statistical infrequency
according to statistical definition any relatively unusual behaviour that can be thought of un normal. eg. IQ.
deviation from social norms
behaviours that are different from the accepted norms of society. eg. APD
failure to function adequately
unable to cope with ordinary demands of day to day living
deviation from ideal mental health
- no distress
- perceive ourselves accurately
- self actualise
- realistic view of world
- indenpendent
- successfully work and love
3 types of phobia
specific, social and agoraphobia
behavioural characteristics of phobia
avoidance, panic and endurance
emotional characteristics of phobias
anxiety and fear
cognitive characteristics of phobias
selective attention, irrational beliefs and cognitive distortions.
phobias definition
a irrational fear of an object or situation
OCD definition
obsessions and compulsions .
behavioural characteristics of OCD
repetitive compulsions that reduce anxiety, avoidance
emotional characteristics of OCD
anxiety, guilt and depression
cognitive characteristics of OCD
obsessions, cognitive coping strategies
behavioural explaining phobias
two process model; acquisition by classical conditioning and maintenance by operant conditioning.
AO3 for behavioural explanation for phobias
real world app for treatments
doesn’t talk cognitive aspects for phobias
link between bad experiences and phobias supported by study dentist phobias
Behavioural approach to treating phobias
systematic desensitisation and flooding
systematic desensitisation
gradually reduced anxiety through classical conditioning. counterconditioning. 1. anxiety hierarchy 2. relaxation 3. exposure