Richard III Flashcards
Reasons for succession of Richard III
Richard’s ability to use power Edward had given him
Richard’s ruthlessness
Richard’s swiftness to act
Divisions at court
Help received
Early death of Edward IV
Weak position of Edward V
Succession- Early death of Edward IV
Edward V was 12, allowed Richard to fight for influence with Woodvilles- if heir was of age, Richard would’ve had no chance
6th most important
Succession- Richard’s ability to use power Edward IV had given him
Had been given Warwick’s northern estates, was lieutenant in North, kept Scots at bay. More power by marrying Anne Neville, inherited estates. 1483- Northern influence (Northumberland and Mayor of York sent troops)
Most important
Succession- Divisions at court
Woodvilles unpopular with nobility, particularly with Hastings and Buckingham. Woodvilles did not inform Richard of Edward’s death so that Edward V could be crowned, but Hastings sent word
3rd most important
Succession- The help Richard received
Hastings (hated by Queen) warned Richard that she planned for him to be part of regency council, Buckingham felt sidelined in favour of Woodvilles- hated them
Northern influence- Ratcliffe and Lovell gave aid
4th most important
Succession- Swiftness to act
Moved south immediately from York, took E5 from Rivers at Stony Stratford, sent word of it to London
Woodvilles fled- Elizzbeth and children to Westminster, Edward (brother) and Dorset to sea
3rd most important
Succession- Ruthlessness
Arrested Rivers, Grey, Vaughan after hospitable evening at Stony Stratford- treated as traitors, executed without trial. Hastings feared Richard wanted throne- approached Woodvilles, accused of treason and executed without trial by Richard. Allowed criticism of Edward IV’s legitimacy (did not stand up as that would make Warwick heir, and Edward V still legitimate). Killed Edward V and Richard Duke of York Jr.
2nd most important
Succession- Weak position of Edward V
12 years old, troublesome Woodville clique, claims of illegitimacy
7th most important
Reasons for defeat of Richard III
Buckingham’s Rebellion & emergence of Henry
French support for Henry VII
Richard’s rivalries with northern lords
Events at Bosworth
Disappearance of princes
Narrow group of supporters
Planting of northerners in south
Character of Richard
Defeat- Buckingham’s Rebellion & emergence of Henry
Household men (Cheney) rebelled after execution of leader Hastings. Not Lancastrian- some rebelled for power (Woodvilles), many had not been mistreated, rebelled out of vengeance. Buckingham’s arrival weakened misnamed rebellion. Established Henry as main rival, gave support which returned in 1485.
#1 reason, established Henry as force
Defeat- French support for Henry
Richard III wanted to war France and Scotland. Brittany began negotiations with Richard- Henry fled to France, welcomed under fear of invasion. News of French support- defections (i.e. oxford). French gave ships and 4k soldiers
#2 reason, lost Richard BoBF
Defeat- Rivalries with northern lords
Stanleys opposed him- favoured Harringtons. Northumberland denied northern titles, Stanley fought for Henry, Northumberland didn’t fight
#3 reason- lost him BoBF
Defeat- Events at Bosworth
Henry had French, Scots, Oxford. R3 had taken Stanley’s son, Stanley joined Henry, Northumberland didn’t fight
#4 reason- last straw
Defeat- Disappearance of Princes
Caused Buckingham’s Rebellion but not BoBF, #5 reason
Defeat- Dependence on narrow group of supporters
Catesby, Ratcliffe, Lovell. Dependence forced by rebellions, tried to widen support- Northumberland, Stanley, Oxford
#6 reason- support to narrow to maintain power
Defeat- Planting of northerners in south
Southern nobles had fled after Buckingham’s Rebellion, loyal northerners given southern lands, created divisions and southern resentment
#7 reason
Defeat- Character of Richard III
Known to be ruthless and impulsive, not very diplomatic
#8 reason