Endocrine Flashcards
Nuclear receptor that is bound by –glitazones (TZD’s)
- Transcriptional Regulator
- Increases GLUT4 gene expression (adipocytes)
- Weight gain and edema are a side effect
Bind regulatory subunit of Katp channel on pancreatic Beta cells to close them (calcium influx → insulin release)
Aldosterone in Addison’s (Primary Adrenal Insufficiency):
- Low aldosterone: Decreased serum Na and Bicarb
Decreased Na reabsorption) & Increased serum K and Cl (Decreased H+ and K+ excretion
Decreased Deep Tendon Reflexes with _______
Reverse T3
Inactive form of thyroid hormone that is generated with peripheral conversion of T3 to T4
Diabetics should _______
Inspect feet daily because risk of infections
- May have peripheral arterial disease (due to atherosclerotic femoral arteries)
High PTH, low Ca due to resistant PTH receptors
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Looks like germinal centers on histology
High levels of vitamin D
Increase both Ca and PO4, and decrease PTH
- Bitemporal hemianopsia
- Calcified, resembles tooth enamel
- Solid, cystic, and calcified; filled with machinery oil liquid
Kallman’s Syndrome
No GnRH because failed to migrates from olfactory placode, anosomia
Acute primary adrenal insufficiency due to n. meningitides
Carrier proteins for oxytocin and ADH
- Produced by hypothalamus
Alpha2 and Somatostatin: Effect on Insulin
Decrease insulin release
TZD’s (glitazones)
PPARgamma → decreases insulin resistance
- Transcriptional regulation
DPP4 inhibitors
Increased secretion of insulin:
Sulfonureas and DPP4
Increased sensitivity of insulin
Metformin and TZDs (glitazones)
Ophthalmopathy in Grave’s treated w/