Respiratory System II Flashcards
Air conducting ducts (1 mm in diameter or less) which supply (pulmonary lobules)
Terminal bronchioles branch to form several respiratory bronchioles which open into …..
Alveolar ducts
These passages are lined by simple cuboidal epithelium with Ciliated and Clara cells and circumferential smooth muscle
Terminal Bronchiole
Cuboidal cells with domed or club shaped apical surface
– Well developed basal rER
– sER , golgi apparatus and secretory granules.
Clara cells/ Club cells
Clara cells/ Club cells secrete Surface active agent (lipoprotein which prevents adhesion) and Clara Cell Protein (CC16) that……
– Marker for the diagnosis of chronic lung diseases like COPD and Asthma
– CC16 leaks across blood gas barrier in lung injury and is found elevated in serum and decreased in broncho-alveolar lavage.
Bronchial Asthma is…..
Widespread constriction of smooth muscles in the bronchioles, causing decrease in the diameter
Bronchial Asthma Symptoms:
- Extreme difficulty in expiration of air
- Accumulation of mucus in the passage ways
- Infiltration of inflammatory cells.
Bronchial Asthma Treatment:
- Albuterol, which can relax the smooth muscles and dilate the passage-ways
- Corticosteroids, which is anti inflammatory
Transition airways involved in both conduction and respiration.
• These are the first sites where gaseous exchange takes place
Respiratory Bronchiole
………. have simple cuboidal epithelium with ciliated and Clara cells and discontinuous walls interrupted by alveoli
Respiratory Bronchiole
……… have Bundles of smooth muscle cells found between alveolar outpocketing (interalveolar septum)
Alveolar ducts
…………. are thin walled polyhedral terminal sacs where gaseous exchange takes place.
Alveoli are separated from each other by an …..
Interalveolar septum
Alveolar Cell types that line the alveoli walls
– Type I pneumocytes ( majority)
– Type II pneumocytes (septal cells)
……….. move freely between the interalveolar septum and surface and phagocytize inhaled particles on the alveolar surface
Alveolar Macrophages
…….. are squamous cells that line 95% of the alveolar wall.
Type I pneumocytes