Cardio Flashcards
MC cause of cardiomyopathy
Cocksackie B Virus
Digoxin: Mechanism
- Blocks Na/K ATPase which causes buildup of intracellular Ca → increased contractility
- Increases parasympathetic tone by acting on Vagus nerve → decreased rate of AV conduction
Digoxin: Toxicity
- Toxicity: yellow-green vision, arrhythmia (potentially fatal)
- Hyperkalemia in acute digoxin toxicity, but hypokalemia makes patient more susceptible to effects of digoxin
Endocarditis in IV drug users
Staph Aureus
Endocarditis w/ S. Bovis
Colon Cancer
Endocarditis w/ Prothetic Valves
S. epidermis (if 60 days)
Endocarditis after Dental Procedure
Chemoreceptors: Central vs Peripheral
- Central: (in medulla) senses high CO2
- Peripheral: (in carotid and aortic bodies) senses low O2, and also high O2
Chemoreceptors in COPD
Blunted response to pCO2 (hypercapnia)
Carotid Sinus
- Most of BP regulation (responsible for 80% of the response to hypotension)
- Fires more with HTN (increased stretch) and tachycardia
- Cut nerve connections → less signals → body thinks it is hypotensive → HTN + tachycardia
Carotid Sinus Massage
Causes parasympathetics to decrease the AV node conduction (by prolonging the refractory period)
Baroreceptors: Carotid vs Aortic
- Stretch increases signals
- Carotid: afferent is glossopharyngeal (hering’s nerve); Both increases and decreases in BP sensed
- Aortic: afferent is vagus; Only increases in BP sensed
VSD Murmur
Loud holosystolic murmur
ASD Murmur
Wide, fixed splitting of S2
Mitral Regurgitation Murmur
Holosystolic blowing murmur radiating to apex (aw/ Rheumatic fever)
Aortic Regurgitation Murmur and Signs
- Blowing diastolic murmur (decrescendo)
- Loudest in early diastole, end of expiration
- Quinke pulse, and head bobbing
- Wide/Increased pulse pressure
Delayed Closure of Pulmonic Valve Sound
Wide, fixed split S2
Mitral Valve Prolapse Murmur
Mid-systolic click with a regurgitation murmur following
Mitral Stenosis Murmur
Opening snap w/ diastolic rumble
aw/ Rheumatic Heart Disease
Aortic Stenosis Murmur
Crescendo-decrescendo (systolic)
Aortic Regurgitation Murmur
Decrescendo (diastolic)
Effect of Digoxin w/ Diuretic
Hypokalemia –> PVC (premature ventricular contractions)
Subendocardial infarction can be a result of _____
Prolonged hypotension
Dressler’s Syndrome
Autoimmune pericarditis 2-10 wks post-MI
Senile Cardiac Amyloidosis
Amyloid Light Chain (AL) vs Amyloid Associated (AA)
AL: primary/systemic
AA: secondary or autoimmune
Wedge Pressure
- Should equal left-ventricular end diastolic pressure
- If wedge is much higher, then indicates stenosis of mitral valve
Valve Affects w/ IV drug use
Tricuspid –> regurgitation
Mitral Stenosis
Right atrial pressure is much greater than left ventricular pressure near the end of diastole
Bicuspid Aortic Valve
Aortic stenosis w/ ejection click
- aw/ Turner’s
- Calcifies due to wear and tear after age 60
Pressure Volume Loop: Contractility
Increased Slope
Pressure Volume Loop: Stroke Volume vs Preload
SV: Increased Width
Preload: Increased Width to the Right
Pressure Volume Loop: Arterial Pressure/BP
Increase height
Vasculitis w/ eosinophilia
- aw/ atopic dermatitis and asthma
- granulomatous
- MPO and p-anca
Metoprolol + Thiazides cause ______
Pathophysiology of Aortic Dissection
Medial change (cystic medial degeneration w/ intimal tear) - smoking and high BP
Pathophysiology of Aneurysm
Intimal streak (atherosclerosis)
- MC abdominal
- Thoracic in Marfan’s
Infective Endocarditis
o Fever, new murmur, janeway lesions, osler nodes, roth spots, and splinter hemorrhages
Endocarditis w/ Negative blood cultures
HACEK (difficult to grow)
____ can Infect Normal/Undamaged Valves
Staph aureus
Non-infective Endocarditis: Causes
- Hypercoagulable state associated vegetations
- Underlying adenocarcinoma
- Libman Sacks
Non-infective endocarditis (aw/ SLE): vegetations on surface and undersurface
Severity of a MR Holosystolic Murmur Indicated by ______
Presence of S3 gallop
- Accentuated on expiration
Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Sound and Causes
(S3 - Kan- kakee)
[turbulent blood flow into ventricles, heard during rapid filling]
- coxsackie B myocarditis, genetic mutation (in cytoskeletal proteins like dystrophin or mitochondrial enzymes of ox phos), alcohol, doxorubicin, pregnancy, hemochromatosis
Hemochromatosis: Defect
HFE defect (intestinal absorption)
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Sound and Cause
[Heard immediately after atrial contraction as blood is forced into stiff ventricle]
- usually genetic cause (Genetic mutation in sarcomere proteins [disorganized])
- Syncope with exercise due to functional aortic stenosis due to hypertrophied ventricular septum
- LV obstruction due to anterior leaftlet of mitral valve and hypertrophied interventricular septum
- normal coronary arteries
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy: Effect and Causes
- Low QRS amplitude
- Decreased compliance
- Loffler syndrome, amyloidosis, or sarcoidosis
Loffler Syndrome
Endomyocardial fibrosis and eosinophilia that causes Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
MC primary tumor of heart in children
- aw/ Tuberous Sclerosis
Hyaline Arteriolosclerosis
From benign hypertension or diabetes
Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
From malignant hypertension
- onion skinning of arterioles
Buerger’s Disease
Segmental vasculitis in Asian male smokers → claudication and gangrene/ulcers
Nitrates: Mechanism/Effects
Act primarily as venodilators to relieve stable angina by decreasing preload
- Can cause reflex tachycardia
Treat Nitrate-induced Reflex Tachycardia w/ _______
Beta blockers
Polyarteritis Nodosa
Transmural inflammation of arteries w/ fibrinoid necrosis
- Fever, malaise, melena, weight loss
- Hep B in 10-30%
Alpha-1 (3 effects)
- Vasoconstriction
- Dilates (mydriasis)
- Contracts sphincters of bladder and intestine
Beta-2 (6 effects)
- Relaxes uterus (inhibits contractions)
- Bronchodilation
- Ciliary muscle relaxation
- Increase aqueous humor
- Increase insulin release
- Vasodilation
Treat Hypertensive Emergency w/ ______
Nitroprusside or Fenoldopam
- Nitroprusside (equal effect on arteries and veins –> decreases preload and afterload)
- Fenoldopam (arterial dilation and natriuresis)
Pulsus Paradoxus Definition
Decrease by greater than 10 in systolic BP on inspiration) (eg. w/ cardiac tamponade)
Assessing Pulsus Paradoxus
- Inflate a cuff above systolic, slowly release and will only hear Korotkoff sounds on expiration, keep lowering and will hear it throughout
- Inspiration causes increased venous return → increased right heart volume (normally this should have little effect on left side) but in conditions impairing expansion into pericardial spaces (tamponade, restrictive pericarditis etc ) → increased RV pressure pushes IV septum towards left and blocks outflow → decreased systemic BP on inspiration
Treat B-Blocker Overdose w/ _______
- Raises HR and Contractility independent of adrenergic receptors
- Increases cAMP in cardiac myocytes
Conduction Velocity: Fast to Slow
Purkinje > Atrial muscle > ventricular muscles > AV node
- (park at ventura avenue)