Respiratory conditions COPD Flashcards
COPD includes all diseases where pulmonary tissue causes obstruction to the free flow of air in the lungs –
Name Main Ones

Bronchitis An inflammatory condition that affects the airways
Acute bronchitis (viral or bacterial) -common in young children and the elderly -is usually short lived In Chronic Bronchitis the bronchial mucous glands secrete excess mucous which the patient coughs up This can obstruct the airways Lung damage may eventually result in right heart failure, peripheral oedema and cyanosis
Chronic Bronchitis what does the person look like signs symptoms
Blue Bloater (Oedema - ascites?)
Difficult inspiration & expiration
Productive cough
Hypoxic drive?
Treatment for Chronic BronchitisAcute exacerbation
Oxygen = ? Oxygen
Alert Card – Target O2, Otherwise aim for SpO2 88% - 92%
Salbutamol Encourage coughing and collect sample of sputum
Assist ventilations if necessary
Emphysema characterised by distension of the alveoli and destructive changes in their membranes what does the person look like
Lung tissues lose their elasticity and the airway loses it’s muscular integrity and collapses Air doesn’t enter the alveoli Hypoxia is the main respiratory stimulus but patients are not usually cyanotic

Emphysema Signs and symptoms
Pink puffer
Usually thin
Usually maintains normal skin colour
Use of accessory muscles
Difficult exhalation
Pursed lips
Emphysema Treatment
Oxygen = ? Oxygen
Alert Card – Target O2,
Otherwise aim for SpO2 88% - 92%
Maintain Patient’s most comfortable position
Caused by either virus or bacteria People at risk – elderly – chronic illnesses Build up of fluid and pus to form areas of consolidation Productive cough – coloured sputum Treatment involves high oxygen concentrations
Pulmonary Embolism

Pulmonary Embolism
Possible Signs & symptoms:
Feelings of being breathless that come on suddenly with no apparent explanation
Pains in the chest when you inhale
Feeling faint
Coughing up blood-stained phlegm
Rapid pulse
Pulmonary Embolism Treatment
High oxygen concentration
Be prepared for resuscitation