Research and EBP Flashcards
What is qualitative research?
Data collected from observation, interviews, verbal actions. Non-objective in nature.
What is quantitative research
Collected objective data that can be subjected to statistical analysis
What is the hierarchy of evidence quality?
- Systematic review
- RCT (experimental)
- Cohort studies (longitudinal, exploratory, prospective)
- Case control (retrospective)
- Crossectional
- Case series (descriptive)
- Case report (descriptive)
What are the three types of study design models?
- Descriptive (analysis or classification of a phenomenon)
- Experimental (comparison of two or more conditions to determine cause and effect)
- Exploratory (examines the dimensions of something and its relationship to other factors ie. Cohort/case control)
What is reliability
The degree to which a test CONSISTENTLY measures what it is intended to measure
What are the categories for the Kappa statistic
- poor to fair
- moderate
- substantial
- excellent
- perfect
<40 poor to fair 40-60 moderate 60-80 substantial >80 excellent 100 perfect
What are the values for pearson co-efficient
- little or no relationship
- fair
- moderate to good
- good to excellent
- 0.25 little
0. 25-0.5 fair
0. 5-0.75 good
0. 75 + good to excellent
What is validity
The degree to which a test ACCURATELY measures what it is intended to measure
What are the types of validity
- Construct validity (overall representation of underlying construct)
- face validity (make sense to users)
- content validity (assessment by experts that the content is consistent)
- external validity (study results generalised to different settings/times)
- criterion related validity - comparison with the gold standard
Comparison of a mean with a norm or two means to determine the difference BETWEEN TWO GROUPS
probability that group difference result from chance - assessment of nominal data (often genetics/population studies)
Correlation co-efficient
measure of the linear relationship (+1.0 is a perfect positive correlation where an increase in one causes a proportional increase in the other)
Comparison of three or more conditions. Can be between or within groups
What is the independent variable
THe variable that is being changed or altered by the experimenter
What is the dependent variable
The variable that is being measured by the experimenter
What is Nominal Data? Eg?
Category data - hair colour, religion, disease types, country of birth
What is Ordinal Data? Eg?
Statements of rank - greater than or less than others. ie MMT. No absolute zero no set interval between points.
What is interval data? Eg?
Comparable distance between points - no true zero. eg. Years, temperature, age
What is ratio data? Eg?
Absolute zero with no negative values. Physical height, weight, ROM
What is an alpha error?
Error of false positive/ Type I error
What is a beta error?
Error of false negative/ type II error
Increasing specificity does what to the chance of error?
Lowers the chance of type I errors
Increasing sensitivity does what to the chance of error
lowers the chance of type II errors