General statements that describe the purpose of investigation
Desrcibes relationship between variables at start of study either directional or non directional
Directional hypothesis
States direction of the difference or relationship inc words such as more, faster and higher
Non directional hypothesis
Doesnt state the direction of the difference or relationship words such as less, lower and slower.
Clearly defined variables in terms of how they can be measured
Extraneous variables
Any variable that affects the DV if not controlled do not vary systematically with the IV
Confounding variable
a kind of extraneous varibale but changes systematically with the IV
Investigator effects
Effect of behaviour on the research outcome l.
Minimises effect of extraneous/confounding variables on the outcome. Use of chance methods to reduce the researchers unconscious biases.
Using the same formalised procedures
Experimental design
Different ways to organise ps to conditions
Independent group design
Ps allocated to different groups where each group represents one condition
All ps take part in all conditions
Matched pairs
Ps are matched on one variable that may affect the DV and each p does one condition
independent groups AO3
- participant variables
- order effects reduced
- more money+time
- use random allocation to reduce participant variables
Random allocation
Ps randomly allocated to the different conditions
Repeated measures AO3
- order effects
- less money+time
- demand characteristics
- counterbalance to reduce order effects
Half the ps take part in condition A then B and other half do the other way round reduces order effects
Matched pairs AO3
- time consuming
- not matched exactky
- order wffects and demand characteristics less of problem
Quasi experiment
Iv has not been determined by anyone
Natural experimebt
The change in iv is not brought about by researcher.
Random sample
All members have equal chance of being selected lottery method
Systematic sample
Where every nth memeber of the target population is selected
Opportunity sample
Select anyone willing and available
Volunteer sample
Select themselves to be part of sample
Random sample AO3
- unbiased so increased internsl validity
- time consuming
- may be unrepresentative
Systematic sample AO3
-  Objective
- time consuming
- ps may refuse
- researcher has no influence
Stratified sample AO3
- representative
- generaliseable
Stratifued sample
Composition of sample reglects proportiond of people in population
Opportunity sample AO3
- less costly
- unrepresentative
- researcher bias
Volunteer sample AO3
- easy
- less time consuming
- volunteer bias
Types of ethical issues
Informed consent,deception,protection from harm, privacy
Pilot studies
Small scale investigation to check the procedures.
Single blind proceeure
When ps are aware of the aim of the research
Double blind procedure
Neither ps or researcger is aware of aims of the study
Naturalistic observation
Watching and recirding behaviour in a natural environment
Controlled observation
Watching and recording behaviour in a structured environment
Covert observation
Ps behaviour is watched and recirded without their knowledge
Overt obversation
Ps behaviour is watched and recorded with their knowledge
Participant observation
Researcher become a member of gorup whose behaviour they are recording