Reproductive quiz Flashcards
Suture removal time on hands
7-10 days (5-0)
Muscularpassageway conveying sperm to the ejaculatory duct in the spermatic cord
Vas defrens
In clean wound, patient has not completed a TDAP series
Give tetanus vaccine today per age instructions
Accessory gland that secrets the largest contribution to semen
seminal gland
Describe the arrangement of the layers of smooth muscle in the seminal gland
2 layers of smooth muscle surround the semonal gland, inner circular layer and outer longitudinal layer
What are ester allergies usually
true allergies to esters are rare <1%
usually due to PABA derivative
In clean wound, patient has completed a TDAP but longer than 10 years
Patient should receive next dose of tetnas vaccine today, per age instrucitons
Trace the pathway of sperm throught he female reproductive tract
vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tube, peritoneal cavity
what is epi for in anesthetics
decrease bleeding
prolong the anesthetic
releases milk to the outside
Suture removal time on feet
10-12 days (4-0)
what are skin tension lines
langer lines
lacerations that are parallel to these lines need less tension
Suture removal time on flexors
7-10 days (4-0)
Best size suture for face
possibly 6-0
which layer of uterine wall contracts during childbirth
I attach the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries to the pelvis
Broad ligament
I am the erectile organ and am similar to the penis
Suture removal time on arms
7 days (4-0,5-0)
How many semineferous tubules are in each lobe of the teste
one to four
duct connecting alveoli to the storage chambers
lactiferous duct
Examples of a dirty wound
dirt feces slaiva soil punture wounds avulsions wounds from flying objects wounds from crushing objects animal bites burns frostbite
glands that produce milk during lactation
finger like ends of the fallopian tube
what do the semineferous tubules converge into
rete testis
Subdivision of mammary lobes that contains alveoli
portion of the urethra that is located in the urogential diagragm
intermediate part of urethra
Eye lid suture removal
3 days
absorbable sutures
Vicryl monocryl fast absorbing gut chromic gut PDS II
Non absorbable sutures
ethilon (nylon)
Describe the composition of semen and name all the structures contributing to its formation
sperm and alkaline fluid of the prostate
seminal vesicles contain fructose
Bulbourethral gland
Where is the spermatic cord located?
It passes from the scrotal sac through the inguinal canal into the abdominal cavity
Trace the pathway from the testes to the urethra
semineferous tubule
rete testis
vas deferens
of what importance is the fact the seminal fluid is alkaline
It protects against the acidic environment of the female
What is the function of the cavernous bodies seesn in the penis
The tissue can become engorged with blood
this allow the penis to become stiff allowing for better penetration
Suture removal time on torso
7 days (4-0)
In dirty wound, patient has completed a TDAP but not within last 5 years
Patient should receive next dose of tetnas vaccine today, per age instrucitons
Suture removal time on Extensors
10-14 days (4-0)
I connect the bladder to the outside world
pigmented area around the nipple
Easter local anesthetics
What are causes for anitbiotic prophylaxis
3-5 days Bites Intraoral Contaminated soil or water Open fracture Wounds that extend into cartilage joints or tendons vascular insufficiency immunocompromised
I come in pairs and drain into the bladder
What is an ectopic pregnancy
Pregnancy outside the uterus
My name is latin for large lips
Labia majora
I connect between the uterus and the labia majora
layers of skin
What are the two main functions of the testis
Exocrine : Sperm porduction
Endocrine : Testosterone production
Name the structure composing the external genitalia, or vulva,
Mons pubis, labia majora/minora, clitoris, urethral orifice, vaginal orifice, hymen, bartholin gland
Neck suture removal
3-4 days
In dirty wound, patient has not completed a TDAP series
Administer vaccine and immunoglobulin now
loose fold of skin encircling the glans penis
glands homologous to the bulbourethral glands of males
bartholin glands
I transport fertilized egg (oocyte) from the ovary to the uterus and am the site of fertilization
Fallopian tube
I am also known as the womb
Describe the diagnostic exam used to detect and enlarged prostate
DRE, finger sweep, Palpation
Suture removal time on scalp
7 days for staples
7-10 days for sutures
location of the testis
sperm maturation site
In dirty wound, patient has completed a TDAP within 5 years
No vaccine needed today, next dose at 10 year mark
most common complication of anesthetics
Anxiety over injection
causes vagovasal response
Name is dervied from latin word egg
define ovulation
ejection of an immature egg from the ovary
What is the function of the stereocilia exhibited by the epithelial cells of the mucosa of the epididymis
They absorb excess fluid and provide nutrients to maturing sperm
In clean wound, patient has completed a TDAP within 10 years
No vaccine needed today, next dose at 10 year mark
I connect the ovary to the uterus
Ovarian ligament
Name the two ducts that come together to make the ejaculatory duct
Seminal vesicle duct
ampulla of theVas deferens
amide local anesthetics
lidocaine mepivcaine bupivcaine etidocaine prilocaine
I am located directly inferiror to the uterus (not reproductive)
I am the canal a baby passes through during child birth
Birth canal ????
produces oocytes estrogens and progesterone
becomes erect during sexual excitement, female
name three layers of the uterine wall from inside out
Site of female development
Suture removal time on legs
8-10 days (4-0)
Which layer of the uterine wall sloughes off during menses
partially closes the vaginal opening, a membrane
Suture removal time on face
5 days (6-0)
distal urethra that transports both sperm and urine
spongy urethra
Why are the testes located in the scorum instead of the ventral body cavity
This keeps them at the optimal temperature for sperm production
how does an ectopic pregnancy occur
tube is blocked, egg gets lost
enlarged storage chamber for milk
lactiferous sinus
accessory gland that secretes fluid to cleanse the urethra prior to ejaculation
Bulbourethra gland
Copulatory organ/penetrating device Male
What structures compose the spermatic cord
a bundle of fibrous connective tissue containing the vas deferens, blood and lymphatic vessels and testicular nerves
Describe the epithelium in the uterine tube
A ciliated secretory epithelium lines the uterine tube.
Prpoer order, anterior to posterior Vaginal orifice anus clitoris urethral opening
egg tyoically fertilized here
Fallopian tube
I closely surround the vagina and the urethra
Mucosa ????
copulatory canal
Wha tis the highly vascular structure that enables the exchange of nutrients and wastes between the mother and the child
benefits of wound closure
decreased wound healing time reduced likelihood of infection decreased scar repair loss of functionor stucture improve cosmetic appearance
What is the maximum amount of time to suture a wound
8 hours unless in highly vascular area
What wounds require surgical consultation
deep hand / foot wounds eyelid, lip or ear lacerations lacerations of nerve, artery, bones or joints unknown penetrating wounds crush injuries severely contaminated wounds wounds with cosmetic complications
What are the surgical methods available
Steri strips
What body parts not to use epi on
penis, toes, fingers, nose, ear
What size suture to use on differnet body parts
5-0 or 6-0 on face
5-0 on hand
4-0 on everything else
staples on scalp