Feedback Flashcards
- ___ is a process that managers can use to evaluate how effectively their teams meet the stated goals at the end of a production process…
- evaluates the team’s progress by comparing the output…
Feedback Control
process being controlled
sensing elements
controller and actuating devices.
A final advantage of _ from the ability to track the process output and, thus, track the system’s _.
- feedback control systems
- overall performance.
What is the application of feedback and control system?
Using _ in _ improves control by automatically adjusting the controller output to reduce the error
closed-loop systems
Examples of control systems in your day-to-day life
include an air conditioner, a refrigerator, an air conditioner, a bathroom toilet tank, an automatic iron, and many processes within a car – such as cruise control.
Which is the best example of _ to a system?
A _ is similar to a cause and effect loop, where information about a system is sent back to the system to improve its performance. An example is your _.
body’s ability to control temperature
What is _ in control system?
If either the output or some part of the output is returned to the input side and utilized as part of the system input, then it is known as _. _ plays an important role in order to improve the performance of the control systems.
The condition of the body’s temperature is the information fed back to the brain,which is the _.
Why is it important to have a feedback system?
Feedback improves learner confidence, motivation to learn and ultimately, a learner’s attainment. It’s also what your people want - 65% of employees say they want more feedback.
_ comes in many shapes and forms. You can deliver feedback episodically, in isolated instances or on an ongoing basis.
_ also adds stability to an unstable process, ensuring a repeatable and reliable control loop.
Why is it important to understand feedback systems?
Looking for feedback in a system helps give you a better understanding of how actions shape the environment and how the ever-changing environment then shapes activity.
What is application of control system in industry?
They are used to manage and regulate processes to achieve desired outcomes. Some common applications include: _:
_ are used in manufacturing to control machinery, optimize production, and ensure consistent quality.
Industrial Automation
Control systems
What is an example of a control management system?
Examples of _ include human resource systems, cost accounting systems, and quality management systems. On the contrary, _ are unwritten and undeclared.
formal systems
informal control systems
What are the examples of control in management?
Examples of _ Schedule and deadline management, employee training, performance evaluations, adjustments to budgets or staffing assignments, and resource allocation are all included within the _.
controlling functions
What is an example of a control system and describe it briefly?
A _ manages, commands, directs, or regulates the behavior of other devices or systems using _. It can range from a single home heating controller using a thermostat controlling a domestic boiler to large industrial control systems which are used for _ or machines.
control system
control loops
controlling processes
What are the characteristics of feedback in control system?
The system has a slight oscillation and hence is somewhat instable. The non-linear effects are reduced. The effects of external disturbances or noise are possible to reduce . The system improves the quality of product by better control.
There are two main types of feedback control systems:
negative feedback
positive feedback
In a _ control system the setpoint and output values are added.
In a _ control the setpoint and output values are subtracted.
positive feedback
negative feedback
How do you use feedback in the workplace?
Don’t take feedback personally or emotionally, but rather as an opportunity to learn and grow. Analyze the feedback objectively and identify the key points, themes, and actions. Reflect on what you did well, what you can improve, and how you can apply the feedback to your future work or projects.
Why feedback is used in control system?
Using _ in _ improves control by automatically adjusting the controller output to reduce the error. This helps reduce the effects of dynamic disturbances. Feedback also adds stability to an unstable process, ensuring a repeatable and reliable control loop.
closed-loop systems
A _ is a set of mechanical or electronic devices that regulates other devices or systems by way of control loops.
Typically, _ are computerized.
_ are a central part of production and distribution in many industries. Automation technology plays a big role in these systems.
control system
What is an example of a feedback control system?
An example of a _ is the central heating and air conditioning system for a home, or building. A _ is the feedback sensor that measures the room temperature and compares it to the desired temperature or set point, calculating a difference or error.
feedback control system
thermostat or temperature sensor
What is the most important part of the control system?
_ is the backbone of all control systems. This _ is nothing but the information that managers use to correct their organization’s actual performance.
What are the practical applications of feedback control?
_ is employed in a wide variety of situations in everyday life, from simple home thermostats that maintain a specified temperature, to complex devices that maintain the position of communication satellites.
Feedback control
What are the applications of control systems?
_ are used in domestic applications, general industry, military and virtually every modern vehicle in the world.
_ are very common in SCADA and Industrial Automation systems.
_ are used in Industrial Automation to regulate how devices operate in real time.
Control Systems
A _ measures the output of a process and then manipulates the input as needed to drive the process variable toward the desired setpoint.
A _ reacts to setpoint changes initiated by the operators as well as random disturbances to the process variable caused by external forces
feedback controller
What is the effect of feedback?
_ reduces the _ of a system with the degree of reduction being related to the systems _.
_ also has effects of reducing distortion, noise, sensitivity to external changes as well as improving system bandwidth and input and output impedances.
overall gain
open-loop gain
Negative feedback
The main disadvantage of _ is that the _ enters into the process and upsets it. It is only after the process output has moved from the setpoint that the controller takes corrective actions.
feedback control
What is feedback control in electronics?
A _ is a control system that tends to maintain a relationship of one system variable to another by comparing functions of these variables and using the difference as a means of control.
feedback control system
In _, the variable being controlled is measured and compared with a target value.
This difference between the actual and desired value is called the _.
_ manipulates an input to the system to minimize this error.
feedback control
Feedback control
_ Is a physical interconnection of components, or parts, that gathers various amounts of information together.
_ can also be regarded as a process that transforms one signal into another so as to give the desired system response.
Electronic System
Electronic control systems
Where is feedback control used?
Feedback controls are widely used in _.
modern automated systems
As a result, even the most complex of electronic control systems can be represented by a combination of _, with each block containing or representing an individual component or complete sub-system.
simple blocks
The representing of an electronic system or process control system as a number of interconnected blocks or boxes is commonly known as “_”
block-diagram representation
_ have both inputs and outputs with the output or outputs being produced by processing the inputs. Also, the input signal(s) may cause the process to change or may itself cause the operation of the system to change. Therefore the input(s) to a system is the “cause” of the change, while the resulting action that occurs on the systems output due to this cause being present is called the “_”, with the effect being a consequence of the cause.
Electronic systems
In other words, an _ can be classified as “_”, as there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between its input and its output. The analysis of electronic systems and the theory of process control are generally based on this cause and effect analysis.
electronic system
Types of Electronic System
continuous-time (CT) signals discrete-time (DT) signals.
A _ is one in which the input signals are defined along a continuum of time, such as an analogue signal which “continues” over time producing a continuous-time signal.
But a _ can also vary in magnitude or be periodic in nature with a time period T.
As a result, _ tend to be purely analogue systems producing a linear operation with both their input and output signals referenced over a set period of time.
continuous-time system
continuous-time signal
continuous-time electronic systems
On the other hand, a _ is one in which the input signals are not continuous but a sequence or a series of signal values defined in “discrete” points of time. This results in a _ generally represented as a sequence of values or numbers.
discrete-time system
discrete-time output
One of the practical aspects of electronic systems and block-diagram representation is that they can be combined together in either a series or parallel combinations to form much bigger systems.
Interconnection of Systems
For a __, the output signal y(t) of the first subsystem, “A” becomes the input signal of the second subsystem, “B” whose output becomes the input of the third subsystem, “C” and so on through the series chain giving A x B x C, etc.
Series Connected System
series connected continuous-time system
Another important interconnection of systems which is used extensively in control systems, is the “_”.
In , a fraction of the output signal is “” and either added to or subtracted from the original input signal. The result is that the output of the system is continually altering or updating its input with the purpose of modifying the response of a system to improve stability.
A _ is also commonly referred to as a “_” as shown.
Electronic Feedback Systems
feedback configuration
feedback systems
fed back
feedback system
Closed-loop System
For a _, each subsystem receives the same input signal, and their individual outputs are summed together to produce an overall output, y(t). Then for two parallel connected subsystems, the equivalent single output will be the sum of the two individual inputs, ie, y(t) = G1(s) + G2(s).
Parallel Connected Electronic System
parallel connected continuous-time system
_ are used a lot in most practical electronic system designs to help stabilise the system and to increase its control.
Closed-Loop Feedback System
Feedback systems
Any subsystem can be represented as a simple block with an input and output as shown.
Transfer Function of Electronic Systems
We have seen that a simple _ consists of an input, a process, an output and possibly feedback. _ can be represented using _ where the lines between each block or subsystem represents both the flow and direction of a signal through the system.
Electronic System
Electronic Systems
interconnected block diagrams
We have also seen that electronic signals and systems can be of continuous-time or discrete-time in nature and may be analogue, digital or both.
_ can be used be used to increase or reduce the performance of a particular system by providing better stability and control.
_is the process of making a system variable adhere to a particular value, called the _.
Feedback loops
reference value.
In the next tutorial about Electronic Systems, we will look at a types of electronic control system called an _ which generates an output signal, y(t) based on its present input values and as such does not monitor its output or make adjustments based on the condition of its output.
Open-loop System
_ need not represent a simple single system but can represent very complex systems made from many interconnected subsystems. These subsystems can be connected together in series, parallel or combinations of both depending upon the flow of the signals.
Block diagrams
A _ is an arrangement , set, or collection of things connected or related in such a manner as to form an entirely or whole.
A _ is an arrangement of Physical Components connected or related in such a manner as to form and/or act as an entire unit.
This collection of methods and procedures – known as _, _, and, in recent years, as _ – constitutes the basic subject to be mastered by a beginning control system engineer.
servomechanism theory, basic control theory, classical control theory
A typical_ consists of several interconnected devices designed to perform a prescribed task.
automatic control system
Basically _ of a control system pictorially represents a system. By using visual illustration, even a very complex system can be simplified for the purpose of analysis.
block diagram
_ (_): It converts physical quantity into electrical quantity. For example, temperature sensor
converts temperature into voltage.
Now the question arises, how the block diagram representation simplifies the system?
So basically, mainly the block diagram of a system is generated so that one can _.
apply the transfer function approach.
We know that the _ of the open-loop and the closed-loop system is different as the closed-loop system contains a _.
block diagram representation
feedback loop
Thus, in a simple term, we can say that a _ is the pictorial representation of a system in which the different elements of the system are sequentially connected.
block diagram
A combination of various elements connected as a unit to direct or regulate itself or any other system in order to provide a specific output is known as a _.
We know _ is basically known as the act of regulating or directing.
So _ is used to direct the functioning of a physical system to carry out the desired objective.
Control System
Control System
Control System
The characteristic or condition to be controlled.
Primary element/sensor.
Three basic types of control systems are available to executives:
output control,
behavioral control,
clan control. Different organizations emphasize different types of control, but most organizations use a mix of all three types.
Circuit Protection
Traffic lights control system is an example of _.
control system
One of the major functions of most control systems is to provide _ for both the circuit components and the motor.
A _ is a system, which provides the desired response by controlling the output.
control system
There are so many types, as many as different control problems as you can find there out. For example, for control problems where you can act on the system by turning on or off a switch, such as some temperature control problems, you have _.
on-off control
For problems where systems have multiple input and outputs that interact with each other you have _.
multivariable control.
_ in the control system is defined as a way of providing output (or a part of the output) back to the input. The _ can be either current or voltage depending on the operation. However, both positive and negative feedback possess unidirectional behaviour in the signal flow.
_ is considered to be a major part of a closed-loop control system that utilizes negative feedback in order to provide a sampled output signal back to the input. This facilitates the generation of an error signal which is used by the controller to adjust the necessary input to get the desired output.
_ plays a crucial role in control systems thus find various applications in the process control system, amplifier, and oscillators, etc. Now, let us explore the various differentiating factors between the two.
_ or _ is the one that takes the output signal which is in phase with the applied input and fed it back to the reference input. This facilitates adding the feedback signal with the reference input and the added signal further acts as the controlling signal for the system in which the feedback loop is incorporated.
Positive feedback
regenerative feedback
_ also referred as _ is a widely used type of feedback in the control system. Here the signal at the output which is out of phase with respect to the input is fed back to the input. Thus, the two signals at the input of the system get subtracted and the difference of these two signals further drives the system.
Negative feedback
degenerative feedback
This signal is referred as an _ and used to correct the variation in achieved output from the desired one in the control system.
erro signal
A negative feedback system has three basic components:
Control center
_ is the ringing noise (often described as squealing, screeching, etc) sometimes present in sound systems. It is caused by a “”, that is, a signal which travels in a continuous loop. In technical terms, feedback occurs when the gain in the signal loop reaches “” (0dB gain).
Audio feedback
looped signal
When _ is employed in a system then it increases the effective input of the system by adding the actual input with the feedback signal. As against, when a system uses _ then it decreases the overall input of the system by subtracting the feedback signal from the actually applied input.
In _, the input and output signals are of similar phase and so the two signals get added. While in _, the input and output signals are of different phases thus the two are subtracted.
positive feedback
negative feedback
positive feedback
negative feedback
In the _, the _ is used to provide positive feedback to it, whereas, the _ is used in the same to provide negative feedback.
op-amp circuits
non-inverting input terminal
inverting input terminal
The _ of the system that incorporates _ is more than the gain of the system in the absence of feedback. On the contrary, the overall gain with the system possessing _ is less than the gain of the system with no feedback.
overall gain
positive feedback
negative feedback
The phase shift offered by the _ circuit is either_ or _. While the phase shift in case of the _ circuit is _°.
positive feedback - 0° or 360°
negative feedback - 180°
A _ is less stable in comparison to a negative feedback system.
positive feedback system
The sensitivity offered by a _ is lesser than a negative feedback system. This is so because the sensitivity of the _ is the inverse of _. Thus, if 1 + GH is greater than 1 then the sensitivity is lower. While if 1 + GH is smaller than 1 then the sensitivity is higher.
positive feedback system
closed-loop system
1 + GH
Positive and Negative feedback are the two major classifications of feedback used in _.
Control Theory
Increasingly stringent requirements of modern, high-precision machinery are placing increasing demands in slide systems.
NC machine position control system
The _ is a magnetic sensor used to measure the camshafts speed and the position of each piston.
camshaft sensor
What is the main purpose of camshaft sensor?
The _ enables the engine control to determine the exact position of the crankshaft drive. This information is required to calculate the ignition point and injection point, among other things.
camshaft sensor