Reproduction Flashcards
Fibrocystic Breast Disease
- Dense and lumpy breast
- Waxes and wanes with menstrual cycles
Intraductal Papilloma (of Breast)
MC cause of spontaneous nipple discharge BUT it is bloody or serosanguinous
- small tumor of lactiferous ducts usually beneath areola
- in premenopausal women
After giving birth is commonly from Bacteroides (leukocytosis and foul smelling discharge)
During erection, venous blood fills in:
Corpus cavernosa
_______ Passes through Inguinal Canal in Females
Round Ligament
Increased Risk of Leiomyoma in:
Black women
High LH/FSH ratio (LH very high and FSH is low)
Nerves and Vessels in ____________ of Ovary
Suspensory Ligament
______ decrease risk of Non-hereditary Ovarian Cancer
OCPs (fewer ovulatory cycles)
Pseudomyxoma Peritonei
(jelly belly): MC originates from ovary or appendix
VDRL/RPR (screening) or FTA-ABS+(confirmatory): Syphilis (treponema)
- Can cause an aneurysm due to vasa vasorum obliteration
Tertiary Syphilis
- Obliterative endarteritis of the vasa vasorum: Aortic aneurysm risk
- Argyll Robertson pupils
- Tabes dorsalis
Homeobox genes
DNA binding transcription factors
Lithium as teratogen
Ebstein anomaly (tricuspid valve abnormality w/ atrialized RV)
If newborn presents with opioid withdrawal symptoms:
(rhinorrhea, diarrhea, seizure, sneezing, tremor, etc.), give a tincture of opium
Grape-like mass in vagina of child
Lymphogranuloma venerium
- aw/ chlamydia
- Necrotizing granulomatous inflammation of inguinal lymphatics
- Initially painless then later very painful lymph nodes
Drugs causing Erectile Dysfunction
SSRIs and sympathetic blockers (clonidine, methyldopa, and B-blockers)
Aromatase Inhibitors
Exemastane and Anastrozole
- can be used in post-menopausal women for breast cancer
In PCOS Patients that Desire Fertility Use:
Clomiphene (SERM that is an antagonist at estrogen receptors preventing feedback inhibition)
Fibroadenoma (of Breast)
Benign, Small, mobile, firm mass (marble-like)
MC in young (under 35 yrs)
Cellular myxoid stroma around glandular/cystic spaces
- size and pain w/ estrogen
Nipple Retraction due to Invasive Breast Cancer
Infiltration of the suspensory Cooper’s ligament
Comedocarcinoma (Subtype of DCIS)
Solid sheets of pleomorphic high grade cells w/ central necrosis (does not extend beyond ductal basal membrane)
hPL (human placental lactogen)
Increases insulin resistance (stimulates proteolysis and lipolysis, inhibits gluconeogenesis)
Endometrial tissue within the myometrium (enlarged soft uterus)
Biopsy of endometrium w/ an Ectopic Pregnancy
Decidual endometrium WITHOUT chorionic villi
Neuroectoderm Makes:
CNS, retina, optic nerve, neurohypophysis
Neural Crest makes:
PNS, melanocytes, parafollicular C cells, adrenal medulla chromaffin cells
Surface ectoderm makes:
epidermis, adenohypophysis (rathke’s puch), below pectinate, ear, olfactory, glands
Extrinsic disruption
Deformation (after embryonic period)
eg. Potter
Intrinsic disruption
Malformation (during embryonic period)
Teratogen: Thalidomide
Flipper limb, limb defects
MC Type of Monozygotic Twin
Monochorionic (one placenta)
Diamnionic (2 amniotic sacs)
- Separate at 4-8 days before blastocyst stage
(separating late is more likely to be conjoined)
Branchial Cleft =
Branchial Arch =
Branchial Pouch =
cleft is ectoderm (outermost)
arch is mesoderm and neural crest
pouch is endoderm (innermost)
Branchial Clefts
1st cleft –> external auditory meatus
2-4th clefts –> temporary cervical sinuses obliterated
- remnants are branchial cleft cysts in lateral neck
Branchial Arch 1
M’s (chew)
Muscles of mastication, Mandible, Malleus
V2, V3
Treacher Collins Syndrome
1st branchial arch failure
mandibular hypoplasia
Congenital Pharyngocutaneous Fistula
Persistent cleft and pouch (2nd arch) –> fistula between tonsillar area and neck
Branchial Arch 2
S’s (smile)
Stapedius, stylohyoid, stapes, styloid
Branchial Arch 3
(swallow stylishly)
Branchial Arch 4
(simply swallow)
Pharyngeal constrictors, cricothyroid
x (superior laryngeal branch)
Branchial Arch 6
all intrinsic muscles of larynx (except cricothyroid)
X (recurrent laryngeal branch)
Branchial Pouch 1
Middle ear cavity, eustachian tube, mastoid air cells
Branchial Pouch 2
Tonsils (palatine)
Branchial Pouch 3
Inferior parathyroids + Thymus
Branchial Pouch 4
Superior parathyroids
Leydig (men) and Theca (women)
Sertoli (men) and Granulosa (women)
SRY gene
Gene for MIF (mullerian inhibiting factor)
Testes determining factor (testes development)
only on Y chromosome
Testosterone in fetus
develops male internal structures
DHT in fetus
male external genitalia
Sertoli Cells
secrete FSH and MIF
production of sperm
Mesonephric Ducts
Wolffian Ducts –> male internal structures except prostate
seminal vesicles, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, and vas deferens
Paramesonephric Ducts
Mullerian ducts –> female internal structures (fallopian tubes, uterus, upper portion of vagina)
Incomplete fusions of the paramesonephric ducts –> bicornate uterus
SRY gene but no Sertoli cells or no MIF
develop both male and female internal genitalia and male external genitalia
(testosterone and DHT still present)
SRY gene but no 5a-reductase
male internal genitalia (testosterone still present)
ambiguous external genitalia until puberty (when testosterone causes 2ndary characteristics)
Male External Genitalia derived from
Genital Tubercle
Prostate Derived from
UG sinus