Gait Flashcards
What is an antalgic gait pattern
Decreased WB on sore side - normal ipsilat step length, short contralateral step length
Ataxic gait
Staggering with wide BOS, difficult foot placement
Equinus gait
Toe walking, club foot. Spastic or short triceps surae
Glut max gait
Backward lurch at initial contact - shift COG posteriorly
Hemiplegic gait
Circumducted, possible spastic PF, DF weakness
Parkinsonian Gait
Festinating, short rapid steps, difficulty initiating movement
Weak quad gait
Forward lurch during IC - ext/hyperextend knee, shift COG ant
Scissor gait
Spastic adductors, CP
Steppage gait
Increased knee and hip flexion - limited time on stance phase
Lateral Trunk Bend - lean toward orthotic during stance caused by
KAFO medial upright too high insufficient shoe lift hip pain Short leg poor balance
Circumduction caused by
Locked knee, excessive PF, weak flexors or DF
Vaulting is
Swing leg compensated with elevation of the pelvis and PF of stance leg to clear the floor
Anterior trunk bend during stance is caused by
Inadequate knee lock, weak quads, hip or knee flexion contracture
Post trunk bend during stance
Inadequate hip lock, weak glutes, knee ankylosis
Hyperextended knee during stance
Inadequate knee lock, poor fit of calf band, loose knee lig or extensor spasticity, pes equinus