Reproduction responce TEST Flashcards
Menstrual cycle
Changes that occur in the lining of the endometrium
Secretes gonadotropin releasing factors - carried to the anterior pituitary.
Corpus lectum secretes..
Progesterone and some oestrogen.
Purpose of Progesterone
Maintain lining of uterus in menstrual cycle
Ovarian cycle
Maturation of secondary oocyte and formation of corpus leteum
Lutenizing hormone (LH)
Causing graafian follicle to burst and relese secondary oocyte (ovulation)
Follicle stimulating hormone (FHS)
Causes primary follicle to mature and complete meosis 1. Secretes oestrogen too.
what happens to oestrogen levels when the follicle is developing
Becomes so high it inhibits Follicle stimulating hormone and lutenizing hormone increases.
Oestrogen and progesterone levels drop before cycle starts again
Endometrium shed during the first days of cycle due to lack of progesterone
Detection of ovulation
Rhythum method, mucus method, temperature meothod, coitus interruptus, mechanical barriers, spermicides, hormonal contraceptives, pill, sterilization
Rhythm method
Assumes 28 day cycle with ovulation on day 14 - no hormonal changes
Mucus method
Used to predict fertile window. after mensturation feels dry, ovulation approaches mucus develops, thick and cloudy, day of ovulation thin and stringy, sex considedred safe when there is no mucus
Temperature method
Body temperature used to determine day of ovulation - sharp drop then rise
Coitus interruptus
Removal of penis prior to male orgasm
Male condom
Thin latex rubber roleld onto erect penis (prevent sperm entering and sti’s)
Rubber cap that fits across the top of the vagina
Cervical cap
Smaller than diaphragm, fits over cervix
Female condom
Lubricated sheat that fits over cervix
Creams, gels, sprays, pessaries
Hormonal comtraceptives
Combined pill, mini pill, injectables, implants, Intrauterine devices,
The combined pill
Contains synthetic progesterone and estrogen. Prevents ovulation. Taken daily or levels drop
Mini pill
Only contains synthetic progesterone. Thins lining of uterus so implantion cannot occur
Syntehtic progesterone injected into body - lasts 12 weeks. same as mini pill
Implantion (Contraception)
Match stick containing synthetic progesterone - lasts 3 years.
Vaginal rings
Left in vagina for 3 weeks then removef for 1 week. Progesterone and estrogen diffuses out.
Intrauterine devides (IDU’s)
Made of plastic/copper & inserted into uterus. Slowly release progesterone - lasts 5 years
Morning after pill
Progesterone tablet - taken up to 72 hours afer unprotected intercourse - prevents ovulation
Vas deferens severed
Tubal ligation
Fallopian tubes severed and tied.
Fusion of male and female gamete.
Growth after fertilisation
Zygote -> undergoes cleavage -> Morula -> undergoes mitosis -> Blastocyst -> Implantation
Primary germ layers
Endoderm, Mesoderm, Ectoderm
Surrounds embryo and secrets amniotic fluid