1444-61 Timeline Flashcards
Battle of Mortimer’s Cross
February 1461- March routs Lancastrians in revenge for York’s death (Parhelion)
Yorkist Victory
Suffolk imprisoned
January 1450- accused of manipulating king, unpopular due to losing French lands, his clique (Say, Moleyns) being granted land- Moleyns killed in Portsmuth
Battle of Wakefield
December 1460- York, Rutland and Salisbury killed- York succeeded by March (E4)
Lancastrian Victory
York claims throne
October 1460
York’s first protectorate
March 1454- appoints brother in law Salisbury chancellor, reforms navy, appoints himself captain of Calais, Somerset imprisoned in tower
York reduces profligate expenditure from 24k in 1450 to 5k in
H6’s illness begins
August 1453- falls into unresponsive trance
Rout of Ludford
October 1459- Yorkists overrun after defections- York, Salisbury, Warwick and Edward Earl of March flee
Lancastrian Victory
Henry VI £375,000 in debt
Assassination attempt on Warwick
Attack on Fougeres
March 1449- Failed attack, Rouen lost, Suffolk charged with treason
Parliament of Devils
December 1459- Margaret orders death for Yorkists and Warwick- seizes land, goods, disinherits heirs- highly unpopular due to severity
Warwick invades King’s council
1458- having been accused of piracy after attacking Hansa Fleet of Lubeck, invades council with 600 armed men, flees to Calais, sacked as Captain, failed assassination attempt
First Battle of St Albans
May 1455- Somerset tried to avoid battle- killed along with Northumberland and Clifford
Yorkists capture Henry
Yorkist victory
Act of Accord
October 1460- York made heir to throne, Edward PoW disinherited
Battle of Northampton
July 1460- Buckingham defeated and killed by Warwick- Henry captured by Yorkists, Margaret and EPoW escape
Yorkist victory
Suffolk made Lord Chancellor
1447- evidence of favouritism of clique
Battle of Towton
March 1461- Yorkist victory with 50k troops- Margaret, H6 and EPoW flee to Scotland
Yorkist Victory
York puts forward Act of Resumption
1456- hated by nobles
Somerset and York arrive in London
September 1450- Somerset returns from France, York from Ireland- arrives in London with 3k retainers and Warwick- Somerset tries to arrest York, almost killed by mob, nobility split between two
March 1458- Henry orchestrates useless ritual of ‘unity’
Treaty of Tours
1444- treaty with French, gave Maine, established 5 year peace. Unpopular, Suffolk criticised
Normandy lost to French
April 1450- following disastrous attack on Fougeres- Suffolk had failed to build defences, Somerset surrendered
Battle of Ferrybridge
March 1461- precursor to Towton, Clifford killed
Yorkist Victory