia
Rizal’s favorite teacher in the Ateneo
Father Sanchez
former Minister of the Crown
Don Segismundo Moret
historian and stateman
Dr.Miguel Morayta
scholar and educator
Professor Blumentritt
- a Filipino priest-scholar and a Tagalog translator. He used the pen name Desiderio Magalang and wrote a defense letter of the Noli which was published in Singapore.
- A defender of Noli Mi Tangere who printed defense and was published in Singapore.
Rev. Vicente Garcia
A revolutionary organization founded by Andres Bonifacio.
- Crisostomo Ibarra or Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin
- Maria Clara de los Santos Y Alba
- Padre Damaso Verdolagas
- Kapitan Tiago or Don Santiago de los Santos
- Pilosopo Tasyo Don Anastacio
- Elias
- Doña Victorina
- Sisa or Narcisa
- Doña Consolacion
- commonly called “Ibarra”, is Filipino Spanish and the only descendant of the wealthy Spaniard Don Rafael Ibarra.
- he has a liberal mind. Outspoken and idealistic. Patient and serious man, becomes very violent and impulsive when he is provoked. Ibarra is Rizal’s reflection of himself. He symbolizes the idealism of the privileged youth.
Crisostomo Ibarra or Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin
- is the most dominant yet weakest representation of women in the setting.
- the image of the ideal Filipino woman. Maria Clara is the primary female character in the novel.
- daughter of Capitan Tiago and Doña Pia Alba.
- grew under the guidance and supervision of Tiya Isabél
- a religious woman. She was portrayed as a faithful sweetheart, a friend and an obedient daughter, she had childish simplicity. She gets easily nervous. Her character is related to Rizal’s childhood sweetheart, Leonor Rivera. She symbolizes the purity and innocence of a sheltered native woman.
Maria Clara de los Santos Y Alba
- Padre _ of Franciscan order, was the former curate of the parish church of San Diego.
- replaced by much younger Padre Salvi.
- known to be friendly with the Ibarra family; surprised by what the former curate had done to Don Rafaél.
- described to be snobbish, ruthless and judgmental extrovert.
- biological father of Maria Clara
Padre Damaso Verdolagas
- commonly known as “Filosofo Tacio” (Philosopher Tasyo)
- referred to as a philosopher/sage because his ideas were accurate with the minds of the townspeople.
- if his ideas were against the thinking of the majority, he was considered the Imbecile Tacio or Lunatic Tacio.
- His mom feared him would become “too educated” and lose his faith and devotion to religion. (gave him 2 opt: go into the priesthood or stop his education)
- He spent most of his money on
books and now lives in poverty. Rizal can relate to his character as his oldest
brother, Paciano Rizal. He symbolizes the learned Filipinos. He is a pessimist.
Pilosopo Tasyo Don Anastacio
- commonly known as —-
- is the only son of a wealthy trader in Malabon.
- became a servant of a Dominican priest.
- husband of Doña Pia Alba
- Santa Clara in Obando - devotion blessed with anak
- He is said to be a good Catholic, friend of the Spanish government. He symbolizes the rich Filipinos who oppress their fellow countrymen.
Kapitan Tiago or Don Santiago de los Santos
- came from the family which the Ibarra clan had oppressed for generations
- Ibarra’s family subjugated his family, he is entirely indebted towards him, Furthermore, Ibarra, who in turn, saved his’ life when they tried to kill a crocodile
- helped Ibarra until death
- Salome his sweetheart
- He distrusts human judgment and prefers God’s justice instead, He prefers a revolution over the reforms, and he represents the common Filipino. He is said to be the personification of Andres Bonifacio.
- (fn) _ de los Reyes de Espadaña
- the one who pretended to be a meztisa (a Spaniard born in the Philippines) and always dreamed of finding a Spanish husband, in which she FORCE married, Don Tiburcio; love KT.
- an ambitious Filipina. She symbolizes those who have a distorted view of their identity.
- fierce rivalry against Donya Consolacion.
Doña Victorina
- married to Pedro
- mother of Basilio and Crispin (died).
- she was pardoned by the town Alferez
Sisa or Narcisa
- (fn) La Musa de los Guardias Civiles y Esposa del Alferez
- once a laundrywoman who worked for the town Alferez.
- She became wealthy after marrying a Spanish husband.
Doña Consolacion
- Doña Victorina’s husband. He is timid and rarely joins in conversation. Makes living as a quack doctor. Represented the ignorant Spaniards whose foolishness was tolerated by other Spaniards often resulting in disastrous consequences for the natives.
Don Tiburcio de Espadaña
- a young, healthy and beautiful woman, a very spiritual woman. By nature, a very merry woman but she became melancholic when she became pregnant.
- She represents the women who had been abused by the clergy and preferred to hide her shame.
Pia Alba
- he occupies the second most powerful rank in the colonial government, second only to the king and supported Ibarra against Padre Damaso representing the typical Governor Generals of the Philippines who would often disdain the power that the friars had.
Gobernador General
Meek and shy, Padre Damaso wanted Maria Clara to marry him but she refused. _____ represented the young Spaniards who came to the Philippines hoping for a better life than in their motherland.
A young and smart Spanish lawyer
(Alfonso Linares)
- Dona Consolascion’s husband
- Shares rivalry with the priest, particularly Padre Salvi and frequently has violent fights with his wife represented the officials of the state who frequently had power struggles with Church officials.
- often cool and intelligent, especially when correcting the other friar.
- Dominican friar who is the curate of Binondo
Padre Sibyla
- manipulates people to get what he wants.
- very thin and sickly.
- The Franciscan curate of San Diego
- lust for Maria Clara
Padre Salvi
Rizal lived a good and peaceful life in Dapitan.
Rizal was accused of rebellion because of the Katipunan revolt.
He was exiled in Dapitan for 4 years
Rizal advice and objected Bonifacio’s plan of revolution because according to Rizal Filipino Katipuneros were not yet ready for a bloody revolution.