Rheumatoid Arthritis Flashcards
What is rheumatoid arthritis?
What are the drugs for rheumatoid arthritis?
What is the first DMARD prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis?
What are biological DMARDs?
What are the DMARDs?
What DMARD is the DOC of rheumatoid arthritis?
How is Leflunomide affective in rheumatoid arthritis?
How is hydroxychloroquine used to treat rheumatoid arthritis?
Is sulfasalzine effective against rheumatoid arthritis?
Why is cyclosporine used in rheumatoid arthritis?
Why is azathioprine used to treat rheumatoid arthritis?
Why is cyclophosphamide used to treat rheumatoid arthritis?
How are anti-TNF alpha drugs useful for rheumatoid arthritis treatment?
Why is rituximab used for rheumatoid arthritis?
Why is Abatacept used in rheumatoid arthritis?
Why is Anakira used in rheumatoid arthritis treatment?
How are glucocorticoids used for rheumatoid arthritis treatment? What are the adverse effects?
What are the drugs of choice?
What is combination therapy?
What combination therapies have been effective?
How do vaccinations help with rheumatoid arthritis?