What is dead space?
all airways that DOES NOT participate in gas exchange
what 2 structures participate in gas exchange?
alveoli > bronchioles
terminal bronchioles are vulnerable to foreign bodies bc NO cilia, mucus, smooth muscles, rigidity
smooth muscles in bronchi goes down to what level?
why does it matter?
subsegmental bronchi
this is why bronchodilator medications won’t be effective because smaller scale bronchioles won’t be affected by them
why more gas exchange at bases of lungs vs apices of lungs?
there’s more capillaries at the base
cor pulmonale and mechanism
chronic lung disease causing right-sided heart failure
effort increased in pulmonary capillaries and this strains right side of the heart
Which side heart failure progresses faster?
Left > right
Most common cause of dyspnea
hypercapnia <— inadequate ventilation
Rapid onset dyspnea may be caused by
acute bronchospasm / anaphylaxis / pulmonary embolism / pneumothorax
Paraoxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
dyspnea that happens suddenly in the middle of night that can be sign off left heart failure
Pulsus Paradoxus
Weak/absent peripheral pulse on inhalation due to extreme thoracic pressure changes
continuous high-pitch
during inspiration
partial obstruction of larynx/trachea
croup or foreign body obstruction
high pitch continuous musical/whistle-like sound
commonly during expiration
obstructed, narrow airway
asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis
discontinuous high pitched crackling sounds
during inspiration
air passing through fluid, pus, mucus
coarse - low pitch mosit; pulmonary edema bronchitis
fine - CHF, pulmonary fibrosis
Pleural Rub
like stepping over snow / cat purring
movement of infalme pleural surfaces
TB pneumonia
lower anterior lungs and lateral chest