Gross Anatomy Week 3 Flashcards
Where does the external iliac become the femoral artery
inguinal ligament
SRY Gene
Causes maleness
Where do uterine fibroids come from
Femal reproductive structures that are intraperitoneal
fallopian tube
dome of bladder
Order of cancer prevalence
Related to HPV
What do we all start ou as
XX chromosome
fluid in between the visercal and parietal layer of tunica vaginalis
all around the testicle
6 P’s of compartment syndrome
Pain Poikilothermia Paresthesia Paralysis Pulselessness Pallor
What makes up the pes anserine tendon
semitendonosis (Hamstring muscle)
Attahces at the medial tibia
what artery feeds the head of the femur
the circumflex
What ligament supports the body of the uterus
Round ligament
Genital part of the geital femoral nerve
goes through the deep inguinal ring
the superficial inguinal ring
genital nerve trauma (kicked in groin sensation)
tunica albuginea
surrounds corpus cavernosa
deep inguinal ring
internal entrance to the inguinal canal
Anti mullerian hormone
Inhibits the mullerian ducts from differnetiaiting.
Sciatic nerve and the piriformis
The sciatic nerve can either come out inferior to the pisiform muscle
or can pierce through the pisiform muscle
What is first thing that happens in defecation
Stretch receptor signals
What nerve blocks the perineum
pudental nerve
Inguinal canal
walls :
anterior wall = aponeurosis of externla oblique
posterior wall = transversalis fascia
fibers of internal oblique and transverse abdominal
superior surface of inguinal ligament
Where does the femoral artery become the popliteal artery
adductor hiatus
Direct Hernia
wall defect
lift something get a defect in wall
deep or inguinal canal
Best way to view retroutrine pouch
Fossa navicularis
opening of the urethra at the glans
where you swab for STD’s
where the bacteria live
Which hernia goes through the deep inguinal ring and the superficial inguinal ring
indirect hernia
Anti mullerian hormone
Inhibits the mullerian ducts from differnetiaiting.
causes them to die away
Trace sperm
testes epididymis ductus deferens seminal vesicle ejaculatory duct prostatic urethra Penis
Pelvic (femoral) Triangle
Sartorious (Lateral Border) Inguinal ligament (Superior Border) Adducter longus (medial border)
Penile cancer travels to
deep inguinal
then to illiac from there
then to caval and aortic nodes
Compartments of leg
Deep Posterior
I T band attachment
Gerties tubercule
Where is the femoral artery felt
distal to the inguinal ligament, midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle.
Grest masquerader in knee
Lateral meniscus
Layer sloughed off in menses
where do papsmear samples come from
endometrial ostium (past cervix)
2 differnet cell types
what suplies blood to pelvis
internal illiac
what becomes the tnica vaginalis
process vaginalis
leydig cells
Make testosterone
Trigone of bladder
Bladder neck
Right and left ureter orifice
Why dont we give females unopposed estrogen
the endometrium will just build and not be sloughed off and can become cancerous
Where does cancer of the testis and scrotum go
cancer of the testis metastasizes initially to the lumbar lymph nodes
cancer of the scrotum metastasizes initially to the superficial inguinal lymph nodes.
Sciatic nerve is made of what two nerves
Common fibular
most superficial fascia in penis
Colles fascia
What is special about sartorius
it is a two joint muscle
flexes the hip but also flexes the knee
Femoral hernias
more common in women
below inguinal ligament
femoral canal
what is differnet about the hallux
the big toe only has 2 instead of 3 bones
hesselbachs triangle
inferior epigastric vessels
rectus abdominus
inguinal ligament
superfiscial inguinal ring
exit from inguinal canal
Where does the pudental nerve go
Penis and scrotum
comes of S2-S4
becomes dorsal nerve and posterior scrotal nerves perineal nerve inferior anal nerve external sphincter urethra
medial menisicus tear
knee mechanical problems
Sertoli Cells
Makes sperm
semineferous tubules
help with spermatogenesis
dartos fascia
includes penis and scrotum
becomes colles fascia
becomes scarpas fascia Anteriorly
Where dos the popliteal artery end
The popliteal artery ends at
the inferior border of the popliteus muscle
it bifurcates into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries.
Bones of the foot
1st cuniform
2nd cuniform
3rd cuniform
associate with corresponding toes
cuboid associates with 4th, 5th toes
Navicular is between the talus and the 1st cuniform
calcaneous is lateral to talus attaches to cuboid
Corpus cavernosa
2 compartments
Corpus spongiosum
Surrounds the urethra
Glans of penis is extension of corpus spongiosum and therefore doesn’t get hard
What makes up the pes anserine tendon
semitendonosis (Hamstring muscle)
Attahces at the medial tibia
Nerves of lower leg
Tibial (posterior) Superficial peroneal (lateral) Deep peroneal (Anterior)
Subcutaneous tissue in penis is
colles fascia
Direct vs indirect palpation
Indirect tip of finger
Direct side of finger
Jones fracture
5th metatarsal fracture at the head
3 layers of uterus
soleus relation to gastroc
Soleus is deeper
Bucks fascia
surrounds entire penis
Bladder msucle that squeezes
Injury at what level can impair bowel and bladder function
Fluid between the visceral and parietal tunica vaginalis.
Flomax and alpha blocker side effects
retrograde ejaculation
causes the internal sphincter not to close
Hamstring muscles
Semitendonosis (medial) semimembranosis (medial) biceps femoris (lateral)
O.R. time greater than 2 hours in surgery in lithotomy (candy canes)
Can affect either or both
femoral nervelateral cutaneous nerve
common fibular (can have motor "foot drop") (most common)
(better to flex hip less than 90 degrees)
Urethral tract
Fossa navicularis pendulus urethra bulbar urethra (where it makes turn) membranous urethra Prostatic urethra (the ejaculatory duct goes in here) Bladder neck
Urogenital triangle
pubic symphysis to the two ischial tuberosities
What nerves go to the detrusor bladder
Pelvic splanchnic nerves
where does the nerve artery vein orientation not line up
Popliteal fossa
Vein and then
Wolffian ducts
Stimualted by testosterone
Chinese lantern sign
What does great saphenous vein dump into
Great saphenous vein dumps into femoral
umbilical ligament
remnant from umbilical cord
Where does a block on the penis go
Dorsal block
base of the penis
ring block
Broad ligament
Helps hold up the
fallopian tube, ovary adn uterus
Most common lowere motor neuron disease
L5 - S1 Disc
Anal triangle
Coccyx to the two ischial tuberosities
Bony landmarks
not muscle
which 3 bones make the acetabulum
Sertoli Cells
Makes sperm
Difference between mullarin and wolfian
Mullarian is female
wolffian is male
we would all be female if we did not have anti mullarian hormone
Mullarian duct diffeentiate into fmeal anatomy organs
wolfian become male anatomy
what can happen if you give IM injection into the fat
Fat necrosis
Ilioinguinal nerve exits where
Superficial inguinal canal
Compartments of thigh
Pelvic Pain line
Cervix and vagina
Pelvic splanchnic nerves
Hypogastric plexus
Colles fascia
originates from dartos fascia
is perineal
what is violated in penile fracture
Violation in Bucks fascia
Tear in tunica albuginea
What gives the penis its rigidity
tunica albiginea
Micturition process
Stretch (sensory somatic afferent) External sphincter relaxes Signal goes to the cord then to the pontine micturition center then sends a signal to the detrusor muscle to squeeze and to relax the internal sphincter voiding
Pelvic block issues
If we block at the spinal block
at vertebral level L3, L4
patient wont be able to walk
if we go caudal or pudental patient can still walk
Pudental block does not block pain from the superior birth canal (uterine cervix and superior vagina), so the mother is able to feel uterine contractions.
bifurcation of common illiac occurs at
Top rim of the illium
Indirect hernias
most common
mostly in men
transversalis fascia
What is black on CT
post menopausal difference in endometrium
endometrium is different thickness
What is the nerve in the anterior compartment of the leg
Deep Fibular
Testis discrimination factor
pulls down the teste (helps them descend)
can also cause testicular torsion
remnant is on bottom of testicle which holds teste in place and stops from twisting
Is peristalysis sympathetic or parasympathetic
Feed and breed / rest digest
Fourniers gangrene
Scrotal necrosis
Usually stops at inguinal ligament
goes up scarpas fascia
high mortality rate
older, diabetic, immuncompromised, steroids, poor health
Communicating vs non communicating Hydrocele
If you squeeze the hydrocele and the fluid doesn’t go anywhere then it is
Communicating = no fusion; Non-communicating = fusion.
No fusion in female then there is an abnormal Canal of Nuck communicating to the labia majora
in a male, communicating is a hernia
What color is stool on x ray
White (fluffy)
where does deep fascia go
Around entire penis
also known as bucks fascia
stops at base of penis
Layer of uterus that causes cancer
What color is air on an x ray