Mediastinum Flashcards
What divides the mediastinum into superior and inferior segments?
Transthoracic plane (Plane of Ludwig)
Anteriorly: 2nd costal cartilage
Posteriorly: T4/T5 Vertebrae
Name the 3 branches of the Aortic Arch:
1. – Brachiocephalic trunk (which branches off into: • R subclavian Artery • R Common Corotid A. 2. Left Common Carotid A. 3. Left Subclavian A.
Name the arteries in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd parts of the Subclavian Artery:
1st part – Vertebral Artery – Internal thoracic Artery – Thyrocervical trunk 2nd part – Costocervical trunk 3rd part – ** Dorsal scapular (may arise from 2nd or 3rd part of subclavian artery)
Nerves of the superior mediastinum
and locations:
• Vagus nerve
– Travels along the common carotid A
• Recurrent laryngeal nerves
– Left associated with arch of aorta
– Right associated with subclavian artery
C-Shaped hyaline cartilage rings held together posteriorly by a band of smooth muscle (Trachealis muscle)
At what level does the esophagus pass through the diaphragm?
At what level does the thoracic aorta pass through the diaphragm?
The thoracic duct carries lymph from the entire body except ……
The right head and neck, right upper limb and right thorax
Which side of the mediastinum does the following veins run?
Azygus Vein
Hemiazygos Vein
Accessory Hemi-azygos
Azygus Vein- Right Side
Hemiazygos Vein- Left Side
Accessory Hemi-Azygos Vein- Left Side
Types of Splanchnic nerves and Functions:
• Greater – T5-9 with some variation
– Enters the abdomen by piercing the diaphragmatic crura
– Joins the celiac ganglion
• Lesser – T10-11 with some variation
– Enters through the diaphragm just lateral to the greater splanchnics
– Joins aorticorenal ganglion
• Least – T12 but not always present
– Joins the renal plexus
At what level does the Inferior Vena Cava pass through the diaphragm?
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Causes
• Caused by
– Extra rib attaching to the 7th Cervical vertebra and rib 1
– Muscular abnormalities
– Injury
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Symptoms
- Abnormal compression of brachial plexus nerves that pass through the axillary inlet to the upper limb.
- Sensory Deficit in Medial Arm
- Muscle Wasting
- • Pain • Pallor • Paresthesia • Diminished pulse
- Edema due to venous compression