Residential Vehicles - 12 (cont) - 14 - 15- 18 Flashcards
Residential Vehicles: Rear end loaders Automated Side Loaders Manual Side Loaders Dual/Right Side Drive Trucks
Section 12 for Residential drivers focuses on:
Rear end loaders
Automated side loaders
Manual Side loaders
Dual/Right Side Trucks
A Residential Rear End Load (REL) can be used for:
Residential hauling
Cardboard recycling
Yard Waste Collection
Rule 12.3
Loading the Hopper
Do not overload the hopper, because the excess refuse will fall to the ground when the packer panel is operated
Helpers must also always follow Rule 5.0: Working on the Route and Rule 6.0 Containers
Rule 12.7
Packer Panel Operation
When cycling the packer panel, the driver and /or helper must always check that no one is behind the hopper. When a driver/helper operates the packer panel, they must:
- Always operate the packer panel lever with the hand closest to the rear of the truck, making certain the body is away from the hopper area
- Never reach into the hopper after the packer panel has started cycling
- Never push material back into the hopper as the packer panel is cycling
If Automated Side loader (ASL) is a dual/Right side drive truck:
Refer to Rule 18.0: Dual/Right Side drive truck for requirements
Rule 14.1
Travel Position
A driver must always ensure that all hydraulic lifting components are in their proper travel position. They must always inspect and verify that:
- Arm is fully retracted and secured with locking pin and chain
- Grabber fingers are in their fully open position and secured with the locking pin
Rule 14.2
On Route
Driver must remove and secure the locking pins from the arm and grabber fingers once they have arrived on the route
Rule 14.2.1
Servicing Customers
To service customers, a driver must:
- Always bring vehicle to stop and ensure there are no overhead obstacls
- Ensure pedestrians are clear
- Not exceed the lifting capacity
- Always fully retract the arm and ensure the grabber fingers are open moving to the next customer/stop
Rule 15.1
Loading Platforms
Side loaders typically have platforms to make it easier to load the hopper. These are not riding steps, and they are never to be used as riding steps.
Rule 15.2
Servicing Containers
When servicing containers with Manual Side loaders, always check clearances to ensure it is safe to service the container. Watch for:
-Parked Vehicles
DRIVER/HELPER must always keep hands, arms, and body away from the lifting device and the container while servicing
NEVER EXCEED the lifting capacity of the equipment
Rule 15.3
Hopper Loading
Drivers/Helpers must not load material above the sides of the hopper
When using the hopper, they must:
-Cycle the hopper often enough to avoid overfilling the hopper
-Never reach into the hopper once the packer has started cycling
-Never push material back into the hopper as the packer is cycling
Dual/Right side Drive trucks
If a truck is equipped with right-side seated controls or dual seated controls, some rules do not apply.
Rule 18.1
Dual Drive Operating Requirements
Driver must follow specific requirements when operating this type of specialized vehicle
Only make a left turn when:
-Vehicle is equipped with motorized mirrors
- The mirrors are adjusted to observe the rear of the vehicle while backing or making the left-hand turn
-The monitor in the vehicle must also be mounted to a swivel base positioned for right-hand drive viewing
-The monitor is to be converted to the lens mounted below the left west coast mirror when making a left-hand turn and to the rear lens when backing
When can you use right side position:
- Operating on a stop to stop collection route
- Driving less than 20 mph/32 kmh
- Driving less than 0.25 miles
When can you NOT use right side position:
- Driving to and from the collection route
- Driving to and from the disposal location
- Driving more than 20 mph
- Driving more than 0.25 miles
Rule 18.2
Work Brake Application
A Driver should never use the work brake as a parking brake while servicing customers on the route
Rule 18.3
Mirror Adjustments
The driver must always properly re-adjust mirrors for the position being used when switching from the left-side driving position to the right side
Rule 18.4
Restraint Systems
When traveling in the right side position, always:
- Ensure restraint system is working properly before leaving the yard
- Use the restraint system provided (bar and safety chains)
Seat belts is not allowed if the vehicle speed exceeds driving more than 20 mph or more than 0.25 miles
Rule 18.5
Dual Drive Auto Neutral Interlock Brake System
When operating a truck on the collection route with a neutral interlock brake system, the driver must:
- Bring the truck to a complete stop with the foot brake
- Once the truck is completely stopped, then activate the brake valve that will activate the auto neutral switch
- Bring the truck to a complete stop with the foot brake
- -This will neutralize the transmission, set the brakes, and give power to the pump and the PTO
Rule 18.5 (cont)
Some work brakes do not automatically place the transmission into neutral. a driver must always verify this function during a pre-trip inspection..
After the work is completed at the stop, the driver must do the following:
1. Depress the foot brake and hold
2. Deactivate the auto neutral switch by releasing the brake/pedal
–This process must be done at every work location
If any problems occur in auto neutral interlock system, contact dispatch
-If the system fails, the brakes will automatically engage