Rituals and Ceremonies Flashcards
Outline 3 features of Brit Milah?
- The kvatters (bearers) carry the child on the cushion.
- The sandek holds the child for the procedure.
- The father recites a blessings, remembereing God’s commandments for circumcision.
Why is circumcision important?
- God commanded it.
- Abraham circumcised himself and his son.
- It is a physical sign of the covenant.
- Humans must not be contented with their imperfect condition.
What are some sources to support circumcision?
- ‘you and your descendants’
- ‘every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised’
3.’Abraham circumcised him’
What are some features Brit Bat?
- There is a celebratory meal.
- Rabbi names the child.
- The wine is blessed and the cup may be shared with the family.
Why is the Brit Bat important?
- Welcomes girls into the faith.
- Treats girls as equals.
What are some weaknesses to the Brit Milah?
- ‘do not make cuttings into the flesh’
- ‘Any child born of a Jewish mother is a Jew, circumcised or not’- Encyclopedia Judaica.
- The covenant is a spiritual pledge, no need for physical.
- Tenakh gives no reason but to follow God’s command.
What are some sources for Brit Bat?
1.’Blessed be the child’
2.’we praise you’
3.’to bring our daughters into the Covenant’
Outline 3 features of Jewish marriage?
- They get married under the huppah(canopy), to unite them under one roof.
- The rabbi blesses a glass of wine that the couple drink from.
- The ketubah (marriage contract) is read when the husband promises to provide for his wife.
What are some sources to support marriage?
- ‘become one flesh’
- ‘A man without a wife is incomplete’
- ‘An unmarried woman is an incomplete vessel’
- ‘is doomed to an existence without joy’
- ‘you are consecrated to me with this ring’
Why is marriage important?
- To obey the mitzvah and have children.
- For a man and woman to share a life of love.
- For a man and woman to have sex in the way that God intends.
- To establish a Jewish home and raise Jewish children.
Outline 3 features of Bar Mitzvah?
- He recites the blessing before the Torah reading.
- He reads the whole Torah passage for the day.
- There is a celebratory meal.
Why is the Bar Mitzvah important?
- He becomes liable in the eyes of God.
- He can make up the minyan.
- Can be rewarded for good deeds.
What are some weaknesses of the Bar Mitzvah?
- No references to it in the Tenakh and came up in the 12th century.
What are some quotations to support Bar Mitzvah?
1.’he may praise the name of God’
2.’as soon as he becomes of age … brings him into the synagogue’
3.’that he may praise God’
Outline 3 features of Bat Mitzvah?
- In liberal,they were a tefillin.
- In liberal, they read a passage from the Tenakh.
- In orthodox, the rabbi reads the passage.
What should a family do when a person dies?
- Make a tear in their clothes.
- Help the person die as a Jew.
- Their final words must be ‘the Lord is one’
Outline 3 features of the funeral.
- Make a tear in their clothes.
- Ritual washing to cleanse the body.
- The are wrapped in a plain linen shroud.
What are some quotes for the funeral?
- ‘Jacob tore his clothes’
- ‘you must not leave his body overnight’
- ‘to dust you will return’
What is the Omnipresent?
A title used for God during mourning to remind that Jews that God is with the living and the dead.
What is the chevra kaddisha?
Burial society
What is tallit?
A fringed garment worn by Jews.
Outline 3 features of the shiva?
- All mirrors are covered.
- During the week, friends put food for the mourners.
- A candle is kept burning day and night.
What are some sources to support Avelut?
- ‘they sat on the ground with him for seven days’
- ‘the candle of the Lord searches the soul of man’
What is yarzheit?
The anniversary of death as long as mourners live. A candle is kept burning and kaddish is said.
What Liberals do? Orthodox do the converse
- Allow more time before the funeral.
- Allow cremation
- Put on a black ribbon, no tearing.
- 1-3 days shiva
- Do not cover mirrors.
- Allow playing music.