Physical Diagnosis Exam 4 Child ages Flashcards
2 Months Language Skills
Social Smile
4 Months Language Skills
Laughs out loud
Vocalizes when alone
5 Months Language Skills
Says “Ah-goo”
Razzes and squeals
6 Months Language Skills
9 Months Language Skills
Says “Dada/Mama”
Waves bye-bye
Understands “no”
11 Months Language Skills
Says “Dada/Mama” discriminately
Says other first word
12 Months Language Skills
Uses two other words
Uses gestures and points
with commands
15 Months Language Skills
Uses 4-6 words
Follows 1 step commands
18 Months Language Skills
Uses 7-20 words
Mature jargoning
(words and non-words mixed)
24 Months Language Skills
2-word sentences
Follows 2 step commands
2.5 Years (30 months) Language Skills
Uses pronouns appropriately-
(I, You, Me)
Asking “Why” questions
3 years Language Skills
Over 250 words
3-word sentences
4 years Language Skills
Knows colors
Recites songs from memory
5 years Language Skills
Prints name
Ask what words mean
2 Months Social Skills
Recognizes parent and responds
4 Months Social Skills
Smiles at pleasurable sight/sound
6 Months Social Skills
Stranger anxiety develops
Touches reflection
9 Months Social Skills
Separation anxiety develops Plays games (pat-a-cake, peekaboo)
12 Months Social Skills
Imitates simple actions
Points to desired objects of interest
Cooperates with dressing
15 Months Social Skills
Using spoon and cup independently
18 Months Social Skills
Copies parents in tasks
sweeping, cleaning
24 Months Social Skills
Parallel play
2.5 Years (30 months) Social Skills
Gets drink without help
Says first and last name
3 years Social Skills
Group play
Shares toys and takes
turns with other
4 years Social Skills
Tells “tall tales”
5 years Social Skills
Play competitive games
Helps with household tasks
4 Months Gross motor
Sits with trunk support
No head lag when pulled to sit
Rolls front to back
5 Months Gross motor
Rolls back to front
6 Months Gross motor
Sits momentarily propped on hands “tripod sitting”
7 Months Gross motor
Sits without support (steady)
9 Months Gross motor
Pulls to stand
Crawls with all 4 limbs
10 Months Gross motor
Cruises around furniture
12 Months Gross motor
Stands independent well
Walking (few steps)
15 Months Gross motor
Walks backwards
Creeps up stairs
18 Months Gross motor
Throws object while standing
24 Months Gross motor
Walks up and down stairs
2.5 years (30 months) Gross motor
Jumps with both feet
Throws ball overhand
3 years Gross motor
Alternate feet going up stairs
Pedals tricycle
4 years Gross motor
Hops, skips
Alternate feet going down stairs
5 years Gross motor
Jumps over obstacles
2 Months Fine Motor
Holds rattle if placed in hand
Holds hand together
Hands unfisted 50%
4 Months Fine Motor
Plays with rattle
Brings hand to midline
Hands mostly open
5 Months Fine Motor
Transfers objects
6 Months Fine Motor
Uses raking grasp
9 Months Fine Motor
Uses pincer grasp
Holds bottle
12 Months Fine Motor
Holds crayon and scribbles with imitation
15 Months Fine Motor
Builds 2 block tower
18 Months Fine Motor
Scribbles spontaneously
Builds 3 block tower
Turns 2-3 pages at a time
21 Months Fine Motor
Builds 5 block tower
24 Months Fine Motor
Builds 7 block tower
Turns one page at a time
Removes shoes
2.5 years (30 months) Fine Motor
Holds pencil
Unbuttons clothing
3 years Fine Motor
Copies circle
Fully undresses self
4 years Fine Motor
Copies square
Buttons clothing
Catches ball
5 years Fine Motor
Copies triangle
Ties shoes
Fine Motor Definition
Fine motor skills can be defined as:
Skills that involve the hands and fingers working together to perform tasks
Examples are:
writing, cutting, weaving, eating, using utensils
Gross Motor Definition
Gross motor skills can be defined as :
Skills that involve the entire body I particular the large muscles of the body
Examples are:
Standing, Walking, Controlling movement of the legs and arms