Lymphatics System II Flashcards
Largest lymphoid organ that filters the blood and removes old erythrocytes and platelets
The spleen is located in the left-posterior abdominal wall and originates from the ……
The spleen is covered by……
Dense connective tissue capsule
Cords of cells (Cords of Billroth) and sinusoids (Venous Sinuses/Capillaries)
Red Pulp
Thick accumulation of lymphocytes and lymphatic nodules (Malpighian corpuscles) occur in…
White Pulp
……… facilitate the passage of blood vessels into the parenchyma from the capsule
Parenchyma that is penetrated by connective tissue septae
The splenic artery divides into branches, which run along the capsule and turns into ……. which branches off and runs through trabeculae and become ……
Capsular artery
Trabecular Arteries
(White Pulp)
From the trabecular arteries, branches arise and run through the interior of parenchyma and are called ……
Central Arterioles
White Pulp
Lymphocytes immediately surround this vessel and create the …..
PALS (peri arterial lymphatic sheath)
Central arterioles gives rise to several smaller vessels which ultimately end in venous sinuses (also called splenic sinuses)
Penicillar arterioles
Zone filled with lymphocytes, along with APCs (antigen presenting cells and macrophages) and surrounded by B and T lymphocytes
Marginal Zone
In this area, the lymphocytes first come in contact with antigens
Traps antigen from the circulation and present the antigen to the lymphocytes of the spleen
Marginal Zone of the Nodule
Red pulp is a dense network of ……….. erythrocytes, ……………., macrophages and plasma cells in between the splenic cords are the venous sinuses
Reticular FIbers
Function s of Red Pulp:
filtration of antigens & senile and abnormal erythrocytes and platelets from the blood
Splenic sinusoids (capillary) are lined by elongated endothelial cells and are supported by ……
incomplete basal lamina of reticular fibers
…….. remove damaged or effete erythrocytes from circulation
Located at the back of the oral cavity, in the tongue and pharynx that process antigens that enter the body through oral cavity and nasal passage
Palatine tonsils:
Two tonsils located on either side of the oral cavity
………… contain desquamated epithelial cells, live and dead lymphocytes and bacteria
Deep Tonsillar Crypts
……… tonsil is located in posterior pharygeal wall (nasopharynx). When enlarged due to inflammation referred to as Adenoids
Pharyngeal tonsil
……tonsil located at posterior aspect of tongue and is associated with shallow crypts and mucus glands
Lingual tonsils
Lymph node enlargement
Follicular hyperplasia
Increase in number & size of cortical lymphoid follicles
Humoral response
Expansion of paracortical zone caused by viral infection
Paracortical hyperplasia
Medullary sinuses are extremely prominent- draining necrotic tumor
Sinus hyperplasia
Lymph node’s main function is to ………
Filter Lymph
……. invade into lymphatic channels draining
the primary tumor and so gain access to the
regional lymph nodes
Cancer Cells
Malignant cells enter the ,,,,,, of the lymph node and may settle at this site where they could proliferate to form a secondary tumor mass.
Subcapsular sinus