Respiratory Issues and Disorders Flashcards
What does egophany sound like?
E to A
What does egophany mean?
consolidation in the lungs
What kind of disease results when you can get air in but not out?
obstructive disease
What is characterized by reduced airflow rates and lung volumes within normal range or larger?
obstructive disease
What kind of disease results when you can’t get air in?
restrictive disease
What is characterized by reduced volumes and expiratory flow rates?
restrictive disease
What is a disease of the lower respiratory tract that causes inflammation leading to obstruction of the small respiratory airways and will show hyperinflated lungs with scattered areas of consolidation?
What disease can present with URI symptoms lasting for several days, moderate fever, and palpable liver and spleen?
What illness is typically seen in children less than 3 years of age where more than 50% of the cases are caused by RSV?
What kind of vaccine is palivizumab (synagis)?
monoclonal antibody (MAB)
Hypertrophy of smooth muscle, mucosal edema and hyperemia, hypertrophy of mucous glands, acute inflammation and plugging of airways by thick mucous, and thickening of epithelial basement membrane (remodeling) describes which respiratory disease?
What is the FEV1 for a patient with intermittent asthma?
FEV1 > 80% predicted and normal between exacerbations
What is the FEV1 for a patient with mild persistent asthma?
FEV1 > 80% predicted
What is the FEV1 for a patient with moderate persistent asthma?
FEV1 60-80% predicted
What is the FEV1 for a patient with severe persistent asthma?
FEV1 <60% predicted
What is characterized by inflammation of the lower respiratory tract as microorganisms gain access by aspiration, inhalation, or hematogenous dissemination?
What is described as lung consolidation on physical exam and pleurisy?
What will show as inflitrateson CXR?
What are the radiograph characteristics for bacterial pneumonia with H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae, and Klebsiella?
lobar consolidation
What are the radiograph characteristics for bacterial pneumonia with E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Pseudomonas?
patchy infiltrates
What word describes pain with breathing?
What is an autosomal recessive disorder with chromosome 7 long arm mutation?
cystic fibrosis
What is a chronic, multi-system disorder affecting the respiratory, GI, hepatobiliary, and reproductive tracts?
cystic fibrosis
What is a contagious respiratory illness caused by Bordatella pertussis and can cause serious complications in infants and young children?